Cuarenta y cinco

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(a/n: i know i told you i'll be posting nine chapters however i did not get to finish them. i actually just finished this chapter last night. please forgive me this time. okay this is the end of my update for this week!!!! yay!!!!)

"m-miss Catherine...."

"did I tell you to speak? Keep quiet and go ponder in the corner of your own wrong doing right now!!!"

"Cat?" I watch in the corner as Ryuuji approached Catherine, from the seriousness in his face I am positive that he's raging mad. Right now I need to stay in the background because my instincts tells me that since I caused Catherine's first drunken incident back on her birthday Ryuuji will surely vent his anger on me. Leon is still suffering the effect of his action and I barely managed to get away from Ryuuji's anger back then right now Ryuuji had surely elevated my name in the list of possible culprits so I got to lay low a bit.

"........." Catherine look at the approaching Ryuuji and somehow the area around them emits a tense air

"what are you doing Catherine?" Catherine tilts her head to the side as she continue to look at Ryuuji

"you" I swallowed air when Catherine points a finger at Ryuuji "bow down before me" aiyah!!!!!! She said it

"are you drunk Cat?"

"you dare to call me that?" Ryuuji continued to advance until he's standing in front of Catherine "what are you doing?" Catherine lean back as Ryuuji bend down to sniff her

"I can't sme---urk" I look to the side when Catherine suddenly slapped Ryuuji "bastard you dare to sniff me up" I did not see that, I did not hear that.

"oh no!! miss Catherine slapped president"

"are they fighting?"

"miss Catherine's queenly attitude is so moe"

"I want to be slapped by miss Catherine" I scratched my head as I heard the conversations around me

I touched the cheek that Catherine had slapped as I look at her prideful look. The last time I saw her drunk she keep on talking and talking about some heroine, now that she's drunk again, she acts like a queen. but the most amazing thing is that even though Catherine was drunk she doesn't look like one at all. This girl is scary when she's drunk, she's even more unpredictable than when she's sober

"cat, you're starting a commotion" I need to get her out of here if the teachers learns that she's drunk she might be suspended. So far I could trust our classmates when it comes to Catherine's well-being but with the outsiders pouring in it'll be difficult to shut their mouth.

"you're a persistent one. Do you think that with your crappy arrogant attitude I would just submit to you like that" she even snapped to make a point "too naïve" looks like handling this drunk Catherine will be more troublesome than the drunk talkative her.

"I see then if normal talk wouldn't work"

"what are you doing? Let me down!!!!!" I ignore her cries and her struggle as I carry her in my arms "I did not give you any permission to hold you commoner!!!!"

"do you really want to struggle cat?" I asked in a threatening tone she only glare at me and to my surprise she suddenly put her arms around me and before I could react she gave me a head-butt, using that momentary distraction she leap off my arms as she stands while looking down on me.

Aiyah!!!! I shake my head as I watch how Catherine looks down on president Ryuuji, I wonder if this action of hers would affect president Ryuuji's reputation?

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now