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I woke up the next morning to the sound of knocking. I sat up and crossed my legs. "Come in." Shawn walked in with a glass of water. He handed me the glass and then I drank from it before resting it on my knee. I ran my fingers through my hair. "What time is it?"
"It's almost 10."
He sat on the end of the bed and looked at me. "How are you feeling?"
I rubbed some sleep out of my eye. "My head is killing."
He laughed. "Are you working today?"
I took another sip of water. "No."
"Do you wanna go out for something to eat?"
"What would your girlfriend think of that?"
"Me and Lyndsey aren't together."
I exhaled. "Okay, you two need to make up your mind."
He laughed. "I broke up with her as soon as I found out she threatened you."
"Who told you?"
I didn't say anything.
"Look, I want to apologise for everything, let me take you out to dinner tonight."
I thought for a moment, I shouldn't but then I could potentially get a free dinner. "Okay but just dinner, it's not a date."
"I never said it was." He smirked
He took me home and then mum decided to take me shopping. We walked around forever 21 looking at all the clothes on sale. I didn't find anything I liked but mum made me come with her to the fitting rooms so I could give her my opinion on what she picked.
"I have some news." I shouted to her through the curtain.
"What's that?"
"I had an audition yesterday."
"For what?"
"For a performing arts school."
"What school?"
"Toronto School of Performing arts." (I couldn't think of any other name of someone can think of a better name comment below and I'll use that one lmao)
"How did it go?"
"Really well, she said she'll get back to me today but I haven't heard anything yet."
"You'll get in."
"We don't know that."
"You will."
We got home and placed the shopping bags on the counter. "I don't need any dinner tonight, Shawn's taking me out."
"I haven't seen Shawn lately how are you too?" She still thinks that Shawn is my boyfriend.
"We had a little argument but we're okay."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Nope." I said rushing upstairs so she couldn't ask me any more questions.
When I reached the top of the stairs my phone buzzed in my pocket.

