Alone, ish {6}

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sorry but I had to put this here.

How is everyone liking 'Back To You'? I love it! I can't stop listening!! Ok anyway on to the story!!


Harry's PoV.

"Yeah." I sigh into the phone, rubbing my temple.

"Harry you don't have to. I know this is short notice so it's ok if you don't" She cuts me off.

"No, No, It's fine. Really. I'll start packing now. Uh see you soon. Love you"

"Love you too Harold." She giggles into the phone before hanging up, making me smile a little. I make my way back into the dining room. We were eating dinner, when my phone wouldn't stop going off.

Instantly all eyes were on me. "So? Who was it, and what did they want?" Liam asks. I think back to my phone call. I was probably standing there for a while, because I get brought back to reality, by Louis coughing. I look at him as he takes a sip of water, and smiles at me. I just look at that smile before I Remember I have a question to answer.

"Uh it was Gemma..." I say scratching the back of my neck.

"Are you going to sit down Haz?" Niall asks as I still stand at the head of the table. "No because I have to go pack. for a trip. For 1 um month" I say looking down and playing with my fingers, my voice getting quieter, until I whisper the last sentence.

"What?" Liam asks in disbelief. "You're leaving? for a month? when? and why?!"

"Tomorrow. Gemma already bought me tickets. She needs help with something personal, and I'm the only she knows that can help her."

"You should go pack." Louis says. I smile, nod and walk off. I get to my room, and pull out my suitcase, filling it with random clothes.

-the next morning @ the airport-

"flight 672 boarding now. Flight 672"

"Well, that's me." I say standing up.

Niall hugs me first, he smells like vanilla. It's comforting. He kisses me on the forehead and whispers "have a safe flight."

Liam is next, he smells like Nature. He squeezes me tightly and says "Call us when you land, before you leave to come back, and all the time in between when you can."

Louis.. I hug him taking in a big breath, indulging In his also comforting vanilla scent. I wonder how they with smell like vanilla? "I'll miss ya Haz. Don't go finding new best friends to replace the 3 of us while you're gone." I laugh at him, and pull away.

I trudge my way over to the boarding place, then finally take my seat on the plane. I'm gonna miss the lads. Hopefully 3 weeks will go by in flash.

Louis' PoV.

"Hey. Don't worry. He'll be.
back soon!" Niall says rubbing my back slightly.

"Yeah!" Liam chirps in. "And look on the bright side! You two can do couple stuff without worrying if Harry will see."

"Good point." I laugh as Niall rests his head on my shoulder. "Can we go to the park?"


-@ the park-

"I love the park. I just hope this one ha- SWINGS!!" Niall says as he runs towards a swing set.

I laugh along with Liam as we follow in Niall's trail, each sitting down on a swing either side of Niall. We sit on the swings telling jokes, and laughing as we see a bird trying to steal someone's sand which.

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