twenty six

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I got into Shawn's car and the next day and huffed. He looked at me. "What's up with you England?"
I took a deep breath. "Can you do me a favour?"
He pouted. "It depends on what it is."
"It's a long story but what are you up to Friday night?" I asked.
He thought for a second. "Nothing, why?"
"I may have accidentally invented a boyfriend and I need you to be that boyfriend for a night."
He laughed. "How the hell did you invent a fake boyfriend?"
"My mum saw the hickey you gave me and she started asking questions. So I lied and said you gave it to me because you are my boyfriend. But she wants to meet you properly tonight so please can you pretend to be my boyfriend infront of her?"
I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh my god, thank you."
"But you have to pay me."
I punched his arm.
"Ow!" He yelled. "I was joking!"
I laughed. "So can you come to mine on Friday for 7?"
He nodded. "Why didn't you just tell her the truth?"
"To be honest. My parents have been arguing a lot recently and she looked happy when she was teasing me about you."
"Will you ever tell her the truth?"
"What does that mean?"
"That means we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."


I tried to get some school work done before Shawn came over but I couldn't concentrate, I was so nervous. I took a shower, dried my hair and straightened it. Just as I was about to put on my outfit mum came in. "What are you wearing tonight?"
"I was thinking about wearing my yellow mini skirt and a black square neck top."
Before I could ask her why she cut me off. "No you're not."
She went into her room and came back holding a beautiful black off the shoulder dress.
I immediately covered my mouth with my hand. "Oh my god mum, you didn't have to buy me a dress."
She handed it to me. "You've been spending a lot of time with this boyfriend of yours and I want tonight to be special. Also I didn't buy this, it's mine."
I put on the dress and it fit perfectly. I finished up my makeup and shortly after the door bell rang so I rushed down stairs to get it.
I opened the door to Shawn standing in a grey shirt and black smart trousers holding a bunch of flowers. Before he said anything he just stared at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing." He smiled. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you." He handed me the flowers and I stepped back so he could come in.
We walked into the kitchen and I walked over to the cupboard to get a vase. I opened the drawer and picked up some scissors. Shawn immediately took them off me. "Let me."
I smiled and stepped away.
He cut the bottoms off all the stems and arranged the flowers neatly in the vase. He then filled it with the water and placed it on the middle table. Mum came down stairs and entered the kitchen. I pulled Shawn forward. "Mum, this is my boyfriend Shawn."
He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she did the same. "Nice to see you again Mrs Smith."
"Please call me Kim." She gave him a hug and after picked up her keys.
Shawn stood next to me and placed his arm around my waist. It felt weird at first but I just went with it.
"Dad will be here soon and then we can head off."
While we were waiting for Dad she questioned Shawn and I was surprisingly pleased with his answers. Dad then came back and Shawn immediately held his hand out to greet him.
"Shawn, nice to meet you sir."
He shook Shawn's hand firmly. "You've got guitar hands, do you play?"
"I do actually." Shawn replied.
Their hand shake broke and we all headed to the car. Shawn kept his arm around my waist until we got in.
He turned to me. "How did your dad know I played guitar?"
"He's a guitarist himself."
We parked up and when we got out of the car Shawn held out his arm. I linked my arm with his and we walked in. The waiter directed us to a booth and Shawn let everyone else sit down first before sitting down himself. We all ordered our food. Mum ordered the seafood platter, Dad ordered Lasagna and me and Shawn both ordered pizza.
"So how did you two meet?" Mum asked.
I looked at Shawn. "We met on the first day of school, I had no idea where I was going and not wanting to be late for my first lesson I rushed down the corridor. I ended up bumping into him and he showed me where to go." I looked over at Shawn. "We've been friends ever since." Mum and Dad both smiled. I felt bad lying to them but I couldn't exactly tell them the truth about how we met. We ate our food whilst Mum and Dad asked Shawn a lot of questions, it was almost like they were interviewing him. I'm actually surprised Shawn didn't lie when he answered any of them. Shawn offered to pay for his meal but Dad insisted to pay for everyone.  We all got up to leave but just as I was about to walk off I felt Shawn take my hand and intertwine our fingers. I looked at him and he winked. Mum looked behind at us and saw our hands, she raised her eyebrows at me and then smiled. I quietly told her to stop so Shawn wouldn't notice. She just laughed and turned back round. We got back in the car and headed home. I rested my head on Shawn's shoulder and closed my eyes. I have to admit being someone's girlfriend again did feel nice, even if it was only pretend. Mum and Dad dropped us off and drove to the shops, they had to get some milk. I unlocked the front door and Shawn walked into the house behind me.
"Thank you for tonight, I actually had a really nice time." I smiled.
"Be honest, was I a good boyfriend?"
"Well they seemed to like you so surprisingly yes."
There was an awkward pause until Shawn broke it. "You didn't tell me your dad plays guitar?"
"Yeah, he taught me but I prefer playing the piano."
"You can play the piano?"
"Show me."
I laughed. "What?"
"I wanna see you play."
"Okay." I walked upstairs and opened the door to Dad's study.
I sat on the piano stool and Shawn sat next to me. I tied my hair back and closed my eyes as I let my fingers play. He watched me until I hit a bad note.
I cringed. "I can't get that note right."
"Is it an original?"
"Yeah, I just started to play one day and since then I've added to it each time."
"Play that part again."
I played the part again and hit the same note.
He thought for a second. "How about this."
He moved his fingers across the keys mimicking my hands and played a different note that made the tune fit perfectly.
"I like that, what did you do?"
He took my hand and guided it playing the same tune he did.
"That sounded so good, thank you."
He smiled and then there was a pause. He looked down at my lips and then back at me. I kept my eyes on his but before anyone could do anything Mum and Dad came back in and called us both back downstairs.
"We're going to light a fire, do you two want to sit around it." Mum said holding two fire logs.
"Depends, are we going to make smores?" I asked.
She scoffed. "Of course."
I kissed her on the cheek and grabbed the marshmallows and graham crackers off the side. "Love you."
We all sat around the fire and toasted our marshmallows. I turned to Shawn. "Have you ever made a smore?"
My face dropped. "What!"
"I've never had one."
I grabbed two graham crackers and then sandwiches them between my toasted marshmallow. I then squeezed the crackers together making the melted marshmallow ouse out. I held it to his mouth and he bit into it. I watched as he chewed and then swallowed.
"What do you think?" I asked.
"Thats really good."
He went to take the smore off me but I pulled it away. "Get your own."
He shook his head and then made himself one.