From: Shawn
I'll come and pick you up at 6

To Shawn:
Okay, see you then

I decided to load Netflix and catch up on a few series before I got ready. It got to about 5:15 when I decided to start getting ready. I put on my black playsuit and put my hair into two French braids, pulling the braids at the bottom to make them look a little loose. I did my make up, grabbed my grey zip through hoodie and headed downstairs. I heard a knock at the door and opened it. "I've got to say good bye to mum and then we can go."
He nodded and then stepped inside. I shut the door behind him and walked into the living room.
"We're going." I called out.
"Wait a second." she quickly got off the couch and searched through some drawers.
"Stand still." She opened some dark liquid lipstick and delicately put it on my lips.
Once she was finished she walked me to the mirror.
"What do you think?"
I don't usually wear anything on my lips but it actually suited me and went perfectly with my outfit. "I love it."
She handed me the stick. "You can have it, it doesn't suit me."
"Thank you." She gave me a hug and then I walked back over to Shawn who was still standing by the door.
"Ready?" He asked
He opened the door letting me out first and then shut it carefully behind me. I expected his jeep to be parked outside but for some reason it wasn't.
I tuned around. "Where's your jeep?"
"I thought we could go to Olive Garden. I think Syd is working tonight and it would be cool for you to see what it's like eat at the restaurant you work at."
"Okay." We started to walk.
Things were still a little bit awkward between us so no one spoke until Shawn broke the silence. "So I have some news." He turned to me. "You know I've been posting some videos onto vine?"
"Well a guy named Bart Bordelon contacted me last week asking me if I wanted to be part of Magcon"
"What's Magcon" I asked.
"Magcon stands for meet and greet convention, me and some other guys from vine will basically be going on tour to perform and meet people."
"Wow that's amazing!" I stopped to give him a hug. "I'm so happy for you."
We arrived at Olive Garden and one of the waitress took us to our seats. She gave us a menu and then took an order for our drinks, we both choose a coke.
"Thank you again for last night, I don't know what I would've done if you didn't come and get me."
"That's okay." He paused. "About the bet."
I sighed. "Do we have to talk about that?"
"Yes because I need to explain everything."
I took a deep breath and let him continue.
"The bet started out as a bet, I was only talking to you so I could sleep with you and win but then I got to know you more and I started to really like you."
I smiled.
"Look, I've never slept in the same bed with a girl without having sex, I've never bought any girl home to my parents, I've never even punched a guy, I'm usually the one being punched."
I couldn't help but laugh. "What about Lyndsey?"
"We only dated for a month and in that time she cheated on me with 3 other guys, I put on a brave face infront of Dan and Jake but deep down I was upset."
"How do I know your not making this all up?"
"Ask Syd, she'll tell you the truth."
The lady came back over with our drinks and placed them on the table infront of us. "Are you ready to order?"
We both looked at eachother and nodded our heads. I ordered the margarita pizza and Shawn ordered some pasta.
"What were you doing at Chris' party anyway?"
"How did you know it was Chris's party?"
"I rang Syd after you rang me and she told me."
"Tom took me so I could met some of the girls I may be going to school with."
"What's going on with you and Tom?"
"I don't know, we kissed a few times."
"Do you like Tom?"
"I don't know."
"Well are you seeing him again?"
"Whats with all the questions?" I felt like he was invading my privacy a little bit.
"You know if you get with him, I'll only want you more."
My face dropped. "What?"
He didn't say anything but he kept his eyes on me as the waitress gave us our food. I took my eyes off his and then thanked her. I was about to take a slice off of my pizza but my phone starting ringing. It was an unknown number.
I picked it up and held it to my ear. "Hello."
"Hi Jasmine, this is Emma Tom's mom."
"Oh, hi."
I slid myself out of the both and walked outside.
"I'm just ringing to congratulate you."
My heart skipped a beat.
"Your audition was one of the best I've seen and we would love for you to join us."
"Thank you so much."
"I need to talk to you about sleeping arrangements, when are you free?"
"Sleeping arrangements?" Tom didn't mention anything about sleeping arrangements.
"You'll be moving into our halls next week."
My eyes widened. "What?"
"Did Tom not tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"My school is like a boarding school, you'll have your usual school lessons 9-3:30, then after you'll dance so we require you to sleep in our halls Monday to Friday and you can go home on the weekends."
"So I'll move in."
"Yes and I understand that this is a big decision so you may need to speak to your parents first, however I would like to know your decision within a week, that will give me enough time to arrange everything for you. Contact me as soon as you can."
"I will do thank you."
She hung up and I returned to the table in shock.
"Are you okay?" Shawn asked.
"That was the head of the school I auditioned for, she says if I want to join I'll have sleep at school Monday to Friday."
"So you're moving schools?"
"I don't know."
"Do you want to move?"
"Yeah, this is my dream but I don't know if my parents will let me."
We finished our desserts and I quickly nipped into the kitchen to say hi to Syd before we left, she was standing at the sink washing up whilst dancing to the radio.
I approached her and leaned against the side. "Hey."
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Shawn took me out to dinner."
"What?" She looked shocked.
"He apologised for the whole bet thing" I paused for a moment watching her clean each plate "Can I ask you something?"
"Shawn said that hes never slept in the same bed with a girl without having sex with her or bought a girl home to his parents but he dated Lyndsey for a whole month, is that true or is he just making it up?"
"Lyndsey and Shawn had a weird relationship, she never hung out with him in school, they only ever seemed to see eachother out of school. It was almost like their relationship was just sex. After he found out she cheated on him he slept with so many girls, it was almost like he got his heart broken and the only way he could feel better was through meaningless sex. But since you came, he hasn't even looked at any other girl. So many girls threw themselves on him at my party but he wanted you."
She looked at me. "That bet was stupid but he's a good guy, you should give him a second chance."
"What would you do? If you were me? Would you forgive him?"
"Yes I would, now stop talking to me and get back to your date."
"It's not a date."
She smirked. "Whatever you say."
I scoffed. "See ya later."
I met Shawn back at the door and we headed out.
He started to walk the wrong way home so I stopped. "Where are you going?"
He carried on walking. "For a walk along the beach."
I quickly caught up with him, when I approached him he took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. We walked along the beach talking until we decided to sit and watch the sunset.
I turned to him. "So are you nervous?"
"For what?"
"Where are you guys even going?"
"Um, Nashville, Atlanta, Miami, San Diego, New Jersey and Toronto." (I don't know if these are all the places and if they are in the right order but go with it)
I nudged him. "You're coming to Toronto eh."
"Yes and you better be there."
"Well that depends."
"Depends on what?"
"I don't know perhaps me moving to a whole other school."
I rested my head on his shoulder and we watched the sunset until the sky was black. It was so pretty. He walked me home and we stopped outside my door.
"Are you gunna tell your parents tonight?" He asked.
I took a deep breath. "The earlier the better."
He didn't say anything but he kept looking at my lips. My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket, I took it out expecting it to be Syd or Emma but it wasn't.

