Chapter 10

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Quailsong came back as Quailstar and he was a great leader so far. Flaketail was surprisingly putting her on hunting patrols.

She decided to get to know Pheasantburn better, he was actually a very kind warrior. Daisysplash padded over to Phesantburn and said, "Hey, I'm sorry if I cause you any troubles in doing patrols,"

Phesantburn smiled and said, "No, I'm just so bothered, Ravenstar died so early! I thought he still had three lives left, he must of lied, maybe...he killed himself?"

Daisysplash's eyes widened and said, "It's my fault, I shouldn't of became an warrior, maybe I should of just been a Queen for the rest of my life taking care of kits and some she-cats who I know are never going to know the feeling of battling,"

Pheasantburn eyes softened and said, "Is that how you feel when you see she-kits? I always thought, Wow! She-cats to bring strong warriors into our clan, I never knew she-cats didn't think that way, maybe toms shouldn't be the only warriors, but I can't change an old tradition, and besides Ravenstar was fairly Ill and their were no claw marks either,"

Daisysplash smiled at Pheasantburn and said, "My mother always told me to dream, I dreamt about becoming a strong warrior,"

Phesantburn silently put his tail on Daisysplash's shoulder and said, "Toms need to see the strength of she-cats and I need to as well,"

He silently walked away and Daisysplash felt relief, the deputy wasn't totally angry with her. Ravenstar was a great leader, he never wanted any harm to go to she-cats. He was protecting them to keep the family lines to go on.

Quailstar and Gingerstar came out of the leaders den together, they seemed to be talking to each other. Daisysplash wondered what they were talking about.

Quailstar leaped onto the high-stump and yowled across the clearing, "All cats old enough enough to catch their own prey come for a clan meeting!"

Daisysplash silently took a seat next to her brother Feathercry. He was still being shy about what happened yesterday. She didn't mean to keep wanting to become a warrior a secret to him. She just didn't trust him back then, because Kinktail kept teasing him for being like a she-cat.

Quailstar smiled at Daisysplash and said, "As you all know we have a she-cat warrior."

Surprisingly some cats cheered, they were mostly coming from the senior warriors and Pheasantburn and even smiled.

Quailstar flicked his tail for silence, then he continued, "After some consideration with Gingerstar we have decided something. Since Daisysplash may want to have kits, we have decided that she may, but after three moons she must go back to becoming a warrior,"

Daisysplash felt confused, she promised Gingerstar she wouldn't have kits if she won the battle with Lionspark.

Daisysplash heard the cats whispering to each other, they were probably as confused as she was.

Suddenly Heatherpaw spoke out, "But Gingerstar said if she won she couldn't have a mate or kits!"

Gingerstar glanced at Heatherpaw and said, "True, but I didn't take in the fact that she may actually want kits. She may want to have kits and be a warrior. I can always change my mind,"

Heatherpaw nodded and every cat seemed fine with that option.

Daisysplash glanced at Gingerstar and Quailstar and bowed her head in thanks, "I may have kits, or I may not, but thank you so much for the option, you are forever in my debt,"

Quailstar flicked his tail for silence again, "As you know, many she-kits may take her on as a role model and want to become warriors, I will not allow this,"

Every cat seemed shock, Daisysplash once again felt embarrassed and sat back down next to Feathercry.

"But, I will allow for them to become Hunters, they may not fight, but they may hunt prey, because every cat should hunt for prey. So, I make this announcement; Any she-cat wanting to become a Hunter may be able to, but they may have kits and it's the same deal as I said with Daisysplash," Quailstar said. Everyone seemed okay with this, it'd mean hunting for she-cats, but they'd still be safe.

Daisysplash nodded with his statement and glanced at Phesantburn who seemed okay with it too.

Gingerstar stepped up next to Ravenstar and said, "I'm sad to announce that I am on my 7th life, but do not be panicked, Phesantburn will be a great leader and I know he'll chose a great deputy, after me,"

As everyone was sad about Gingerstar's last statement, Talonpaw and Icepaw glanced at Gingerstar with wide eyes.

"Oh, also we have two apprentices ready to become warriors! Icepaw please step up," Gingerstar said smiling.

Icepaw padded to the High-Stump and looked up at Gingerstar.

"Talonpaw, step up," Gingerstar said as well. Talonpaw stepped up next to her brother.

"Icepaw, Talonpaw, do you promise to uphold the Queen and Warrior code even at the cost of your life?" Gingerstar asked.

Icepaw and Talonpaw nodded.

"Then from this moment on you'll be known as Icefur and Talonswoop! Every cat welcome Icefur and Talonswoop! Talonswoop, do you wish to be a hunter?" Gingerstar asked.

Talonswoop shook her head and said, "No, I want to be a caretaker,"

Gingerstar nodded and said, "Icefur, who do you want your mate to be?"

Icefur smiled and blushed, "Uh...Juniperblaze,"

Daisysplash seemed shocked, she never knew that Juniperblaze and Icefur liked each other. She always seen them together whenever she had to go get moss for the apprentices.

Juniperblaze purred and walked up to Icefur, she intertwined her tail with his and Daisysplash swore she was gonna throw up.

Feathercry glanced at Talonswoop and then glanced at Gingerstar.

Gingerstar chuckled and said, "I accept Icefur, and I accept Feathercry,"

Feathercry purred and ran over to Talonswoop.

Then Daisysplash remembered something, Phesantblaze was a new deputy, he still didn't have a mate. She wondered who he was going to chose.

Phesantblaze glanced at her and smiled. He looked odd, the sun was hitting his red fur in a way making it look like he was glowing red. He looked... handsome.

A/N: Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm sooooo sorry for not updating, I've been sick. So here's 1041 words for your beautiful or handsome brains to read! I've been wanting to update this, but any time I looked at a screen, I felt like satan was going to kill me! So yeah this chapters a little weird, but eh.

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