We Should Tell Him {20}

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Niall's PoV.

(Time skip. Idk how long. Around 2-3 months later?)

I lay on my back, Louis holding my hand, while the doctor squirts the cold blue jell on my stomach.

We are currently at the doctors. I'm 3 months pregnant now. I've gained a lot of weight too. I feel like I'm a lot fatter for people who are just 3 months along. I've had to wear baggy clothes to hide this.

I laugh lightly as the doctor rubs the cold jelly of my stomach with the wand. The 3 of us look at the screen, and soon the baby's heartbeat fills the room. My eyes water and i look at Louis. He has a big smile on his face.

"There's your baby!" the doctor says pointing to the screen. "And there's baby number 2!"

I gasp and squeeze Louis' hand as I turn to face him. Tears are in both of our eyes. Tears of joy.

"Twins...?" Louis whispers almost to himself.

"Would you like to know the gender of the babies?" The doctors asks us. Louis and I both nod (I know it's probably to early, but oh well.)

"You are having..... A baby girl..... and..... A..... baby boy!! Congratulations!! I'll leave you here to clean up." She turns off the machines and hands me paper towels before leaving Louis and I alone.

I look to Louis, huge smiles on our faces. As soon as I wipe away the jell, I jump into Louis' arms, and start crying.

"Lou. I Can't believe it! Twins! A boy and a girl! Is this even real?" Louis laughs and holds me.

"This is really happening Ni. This, the babies, and my love for you.." I look at Louis and lean in to kiss him. It's sweet and passionate.

Louis bites and sucks on my lower lip, making me moan. He slips his tongue into my mouth. Laughing slightly, I push him off.

"Lou, not here." He starts to leave wet kisses all over my face, making me giggle.

"god I love you Niall." Louis rest his forehead on mine and lightly kissing my nose.

"And I love you Louis."

-@ Home, @ Dinner Time-

"You two have been acting strange the past few months." Harry says looking at Louis and I. "And uh... no offense Niall, but you're eating a lot more than usual. Your apatite had what..? Tripled? What's going on with you guys?"

Louis and I steal worried glances.

"Uh... I think we have to have a talk after dinner... all of us... I'm sure we all have something we want to talk about..." Louis says, I nod along.

"Um.. Actually... I think I'm going to hit the hay. I'm tired so I'll just be going." Liam picks up his plate and mouths 'good luck' then he leaves.

We finish the rest of dinner quickly in a comfortable silence. Once everything is cleaned up, we sit in the living room.

I sit next to Louis, and Harry takes a seat in front of us.

Harry's PoV.

I look at Niall and Louis sitting in front of me. This might be the time for me to come out to them. Liam can always find out later...

"Ok.. Well I want to say something first.." I say, taking a deep breath. I look up at Niall. He smiles at me. It's very comforting.

Next, I look to Louis. He smiles too, making my heart beat all that little bit faster.

"Uh... Don't hate me please.. But um.. I'm pansexual. I don't care about genders..." I go to say something after sitting in silence, but Louis and Niall hug me first.

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