Swimming In Blood {32}

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Niall's POV.

(1 week later)

"Harry, you packed?" Louis asks Harry. He nods.


"Yes Louis." Liam responds with a friendly eye roll.

"Babe. What about you." Louis asks as he walks up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean forward and kiss him gently.

"I packed my bags. I just don't want to leave." I mumble into his shoulder once I pull away from the kiss.

"Can we go swimming today and leave tomorrow?" I ask, looking up at Louis, a huge smile on my face.

"I guess. If that lads want to." Louis shrugs.

"I'm up for it." Harry adds in.

"me too." Liam says after pause.

"Ok lads, get your swim trunks on." Louis points to the stairs.

-@ the beach-

I step into the water and it's surprisingly, not freezing. It's cold, but not too cold. I'm already used to it.

I turn around and wave to the lads, all of whom, are sat on the beach.

They wave back, and that's the last thing I see before water surrounds me, fills my lungs, and I can't breath.

Harry's PoV.

As soon as we get to the beach, Niall runs straight to the water. Liam and Louis say back a bit to lay down towels.

I look over to Louis who is just fondly watching Niall run around in the water.

I sit next to Liam, and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I love it here." I say, squishing the sand between my fingers.

"And I love you." Liam says, kissing my forehead.

"I love you too Liam." I smile as the words roll off my tongue. The words that were once foren now sound and feel natural.

I see Niall waving at us, so we wave back.

Suddenly he disappears into the water. I stand up worriedly.

Louis runs forward and scans the water for any signs of Niall, but he doesn't find any.

Then, I see it. Red. where Niall disappeared. The water starts to turn red, barely, but still red

Niall pops up, floating face down.

Louis and Liam run out to get him while I get a few towels ready for him.

They place him on a towel, and check his pulse, lucky it's still there.

Hurriedly we run back to the House, placing his on one of the beds.

I see bloody water dripping down Niall's leg. Louis and Liam are freaking out.

"Liam, Louis, I need you to leave the room." I say. I am, right now, the most calm, so i might as well see what I can do to help.

"Are you joking?! I'm not leaving him!" Louis demands.

"I can help him, but I need to focus, and I can't do that with you in the room." Louis walks out of the room slowly, followed by Liam.

I rush to the connected bathroom. I grab towels, and fortunately there is a first aid kit under the sink.

I place 2 towels under Niall's leg, and one around it to Dry it off.

I pull of the towel around his leg, to find it soaked with Bloody water.

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