Thank You {11}

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Harry's PoV.

Waking up in Liam's arms was a better feelings than i thought. I felt safe and warm. I wonder what it would feel like if Louis held me like that?

anyway... That was a week ago. Today All of us lads are going with Louis to his first specialist appointment. We are going to wait in the waiting room, so we can be there for him when he needs us. It's been hard on all of us. Louis still has his dreaded cough. He is gets cold flashes a lot, and he is tired.

What can you expect. I just don't understand how he got lung cancer. It's not in his family, and he is relatively healthy.

"Harry come on let's go." Liam says as he pulls me out of his room and into the car. I'm in the passenger seat, Liam driving, and Niall comforting Louis in the back.

Niall smiles at me, and I return the favor. Yes I wish I could comfort Louis instead, but what can I do?

-at the hospital-

We walk into a Hospital. We drove quite a ways to get here. It has a lung cancer specialist that can help Louis. We walk up to a front desk, and Louis starts to talk to  the lady -Debra as her name tag states- at the front desk.

"Hi. uh I have an appointment with a specialist here? My name is Louis Tomlinson.?" I heard Louis say. It makes me smile a little as he says his name almost as a question.

"Yes. Louis Tomlinson. You are going to see Dr. Mercer today. She will come get you in the waiting room right over there." Debra says pointing to a doorway.

We venture through, to find blue chairs lining the walls each painted a different colour. One is s pastel green, one is a light yellow, one is a pastel blue, and the final  wall is a pastel purple. Each wall has pearl white dots on them.

I see white board markers near each dot, and I realize they must be white boards.

The room looks a bit tacky, but it's cheery. I grab a marker, and sign my name on a dot. The lads copying my actions.

"Always." I say as I watch Niall sign that under our names.

We take a seat, and wait in silence for Dr. Mercer to come get Louis. Right on time, Dr. Mercer steps in from another Door, and looks at us.

"which one of you is Louis?" she asks as she stands infront of us. Louis stands up, and they shake hands.

"Well I'm Dr. Mercer, and I'll be your specialist doctor. You'll come here for appointments. We'll do a check up and more test today to determine what I can do for you." Louis smiles weakly at the doctor. She looks at us and says.

"You 3 must be Louis' support team? Best friends I'm guessing?" We nod and she shakes our hands as we say our names.




"Well boys, I'm going to steal Louis for a little bit, if you need anything while you wait, you can ask Debra and we will do what we can." We all give smiles to Louis and Dr. Mercer.

I can't help but get jealous at the looks Louis and Niall give each other. I watch them walk of through the doorway, and off to do some test.

Louis' PoV.

I'm walking down the hallway with Dr. Mercer, as she says, "So, I'm guessing You're dating, what's his name? Uh.. Niell? Niall..? Yes That's it. Niall!" I almost stop walking as I'm so shocked.

"What? how'd you know?" I ask in disbelief. She laughs and tells me, as if it's the most obvious idea, "I know what love looks like Louis."

"Don't mention it to Harry. He doesn't know yet..." I say. I wonder why I'm telling her this. Maybe it's because she is so nice, and inviting.

"Your secret is safe with me." She winks as she opens up a door for me to go into. I get instructed to sit down.

I do, and she goes and gets some things to collect my blood. Dr. Mercer gives my blood sample to another doctor to do some quick testing.

While that doctor does that, I get taken to do an x-ray again. Dr. Mercer talks through speaker into the x-ray room from the observing room, as she can't be here while it's on.

we talk to each other the whole time, making an hour seem like 10 minutes. Once the x-ray is done, we head off to do 1 more test. It only takes 15 minutes, and it's done in an instant.

"Ok Louis. I'm going to look over our test results of today, you sit here and relax. I'll be back in a few." Dr. Mercer smiles at me, and she leave a the room.

In about 5-10 minutes she is back, with my x-ray, test, and blood work. She has a blank face, but I can tell she has some emotion that she is trying very hard to hide.

"Louis. I think you're going to want to bring your friends in here." She says, making me scared even more.

"Uh.. ok.. Ummm do I go get them..?" I ask shakily. She says she can go, so she leaves, then comes back with 3 worried lads.

Niall's PoV.

It's been a while and I pacing the room. I feel like I'm going insane as Louis gets his test done. Harry stands up, and pulls me into the seat next to him.

"He'll be fine." Harry says looking the the floor. "He's a fighter"

Dr. Mercer walks in the room, and grabs our attention by telling us to follow her. She told us that she wants us to be there to hear the news, and that makes me terrified.

I know it worries the boys too, because I can hear them take shaky breaths as Dr. Mercer open her office door to show Louis. We sit down with him, and Dr. Mercer sits at her desk.

"Louis." She says holding up what I'm assuming is Louis' x-ray photo. She points to a little spot on the plastic, and some other white spots too. "Do you know what these are?"

"Cancer things?" Louis asks confused.

Dr. Mercer just smiles and says, "Well Louis these are nodule growths in your lung tissue. It's caused by Mycobacterium. Do you know what that is?"

Louis shakes his head no, and she looks us us to see if we do. Unfortunately none of us do.

"It's makes me mad when I get cases like this." She says as she looks at us.

"Cases like what?" Harry asks.

"When doctors tell their patients they have lung cancer, when they really don't. Young doctors misdiagnosing people can ruin lives." It takes me awhile to register what she is saying. Liam seems to get it first.

"Are you saying.." Liam stops as if he is about to cry.

"That Louis doesn't have lung cancer? Yes. Yes I am." We all start to silently cry tears of joy.

"Louis you have a bacterial infection called tuberculosis, also knows as TB. It's contagious so you 3 boys will need to be tested. I will give you antiBiotics that will get rid of the infection. It was found early, so you won't need to take them for long."

This is amazing news. Louis is going to be fine.

Maybe things aren't as bad as they seem after all.

-1 month later-

Surprisingly none of us lads caught Louis' TB. Lucky us i guess. We've been taking care of our sick Louis. It's good to know he will be ok. He is almost off his medication, meaning he is 100% clean of TB.

I can't wait to kiss him without worrying about catching TB. soon my Louis will be back. Soon everything will be fine.



word count:


Louis had TB, not Lung Cancer!!! Whoa!!

So that's good!!

Everything is fine now! All the drama is gone, right? ;-)

We'll see soon!!

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!!

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Have a wonderful day!


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