As we sat around the fire Shawn told us all about how he wants to be a singer and how his vine blew up overnight. He even had a long conversation with dad about guitars. I didn't even realise that I had my head rested on Shawn's chest until Mum came over and gave us a blanket to share. I thought about taking it off but I was comfortable and surely Shawn was too otherwise he would've asked me to get off him. After the fire died down we decided to call it a night. Mum and Dad went upstairs to bed and I saw Shawn out. We stood at the front door. "Thanks again for my flowers, you didn't have to get me anything."
"No problem." He smiled and looked at me for a second.
"What?" I asked.
"What is it?" I insisted.
He smiled and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear keeping his hand placed on my cheek "Nothing I just had a really great time tonight."
He looked into my eyes and then paused for a moment, I wanted to tell him I had a great time too but before I can say anything he suddenly leans forward and presses his lips against mine knocking all the air out of my lungs. My eyes involuntarily widen as I stumble back slightly, only to be held firmly by his strong hands bringing my figure against his. His lips are so soft and they become my oxygen.
The only problem is I don't do anything.
He pulls away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ha-"
Impulse takes over and I cut him off by leaning in to kiss him again. At first he is taken by surprise but soon catches on. He smiles against my lips and soon his smile becomes contagious. I wrap my arms around his neck closing the distance between us and slowly move my lips along his, his lips are soft and sweet. Excitement bursts inside me like fireworks and an overwhelming feeling of safety comes over me. I never want this feeling to end.


AHHHHHH it finally happened!! Things are looking up for Jazz (or are they?)

Instagram: heartofshawnx

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