W-What? H-How? Oh No....

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((Holy shit!!! 500+ reads?! That's mental!!! 500 is half of 1000!!!! OMG!! Thank you so much!! 😘💙 ok!! Onto the chapter!!))

Niall's PoV.

(2 Day Later)

It's been 2 days, and the thought of being pregnant is scaring the living day lights out of me.

I'm standing infront of the full body mirror in Harry's room. He is the only one in the house with one of these.

I place my hands on my stomach. Still flat. To be fair, it hasn't been that long since Louis and I... You know....

I can't be though... I'm not a carrier... right? No.. My mom would have told me. She said they did a test when I was born. It came back negative.

But what If-

"Hey babe." I look in the reflection, and behind me I see Louis.

"Hi." Louis walks up behind me, and places his chin on my shoulder, and his arms around my waist.

My hands are still on my stomach. I go to drop them, but Louis already noticed.

"You alright?" He asks placing his hands on top of mine.

"Yeah. Just a stomach ache." I lie.

"Are you still throwing up?" I nod slowly. Before Louis asks anymore questions, I think of something.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk." I turn around in Louis arms to face him.

"Let me join you?" I shake my head.

"Sorry Louis. I just want some alone time if that's ok." He nods and holds me close.

"Call me if there are any problems, ok?"

"yeah." I kiss Louis, and he kisses back. The kiss soon turns into a full on song. Tongue and all.

"Ok ok Louis." I Laugh as we pull away for air. "I'm going now. Don't miss me too much."

"I'll try not to." I smile at Louis. We walk together to the Living room to see Liam laying on Harry on the floor.

"Ok I'll see you later." I say stepping out of the house.

I make my way to the park. When i get there i sit on a bench, admiring the weather.

I pull out my phone, and without a second thought I dial a number. After a few rings, she answers.

"Hello?" I smile at the sweet familiar voice of my mom.

"Hi mum."

"How are you?"

"Good but uh mum. I have a question.." My voice is quiet, and shaky.

"What is it Niall? Are you ok?" I can tell she is getting worried now too.

"Yeah Just... When I was born.. you did a test.... To see if I a carrier right?"

"Yes. What's this about?"

"W-What did it come b-back as?"

"Niall... It came back as positive. I thought you knew that. What's wrong?" I gasp at my new information. I'm a carrier...?

"Mom... Liam thinks I'm pregnant...." I whisper

"You and Liam are together? So are you two keeping the baby? How far along are yo-" I cut her off with a slight chuckle.

"Mum. It's not Liam's baby." She's quiet at first. Then she says, "So... you cheated on Liam?"

"No no! mum. I'm not with Liam. I don't even know if I actually am pregnant. Liam just thinks I am. If I was , the father would be...." I take a deep breath. "He would be Louis."

"Oh good. Louis was always my favorite out of those boys. Well hun, I'm really sorry, I have to go, work duty. I hope this all turns out ok. Best of luck!"

"Yeah. Ok. Bye mum." I hang up the phone. I'm a carrier. I could be pregnant?

With Liam's words still playing in my head. Subconsciously I make my way to the nearest convenience store.

I search the aisles until I find what I'm looking for. The pregnancy test. I'm not sure what one to buy, so I buy all 3 brands.

I pay for the test, and walk home. I hide the bag the best I can and enter the house.

It's quiet. I walk around and see no one. Where are they?

My questions are answered by the bright pink sticky note on the kitchen island.

"Went out shopping. Harry needed some new underwear and I wanted to get some useless crap too. I wasn't sure when you'd get back. See you later.

-Louis x"

"Liam" I call out. No response. I guess he went too. Perfect. I walk to the bathroom, and unbox the pregnancy test. Being careful to hide the boxes in the trash, I get the test ready.

I pee on them, and set a timer on my phone for 10 minutes. I sit on the toilet and wait. My heart beating faster and faster every second.

*Beep Beep Beep Be-*

I turn my alarm off and look at the test.

#1 : Positive


#2 : Positive


#3 : Positive
What? No no no no no!!!

I'm pregnant....

With Louis Tomlinson's baby...


word count:

Sooooo the chapter is shorter than usual. Sorry about that...

But, what do you think?

Ok Idk when the next chapter will Ben out, maybe later today, maybe tomorrow? We'll see i guess.

Have an amazing day!!

-Laylania xxx

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