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(a/n: here's a little extra for this week)

After studying my lessons I immediately cleaned up my desk and opened my laptop. I went to my history box and click on the video channel where I had been conducting my villainy tutorial.

Looking into the videos listed I clicked the one I haven't watched yet as I reached for my secret black book and opened it. While watching intently, I was jutting down the acts committed by the villains in the scene and try to imagine which possible school scenario could they be applicable too.

"fufufufu.....with this I will slowly advance to intermediate level in villainy. Just you wait heroine when you entered high school I would've entered sage level in villainy and be a god-like villain. Ohohoho" I laughed using my villainy laugh with gusto while looking at my laptop screen as I saw the villain throw a water on the heroine. "hmmm....water is really essential when it comes to villainy acts, I should start bringing water bottle when I enter high school so that I could drenched the heroine." I jutted down the information.

"Catherine?" i immediately closed my laptop and black notebook before cautiously looking at my brother who came to check on me

"y-yes bro-brother?" I ask innocently

"its already one in the morning aren't you going to sleep yet?"

"eh??" I look at my alarm clock and true to my brother's words it already one

"anyway what were you still doing?" brother went inside my room and check my desk but I immediately pick my laptop, I was reaching for my black notebook but brother beat me to it "hmmmm...what's this? villainy 101.......easy steps to become a good villain" brother look at me with disbelief after reading the contents of my notebook.

"ummm...." I gave brother a sheepish smile when I can't think of any excuse

"seriously, stop this villainy stuff and go to sleep"

"yes brother" I sighed in relief when brother did not poke much information about my black notebook.

Catherine was leisurely walking in the courtyard, thinking about books, their class that morning have been cancelled due to some meeting so she decided to go to the library to request books. Since only the middle school section had the free time she can't go to the high school section to visit her  brothet because their classes are still on going.


Kana went to their clubroom for a visit so she was alone for the moment, she was contemplating a while ago if she should also check the karate club but decided that she could do it later after ordering the books.


Catherine stopped, she thought she was only imagining things when she heard a meowing sound but it seems like she was wrong.


Catherine look around but only the cultured grass and magnolia trees are present, no shadow of a cat could be seen. She headed towards the perfectly line trees and looked up, as she expect she saw a small kitten holed up in one of the thick branches of the magnolia tree.

"how did you end up there?" if Kana could hear me right now I was sure I will be scolded by her


"looks like you can't get down" I look around me, when I found no one around I immediately climbed the magnolia tree.

I had been practicing my tree climbing when I noticed some fruit bearing trees in our yard plus it is a good way of escaping from chasers. I'd already watch enough anime and movies where it proves that climbing a tree to escape from someone is quite effective. "here we go" after reaching the branch I immediately swing my leg and straddled it then I grabbed tightly on the branch to maintain my balance. "here, kitty, kitty" I called the kitten but it only look at me

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now