From Tom:
So when am I taking you on a date?😏

I quickly put my phone back in my pocket so Shawn didn't see. "I'd better go."
He nodded.
"Thank you for tonight, I had a really great time."
He took a step closer like he was about to kiss me but I awkwardly opened the door and shut it behind me. Once I realised what I'd done I banged my head on the door a couple of times. I slapped my head. "Ugh!"
You're an idiot.
I took my shoes off and walked into the living room where mum and dad were siting watching tv.
Mum looked up from the tv. "How was it?"
"It was great" I sat down next to her "Can I talk to you about something?"
She turned the tv down and sat forward.
"Emma rang today and she thought my audition was one of the best she's seen so I'm in."
"That's amazing."
"But, they want me to sleep at school Monday to Friday, it's sorta like a boarding school, so I'd have normal school lessons in the day and then we'll dance in the evenings."
Mums face was a little in shock so Dad spoke for her. "So you'd stay in an apartment?"
"Yeah with other girls."
"Do you want that?"
"Then go for it."
A huge smile appeared on my face. "Are you serious?"
"This is something you're passionate about right?"
"Then what's stopping you?"
I immediately gave them the biggest hug I could. "Thank you! And the good thing is I'll only be at school Monday to Friday which means I can come home on weekends!"
I ran upstairs and immediately called Syd.
She finished work so she picked up straight away. I jumped onto my bed. "I have a slight problem."
"What's that?"
"Shawn for sure wanted to kiss me tonight but I dodged him."
"Because right before Tom sent me a text asking me on a date."
"What did you say?"
"I haven't replied yet."
"Say yes."
I sat up. "But you told me me to give Shawn a second chance?"
"There's nothing wrong with keeping you options open."
"I hate you."
She had to go so I didn't get the chance to tell her about me moving schools but I will, I'll tell everyone when we are all together. I put Netflix back on and tried to think of something else but I couldn't stop thinking about what Shawn said. Just as I was about to turn it off and get ready for bed my phone buzzed.

From Tom:
Shall I pick you up at 7 tomorrow?

I pondered on what to reply for a moment, if I say yes I will have two guys on the go but if I say no I wouldn't be giving Tom a chance. I came to a decision and wrote my reply

To Tom:
You bet!

I threw my phone back on the bed and headed to the bathroom. Just as I was about to take my make up off my phone rang. "Hello." I answered.
"Open your window." Shawn said on the other line
"Just do it."
I swear to god if he throws something in here I will slap him so hard!
I walked over to the window and pulled the curtain across to see Shawn standing on my roof with his phone to his ear.
"What the?" I hung up, then opened the window letting him in "What the hell are you doing?
"You forgot something."
He grabbed my face and pressed his lips onto mine making me stumble backwards slightly.
I pulled away. "Ever heard of using the front door?"
He laughed and then pulled me back in for another kiss moving his hands to my hips. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and then moved them down around his neck. This time he pulled away but kept his eyes on me. "Theres something about you England." He paused. "You are the only girl who doesn't fall at my feet and it's driving me crazy." (comment below if you know where this is from😏)


Guys I'm so close to 300k!!! Crazy!!!

This chapter is a little bit all over th place, I don't know why but struggled to write it.

Don't forget to vote and comment💛

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Instagram: heartofshawnx

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