You and I {12}

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Before I start this chapter I just want to say, THANK YOU!!!

OMG!!! Thank you guys so so so much!! 200+ reads?!?!


Thats insane!! 😱😱❤️

Ok now onto the chapter!!


Harry's PoV.

"So are you coming with us?" I ask Niall. He shakes his head no.

"Awe why not? It'll be fun!" I pout making him laugh a little.

"Louis can't go. He said he just wants to rest tonight, and I don't want to leave him in the house alone." Niall says as he walks from the kitchen to the living room where a now healthy Louis sits.

"Come on LouBear, just come with us then  That way Niall can come too! It's been forever since we all went out." I plead.

"Sorry Haz." Louis says ruffling my curls. "I just got over my TB."

"Over a week ago!" I laugh at the face he makes at what I say

"Yeah, but I still want to rest. Next time Haz, I promise." He pats my cheek, but I don't feel as many sparks as I usually would. I'm probably just tired.

"Well at least let me stay and look after Lou. You did most of the doctoring work Niall. Go out and have Fun." I say wanting to spend time with Louis, but also because Niall has done most of the work.

"No Haz. This was your idea to go out, so go, get drunk, just come home!" he laughs as he pats my back and pushes me out the door with Liam.

"Have fun!" I hear Louis shout as Niall starts to close the door.

Liam calls a cab, because let's face it, we both know we are going to be drunk later.

-later @ the bar-

I don't know how many drinks I've had, but i know I've definitely had more than 7.

I'm drunk off my ass, and I'm talking to a beautiful girl.

she has Blond hair, green eyes, fair skin. I'm about to kiss her when some dude pulls her away. My vision is blurring, but I can tell that he has brown hair, and big brown eyes.

His eyes remind me of a puppy dog. It draws me in.

"Hey my name isssss Harreh! And yooouuu are?" I slur leaning close to the also drunk lad.

"Not as straight as I thought apparently.." he mumbles.

"Whaaats that mean?" I asks as I inch my way to him, until I'm basically on his lap. Before he can reply, I kiss him hard on the lips.

We continue to make out at the bar, until I can feel my pants tighten. I look down, and see the same look in this strangers pants too.

"Let's go somewhere private." I whisper in his ear. He nods, and carries me to a private room, all the while I have my lips on his neck.

we make it to a room, and he sets me down on a couch. Before I know it he are both undressed. I can't process much.

The last thing I remember before I pass out, Is me trailing kisses down the hot stranger's body, and him releasing his load into my mouth.

Niall's PoV.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Louis asks as soon as Liam and Harry are gone.

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