fifty seven

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I covered the living room in happy birthday banners and blew up a silver and gold happy birthday balloon sign to hang. I covered each surface with little happy birthday confetti and hung some ceiling decorations around each room. Once I was done decorating I headed upstairs to wake up shawn. I carefully opened the bedroom door. "WAKEY WAKEY BIRTHDAY BOY!!!" I shouted as I jumped on Shawn's sleeping body. I stood up and started to jump up and down on the bed. "18 today!!"
He rubbed his eyes and moaned. "Ugh."
As soon as I stopped he suddenly grabbed my legs pulling me down on top of him. I tried to get back up but he grabbed my waist and pulling me back.
"Stop! I've got to make you breakfast."
He stopped. "Are you making pancakes?"
He immediately let go of me and I shuffled off the bed. I headed downstairs and started to heat up some oil in the frying pan. I made the batter earlier so all I needed to do was cook it.
Once the oil heated up I poured some of the batter in the pan. Whilst I waited for it to cook put the oven on a low heat, I can put the cooked pancakes in the oven to keep warm whilst the others cook. I managed to get 8 pancakes out of the batter and set up the table. I got out the fresh fruit I bought yesterday, chopped it up and then placed the bowls on the table. I melted some milk and white chocolate in the microwave taking the bowls out every 30 seconds to stir so it didn't burn. The chocolate was almost done melting when I felt two arms around my waist. "Smells good." Shawn whispered into my ear. I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Nothing says birthday breakfast like chocolate."
He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.
"Do you want a coffee?" I asked.
"Yeah but I'll get it."
"No you won't, it's your birthday so sit down."
He sat down and watched me make his drink. He had a coffee machine that made fancy coffees so it wasn't hard. I finished his coffee and after the pancakes were ready to be placed on the table and eaten. I made myself a coffee, got the pancakes out of the oven and grabbed two plates and folks. We easily demolished all the pancakes in a matter of minutes and ended up dipping the leftover fruit in the leftover chocolate, it tasted so good. He stacked all the plates and bowls together. "Thank you, that was delicious." He pulled me in for another kiss.
I picked up the dirty plates and walked over to the side. "So what's the plan for today?"
"Mom and Dad are taking us and Aaliyah out for lunch, so you better dress to impress."
I loaded all the plates into the dishwasher. "All in good time."
He stood up. "Right, I'm getting in the shower, wanna join me?"
"I've got stuff to sort out."
He smirked and leaned on the counter beside me. "What kind of stuff?"
"None of your business." I pushed him away "Now get in the shower."
He got in the shower giving me time to text Dan without him seeing.

To Dan:
Are we all set for tonight?

From Dan:

To Dan:
What time did you tell everyone to get here?

From Dan:

To Dan:
Great, see you then.

