Chapter 4-redone

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The nursery was in panicky as Sandvine was having her kits. The healer, Heathercry was trying her best to calm everyone down. Daisypaw couldn't believe that Sandvine was having her third litter of kits.

As the nursery cleared, Daisypaw saw Sandvine's kits. Two toms and a she-cat. As tradition she saw Sandvine lick the two toms heads and then the she-cats.

Sandvine cleared her throat and said, "The brown tom is Dustkit and the sandy tom is Palekit. The black she-cat is Darkkit," she said.

She seemed healthy for just having kits.

'Be a good apprentice and get her some food, you mouse-brained apprentice,' she thought to herself as she ran to the prey pile and grabbed a squirrel. She the gave it to Sandvine.

Sandvine purred and said, "Thank you, you know you'd be a great warrior if they really wanted you to be,"

Daisypaw wondered if she had to train any more, it was like she already learned everything, but her brother still had plenty to learn. She had more to learn if she want to be a warrior.
Featherpaw came back to camp with two mice and laid them on the prey pile. He couldn't believe how much he had already learned. He couldn't wait until a real battle began. Maybe he'd be in it. It would be a great way to learn to fight.

Gingerstar and Ravenstar came out of their dens.

Ravenstar stepped up and said, "Cats able to hunt come for a clan meeting,"

Featherpaw stepped forwards and looked at Ravenstar curiously he seemed frightened of something. The leaders couldn't be scared. He swore out of the corner of his eye he could see Daisypaw, but she couldn't hunt. She was a she-cat.

Ravenstar lashed his tail, his frightened attitude was now angry.

"She-cat this does not involve you, go back to your den," he spat out.

Gingerstar seemed like he was enjoying this and said, "What's the worse she's going to do, she can watch if she really wants to,"

Featherpaw growled at the thought, but the leaders decided on it.

Ravenstar nodded and said, "AmberClan is fighting on our borders, they have stolen are prey. We need to fight back! Crowtang, Featherpaw, Kinktail, Frostsnout, and Littleclaw we are going to fight them!" He said as he flicked the fighting cats to come with him to the battle ground.
Daisypaw glanced at Gingerstar, he was such a strong leader, maybe someday she would be leader! She chuckled at the thought.

He came down to her and said, "Your not like the other queens, you like to hear what us toms say, most caretaker apprentices just like watching the kits and gossiping with the elders, what's wrong with you?"

Daisypaw gulped and said, "I just wanted to see what the news was about, I mean it's important to us she-cats that AmberClan is taking food from our kits and elders,"

Gingerstar nodded and said, "Very well, I guess I'll be on my way. I'm sure I'll see you again,"

Daisypaw ran over to the dirtplace and snuck out the hole that she had made when she went to fetch prey. She followed the scents of her brother Featherpaw until she heard screeching and fighting. She ran over to the area. She watched the foghting. She saw a smaller lone apprentice coming up to fight the patrol.

Daisypaw wanted to join the battle. She ran out to the apprentice. He was abo the same size as her. He seemed confused, but then he ran up to her and scrtached her ear. She felt the searing pain in her ear and tried to scratch at the smaller apprentice.

She somehow hit him and he hissed. She decided to leave before she got anymore hurt. She didn't want to look like someone who'd been in a fight. She ran back to the dirtplace tunnel. She put a thorn bush out and hissed to pretend it stabbed her.

She went back to the nursery and Sandvine glanced at her with a confused look.

"It was a thorn bush in the dirtplace," Daisypaw said. 'I was in a fight!' Her mind said.

Maybe Featherpaw would train her to fight better and be as strong as tom. If her brother wasn't a selfish tom already, that was.

A/N I have yet to make a romantic connection in this book. I may do that in e next chapter. It's too bad toms don't know the she-cats name, beside if they were siblings XD hope you guys like it. Any predictions?

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