twenty nine

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I pushed Shawn back. "Shawn what the fuck!!"
The shock of what just happened immediately sobered me up. He tried to go for Tom again but Dan quickly pulled him away.
I knelt down beside Tom and helped him up. "Are you okay?"
He grabbed his head. "Yeah."
I helped him into the kitchen and sat him on a stool. "I'll get some ice." I opened the freezer door and grabbed some frozen peas that were sitting on the top shelf. I gently placed the bag on the red patch that appeared on the side of his eye. "This is all my fault."
"It's not your fault, I shouldn't of kissed someone else's girlfriend."
"I'm not his girlfriend."
"Good." He gave me the cutest smile.
I smiled back but my eyes were immediately drawn to Dan and Jake walking back into the kitchen.
"Where is he?" Syd immediately asked.
"He's in the living room calming down." Dan replied.
I grabbed Tom's hand and placed it on the peas so he could hold the bag. "I'll be right back."
I walked into the living room and closed the door behind me. Everyone had left so it was just me and Shawn. "Are you going to explain what the hell just happened?"
He kept his head down and ignored me.
"I'm talking to you!" I snapped.
He cut in. "What did it look like? I saw him kissing you so I punched him."
"Why? He did nothing wrong."
"He had his hands all over you."
"So? I wanted him to."
"Well it wasn't something I wanted to look at."
"That doesn't give you the right to punch him!"
He paused for a moment and then looked up at me. "What were you gunna do after you two kissed?"
"That's none of your business."
He stood up. "I bet you wanted to take him upstairs and do all sorts to him."
I didn't say anything.
He stood up. "I bet you wanted to run those slutty pianist fingers all over him as he fucks you."
I couldn't help myself, all the emotions from this week had built up inside me and I finally snapped throwing one hard slap to his face.
He grabbed his cheek and then looked at me. "I see what you're doing. You've been trying to make me jealous all night. You turn up in that outfit making me weak at the knees and start dancing with some guy you've just met." He looked at Tom's jacket. "You're wearing his jacket and when I saw him kissing you it made me angry so I lashed out, I watched him run his hands all over you and all I wanted to do was touch you because you should be mine not his." He paused for a moment. "What does he have that I don't?"
"I don't think your girlfriend would be happy if she heard this conversation."
Before he could say anything else I walked into the kitchen slamming the door behind me.
"How did it go?" Jake immediately asked as I walked back in.
"I should go." Tom awkwardly got off the stool placing the frozen peas on the counter.
"Where do you live?" I asked.
"I can walk, I literally just live down the road."
"I'll walk you."
He said goodbye to everyone and I turned to Syd "I'll be back to help you clear up in a bit."
She nodded and watched us leave.
"So what's the situation with you and that guy back there?" Tom asked.
"It's a long story."
"I'm a very slow walker."
I chuckled and took a deep breath. "Long story short he took me on a date and then when he went to the bathroom I read his texts finding out that he was only using me to win a bet."
"What bet?"
"The person who sleeps with the new girl first wins."
"Oh, I've seen a couple of those."
"Well if it makes you feel any better, whilst you were talking to him back there I was on the phone to my mom and I've got you an audition on Saturday."
I stopped walking. "What?"
I immediately hugged him. "Oh my god thank you."
After I hugged him he got his phone out. "If you give me your number, I'll send all the information to you."
He held his phone out and I took it before putting my number into it.
"This better not be an excuse to get my number."
He smirked and then we continued walking until we got to his door.
"So there's a party on Saturday and all the girls from the dance school will be there. Why don't you come with me and get to know them."
"I have to get in first."
"You'll get in and if you don't you should still come because I'd like to spend more time with you."
I smiled and then he placed his hands on my arm pulling me in closer. He slowly leant in towards me and I did the same. This time our kiss was soft and felt more natural. After our kiss broke I pushed his jacket off my arms. "Here."
He stopped me. "Keep it, I don't want you getting cold when you walk back."
I pulled it back over my shoulder. "Thanks."
"Goodnight." He said before opening his door and walking in leaving me on the doorstep.
When I got back to Syd's everyone was gathered in the kitchen.
"Is he okay?" She asked.
"Yeah he's fine."
By the time I got back all the clearing up had been done. Syd had made up the guest bedroom for me and Shawn slept on the couch downstairs. Jake and Char went home shortly after I left to take Tom home. I got into bed and rested my eyes. Before I slipped into sleep my phone buzzed on the side beside me.

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