Shawn came out of the shower so I quickly locked my phone. I took a shower, dried my hair and then curled it. I did my usual makeup and put on a denim skirt and top. I made Karen and Manny a drink whilst Shawn opened his presents. Manny, Karen and Aaliyah all got him a new watch and the ring he has wanted for ages. I got him two t shirts and a hoodie he pointed out to me a few weeks ago, I also got him a jacket I saw in the mall the other day and some chocolate. Shorty after Manny drove us all the a posh restaurant. A waitress took us to our seats and we ordered some drinks. We ordered our food after and then ate it when the waitress bought it over.
The rest of Shawn's family came over and when they left I made up an excuse saying that work needed me so I could go and get the last of the party prep. Dan and Jake invited Shawn over for a gaming session getting Shawn out of the house and giving me, Syd and Char time to set everything up. Once we were all set up it was time for us to get ready. I put on a black lace body con dress and for once I wore heels. Shortly after everyone began to arrive and I received a text from Dan telling me they were almost here. I got everyone to be quiet and we waited for Shawn to arrive. I stood at the front with Manny, Karen and Aaliyah beside me, behind us was all of his friends from school.
We heard a few footsteps and then Shawn appeared.
"SURPRISE!!!" We all shouted as loud as we could .
His face lit up as soon as he saw us and a huge grin appeared across his face.
I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could. "Happy Birthday!!!"
"Did you do this?" He asked.
"Me and Dan both planned the whole thing."
"Thank you so much!"
He greeted everyone and shortly after Manny, Karen and Aaliyah left. They're staying at a friends overnight so we could have a free house. We started drinking and played a couple rounds of beer pong, flip cup and ring of fire. I kept making up rules so Shawn had to drink. I could tell he was drunk because his cheeks went red. A few hours into the party everyone went silent for a moment and a bright light suddenly shone from the kitchen. Syd came out holding a cake that was surrounded by spark candles. Shawn immediately smiled and we all watched the candles die out. The cake was placed on a table and Shawn took a huge chunk out of it with his hand shoving it in his mouth making everyone cheer. He turned to me. "Who made this?"
"My Mum."
He placed his hand on his chest and pulled me in closer. "Tell her I said thank you very much."
Mum and Dad are on holiday which is why they've let me stay at Shawn's for the past few nights. They were gutted they couldn't come and celebrate Shawn's birthdays with us so Mum insisted she made the cake, they planned and booked their holiday last year so they couldn't move the holiday back or bring it forward. Once the cake was shared out Shawn thanked everyone for coming and demanded we all got into the pool. It was pitch black outside and the only light was coming from the pool. I stood by the pool watching everyone laughing and enjoying themselves. I suddenly felt two hands touch my back, and moments after I was pushed just enough to send me flying into the pool. I immediately gasped as the cold water hit my face and brushed my hair away from it as I surfaced from the water. "SHAWN!" He laughed and then jumped in after splashing me as his body hit the water. I rubbed the water away from my eyes and looked around for Shawn. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, he then kissed my neck making me smile even more.
I climbed onto his back and as I did he immediately grabbed my legs from behind and hoisted me up. He spun me around in the water and few times. Someone started to give out shots so he took one and handed it up to me and then took one for himself. Everyone counted down from 3 and we downed the shots after 1. We fooled around in the pool for a while but it started to get crowded so we got out. We went up to Shawn's room to dry off before returning to the party. I grabbed two towels from the bathroom and gave one to Shawn before drying my hair as best as I could and putting it into a messy bun. Thankfully the fabric of my dress didn't take long to dry so I re done my makeup and then walked towards the door. "Are you ready to go back?"
He walked towards me and snaked his arms around my waist. "Do we have to?"
I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Well it's your party so you tell me."
He chuckled and then pressed his lips against mine softly. It didn't take long for our light and soft kisses to turn into a passionate make out. 
Before things could escalate too quickly I stopped and opened the door. I grabbed his hand and walked out. We do have a party to return to after all. Once the majority of people left we had enough beer leftover to play True Canadian. I taught everyone the rules and decided to bend them slightly so Shawn had to drink the most.
"Let's pick teams! After 3 everyone hold up a random number of fingers against their forehead."
"1, 2, 3."
I held up 3 and Shawn did the same.
"What! You don't wanna be on my team?"
"I just copied you. You haven't given me any information yet."
"There are 4 zones. An alternate zone is a crazy zone." I pointed to all the beers set up on the table. "These are the pawns, they're the soldiers of the secret order." I then pointed to the bottle of Jack Daniels in the middle. "This is the king of the castle." I paused to let everyone take in what I said. "The floor is lava and the game starts with a shotgun tip off."
"That I can do." Shawn got some keys and made a hole in a can before bringing it to his lips and drinking its entire content.
"When anyone shouts JFK we all have to shout FDR." Everyone nodded. "1, 2, 3, 4, JFK!"
"FDR!" Everyone took a sip of drink and then ran to a piece of land. I chose the couch and Shawn chose a chair.
"Let's do the count." I shouted. "1, 2, 3."
Everyone held up the same number to everyone else other than Shawn.
"What does this mean?" He asked.
"You get to move."
He moved from the couch to a cushion avoiding the malten lava.
I decided to shout a quote and see if anyone could finish it. "The only thing to fear is.."
"Fear itself!" Everyone shouted gaining us all 2 moves. I moved from the couch to a stool, to a cushion and Shawn moved from a cushion, to a stool and then to the couch.


We were down to the last few beers. Syd and Shawn both stepped in the lava so they had to down their drink to earn their place back in the game and move to a spot of our choosing. I chose for Syd to stand on a chair at the other end of the room and Shawn was put as far away from the castle as he could get.
Someone shouted. "Ross, Chandler, Joey, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe."
We all got to drink and then move 3 spots getting everyone closer to the castle. Jake slipped when moving from the couch to a cushion so he downed his beer to re enter. I decided to add a twist to the game as the boys were drunk enough. "In the course of human events you and the rest of the boys must surrender your shirt."
"What? Is that the rules?" Jake asked.
"It is now."
"Surrender your shirt, surrender your shirt, surrender your shirt." All the girls chanted until all the boys removed their shirts.
Jake downed the rest of his beer. "And all trash belongs.."
"In the junk yard!!" We all threw our empty cans into the box I got out to collect trash in.
Jake re entered the game and all the pawns had gone so whoever reaches the castle first wins.
"Headcount, 1, 2, 3."
Everyone placed a number of fingers against their head and Char was the only one that didn't match with someone. She stepped off the couch and onto the table grabbing the king and taking a swig from it.
We all cheered and shared the king between us.
Shawn stumbled towards me. "Best game ever."
I held him up. "You're really drunk."
He burped. "No, I'm Shawn."


When everyone left I sat Shawn on the couch whilst I cleared up. I moved all the furniture back to its original place and put all the cans, cups and empty bottles in the bin. I filled up a glass of water and took with with me into the living room. I put the glass down and held my hands out. "Up you come."
He took my hands and then pulled himself up. He smirked. "Is it time for my birthday treat."
I raised my eyebrows. "If you can walk in a straight line then we can have sex."
He pulled himself off of me and attempted to walk in a straight line. He gets 2 steps in and almost falls over so I quickly hold him up.
"Okay." I reach down and grab the glass of water. "Drink this." I bring the rim of the glass to his lips and he swallows a couple mouthfuls. "Let's get you to bed."
"That's what I've been saying!" He says as we head to his bedroom but as soon as we get there he passes out on the bed making me chuckle. I place the glass of water on the side and then take off his top and pants leaving him
in just his underwear. I then take my makeup off, brush my teeth and put on my pjs before getting into bed.
When I club into bed Shawn stirs. "I love you."
I smile. "I love you too."

The timing is a little confusing but bare with me. Once this book is completed I'm going to go back and edit each chapter so it all makes sense.

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