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Boring A/N First! Please Read!


This is an original Nouis storie. I don't own the characters/people, but I do own the plot. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't copy it.

This is my first Nouis fan-fic, and it will be terrible. If you are reading, please stick around. It would mean a lot to me. Share this storie with your friends, vote and comment.

I am always here to take advice on how to become a better witter. As long as it's constructive criticism, I will except it. You can comment it, or you can privately message me.

I hope you enjoy the storie! Now onto the description! (It's the same one on the book info, so you can skip it, and read the note at the end.)


4 best friends, living in one flat. What's the worst that could happen?


Niall wakes up with an alarming dream, and goes to Liam. It only gets bumpier from there.

Liam want a to help, but as time goes on, he gets some problems of his own.

Louis discovers some new found feelings. He might be falling for someone, or was he just tripped?

Harry, well, he claims fell in love, but was it with the right person? Finding out the truth is easy, but for Harry, it just makes problems.


Change is simple, good even, but to much change, too soon, can be very, very bad.



This storie takes place in an AU (alternate universe) where 1D isn't a thing, but MPreg (Male Pregnancy) are. Only certain males can get pregnant though. They (in this storie) would be called "Carriers" just so you know.

The Prologue should be up now, so go have fun,

on your mark...

get set.....

Go Read!!!!

-Laylania xxx

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