Cuarenta y uno

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"come here Cherry, I'll wipe the cream off your mouth"

"yes, mama" I smiled at her when Aoi came to give us water

"here" I gave Aoi a smile


"if you need anything, just ask me" I nodded and Aoi ruffled my hair, Cherry who have been watching us giggled and clutch Aoi's hand

"papa, mama kiss" I look at her in shock before I look at Aoi, I breathe a sigh of relief when he responded with an assuring smile. Then he bent down and kiss my hair which made me look at him in surprise

"is that okay?"

"unn!!" she said happily before she went back to her food while I droop down my head, I look up when u felt Aoi's pat on my head.

"just a little more, the meeting will end in thirty minutes"

"okay" i said mechanically.

So the principal of the high school section decided to visit and check the dealings of the middle school section. Now, before coming, high school principal went to fetch his granddaughter in the elementary section. after doing his rounds the high school principal stopped by to the student council office to inquire about our jobs and since all the student council members are out except me I graciously extended our hospitality to him.

While having some talk, frankly it was some sort of an interrogation disguised as small talk, Cherry suddenly asked if I am the onee-san that Zero had been talking lately, seems like the two of them are classmates. Nodding in answer Cherry then enthusiastically engaged me into a lot of talk as she take a sit beside me, seeing as the two of us are getting cozy with each other the high school principal decided that he'll leave Cherry in my care for a while, it is during that moment that Aoi came in the office.

Aoi was surprised when he saw the high school principal but it only lasted for a mere second before he regains his composure and greeted him. Cherry who is curiously looking at Aoi suddenly blurted out that she wanted to play house and that since Aoi is here he should be the daddy while I'll be the mommy and of course Cherry will be the child. Seeing her granddaughter's enthusiastic attitude the high school principal then asked us to take care of his granddaughter for a while as he will be having some meeting with our principal. After saying his piece, he left the room.

"mama I want to go outside" Cherry tug at my sleeve, I pick her up and sat her on my lap

"we can't, we need to stay here and wait for grandfather"

"but I want to go outside mama"

"I'm sorry Cherry" she pouted before she climb down my lap, she then went to Aoi who is doing some work while still trying to play with us.


"hmmm?" Aoi set aside the papers in his hand and he turn his attention to Cherry "what is it Cherry?"

"papa, I want to go outside" Aoi look at me and I shake my head.

"sorry, Cherry but mama said no"

"b-but I want to go outside" Aoi look down at Cherry and at that moment the door opens and Kana and Ryuuji came in.


"papa, I want to go out" since my attention had been turn on the direction of the door I saw how Kana look at Aoi and Cherry in shock while Ryuuji just keep on walking after giving the two of them a short glimpse.

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now