I Can't Loose You {10}

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Liam's PoV.

I can't believe Louis has lung cancer. Louis went to his room a bit after our group hug on the floor. He said he needed alone time. Niall, Harry and I are sat here in the living room in silence. All of us silently crying.

"I-I'm going t-to be-bed.." Niall shutters as he stands up and leaves. I look over at Harry, and instantly he starts to sob. I walk over, and pull him into my lap. He cries into my chest as I run my fingers through his curly brown hair.

He's clinging onto my like he might disappear is he let go. This feels nice.

I lean back on the couch, and pull a blanket over us. Harry leaning into me still sobbing. The sight of him being so distraught breaks my heart even more, making me shed more tears.

"Don't leave Liam. Just... Just hold me please.." Harry whisper right when I think he is asleep.

I pull him even closer and kiss his forehead. I get a weird feeling in my stomach when I do. hmmm. Probably nothing.

His breathing slows down, tear stains on his face, and my shirt. Before I sleep myself, I whisper "I'm not going anywhere Haz. As long as you need me, I'll be here.."

Louis' PoV.

I don't think I have Any more tears to shed. I can't sleep either. It's dark in my room, and I feel so small and alone.


I look towards my door, to see a crying Niall walk in. I hold my arms open, and he joins me in my bed.

"I'm scared Niall.." I whisper. I move so I'm sitting on Niall, basically straddling his lap. I rest my head in his neck, and he pulls the bed sheets up so they are covering my whole back.

I can feel tear drops hit the top of my head as Niall run a his hands through my hair.

"It'll be ok." He whispers. His voice is shaking and I can tell he is trying not to break down. "We'll get through this. You'll get better. You're gonna be fine."

"I love you Louis. So so much." Niall says, thinking I'm asleep. When i know he is asleep i mumble "I know."


"Louis please don't leave me!"

I look around for the Irish love of my life. I keep spinning around till I spot him. "Lou!"

"Niall!" I start to run towards him, as he tracks his way to me. I rush up to him and hold him in my arms.

"I'll be here. By your side." I say as I look down to see Niall crying.

Niall wipes away tears of my own, that i didn't know i shed. He smiles weakly up at me and says, "You're so pretty when you cry."

I laugh lightly and hold his hand To my cheek. "Don't leave me please. Louis. Don't go.." He cried harder as he speaks.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Suddenly everything changes. It's raining and everyone is wearing black. What's going on?

I hear Niall crying and shouting. He is looking at a long box. What's in it? "You promised! You broke your promise! Y-You said you wouldn't go! You p-promised!" Niall continues to cry. As I walk closer Liam and Harry start to pull Niall away from the box.

He starts screaming and crying even louder shouting things like "he promised" and "I need to be with him" and "let me go" and even "I love him!"

I love him? I thought Niall loved me...

"Louis please!! Don't go!" he shouts struggling even more. I start to run towards him calling his name, "Niall! I'm right here!!" but he can't hear me.

"Let's take you home ok?" Harry says rubbing Niall's back. "No. I need to be with him.." I can barely hear him.

"We'll go home, and have some tea and chocolate and watch any movie you want. It'll be ok." Liam says holding Niall close. If I could, I would tackle Liam for holding Niall like that, but I can't.

My feet are glued to the ground. I can only watch as Harry, Liam, and Niall drive off.  Once the car if out of sight, I take a step towards the box Niall was fighting to get to.

Why was he crying? why was he shouting? I step closer and closer. I look unto the open part of the box, and my blood runs cold.

I can't breath, I can't move, I can't do anything but stare at what's in front of me. I want to scream for Niall. I understand now. What Niall meant when he was screaming, it all makes sense.

I try to take a step away, but fail.


I joke awake in bed. I look to see Niall sound asleep. I lay back down on his chest and try not to scream and cry.

I'm still here. I'm still here. It was all a dream. I'm still here.

But with what the doctor told me, I can't help but wonder, for how much longer. I try to sleep, but the images of my nightmare still fresh in my mind.

The cold pale skin of the lifeless person.

The dead body in that casket.

My dead body.


word count:

Sorry! I know I know! It's a short chapter! But it's late where I am. I was out basically the whole day. That's really no excuse though.

I'm hungry, but I'm too lazy to get food... :-(


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! More big things coming!! Just stay tuned (?? Does that make sense??) and I swear it'll be worth it!

.... hopefully....

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- Laylania xxx

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