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"check this one and make a detailed report" I received another report as I placed the finished one on the pile of documents by my side. I have been noticing that Ryuuji have been giving me more and more papers to check and make a detailed report to.

"club" I ask Ryuuji after noticing that most of them we're dated last semester.

"there were some problems with them, many of those club reports were submitted during the closing ceremony and the finance reports we asked from the school were just released this Summer" I nodded in understanding

"but this is quite a number" I resumed typing

"it's because the administration asked us to compile and make a report of all the student council files for the past ten years" I stop typing and look at him, are you trying to tell me that we have to finish those amount in such a short time.

"stop day dreaming and continue with your work"

"do you plan to finish all these reports tonight?" he look at me

"are you an idiot?" somehow with the way he said those words coupled with his icy expression makes me feel like wanting to bash him with my laptop. "just finish what we can do today" I was just asking an innocent question you know!!!

"Ryuuji!" here come's another trouble "I had something to ta—urgh..." I noticed how Raijin grimaced when he looked at me "what are you doing here?" I immediately sat straight and cross my legs while resting my chin at the palm of my hands.

"my if it isn't mr. arrogant"

"let's just talk some other time Ryuuji" I smiled at Raijin but he just gave me a glare before walking away.

"hahaha" I can't help but laugh at his expression "your brother really had a serious problem with rich girls, his expressions are interesting"

"his first love is a rich brat who dumped him in middle school which gave him that kind of allergic attitude against rich women who act like queens"

"eh.....that's a pretty normal reason" I return back to what I am doing "I did not expect him to have that kind of past...........but is it alright to tell me this kind of thing?"


"what a nice black mailing material"

"are you sure you want talk about that kind of thing in front of me?"

"its not like you're gonna tell on me right?"

"it's too troublesome"

"figures, that's why I am confident in saying this kind of things about your brother in front of you"

"are you sure you want to stop typing?"

"eh??" I look at the pile of paper that is starting to accumulate in front of me then at the other set placed there by Ryuuji and I suddenly remember where I am and what I am supposed to do. "ahermn.....i'll get to it"


I stretch my arms that's starting to get numb from tiredness and I glare at the few stacks of paper on Ryuuji's side. When he turn to my side I immediately resumed what I was doing. I look up when I heard a phone rang and saw Ryuuji answering the phone. When he stood up I look at my laptop but I immediately stand and go to Ryuuji's desk after he walk out of the room. I peak at what he's working on and I feel like having a head ache when I saw the array of numbers in his screen, I pick one of the documents lying near his laptop and read some information. He's working on something this hard? Somehow I am starting to feel good despite the huge stack of papers on my desk.

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now