Sexy Little Liers {31}

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((picture of the beach house above))

Liam's PoV.

(3 weeks later)

"What if a bear comes and attacks us?" Harry asks from beside me, in shotgun.

"That's what I've been saying too!" Niall adds in the behind me, and beside Louis.

I keep my focus on the road, knowing Louis will calm them down.

"Calm down Guys! We are camping at a private beach! There won't even be other people there!" Louis laughs.

"Remind me again how you got a private beach?" Niall asks.

"Eleanor's dad owned it. When he died, it was given to her. She said we could use it. And the house that's on the beach too." I catch Louis smiling from the rear view mirror.

"If there is a house, why did we pack tents?" Harry groans.

"For fun. If you didn't notice Niall and I didn't pack any camping gear." Louis snickers.

"So you made us waste time packing stuff we wouldn't need?" I complain.

"no. You do need the clothes you brought. Just not the tent." Niall laughs.

The rest of the ride is spent listening to music, and talking about the most irrelevant things like, 'the cutest breed of dog' or 'who would be the best at being a dancer' and even 'who has softer hair.'

-@ the beach-

I pull the car in front of the beach house, that is in front of the private beach.

The sun is about to set, creating the perfect view.

"This is beautiful!!" Louis shouts as he runs out the car with his bags.

I go to the trunk and get my own bags. Harry Is already inside the house with Louis.

I walk up the steps to the door with Niall next to me.

"How long are we staying?" I ask him.

"Around a week I guess?" I nod and enter the house.

I'm in awe at it's beauty. A huge kitchen, and living room.

The far wall is made of glass, with a sliding door the open to a deck that shows the beach and ocean.

There is a spiral staircase leading to what I'm guessing is the bedrooms.

"Holy!" Niall says dropping his bags by the stairs.

"Can we go to the beach now?" I asks. The lads chuckle and nod.

We make it so the beach, each of us leaving our shoes at the house.

I wiggle my toes in the sand, loving the feeling.

"Ok, lets split up, walk up and down the beach for some time alone as a couple, then meet back here in 30 mins?" Louis suggests.

I link hands with Harry and we start a walk on the opposite way than Nouis.

"It's so nice here." Harry says looking at me, then around the beach. He keeps his eyes trained on the now setting sun.

The sky is painted with so many different shades of colours. "It's beautiful," he whispers.

"It is isn't it." I say back. But I'm not looking at the sky, I'm looking at him.

Louis' PoV.

I walk hand in hand with Niall down the beach.

Subconsciously I kick the sand under my feet, making it come back up, and hit Niall.

"Louis!" Niall gasps with a laugh.

"Opps?" I chuckle.

Niall lets go of my hand and walks a bit in front of me. He picks up a hand full of sand, and throws it at me.

I laugh as I throw some too.

I chase Niall around a bit.

I go to throw sand at him, but a sea shell distracts me. I walk over to it, and pick it up.

It's blue/purple at the base, and ombre to a creamy white colour.

I hide it behind my back, and walk up to Niall.

"hey babe. I have something for you. It's good I promise." He smiles at me and nods.

I hold it out.

"Lou! It's so pretty." I wrap my arms around him from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"I love you Louis. So much. Our love is better than words can describe." Niall says to me.

"I love you more than life Niall. You are way too good for me." I mumble, looking down from the sunset, to my beautiful boyfriend.

"I think we're perfect for eachother Lou-Lou." Niall says, turning around to kiss me.

We walk back on the shoreline, the cool sea water occasionally washing up to our feet.

We get to the meeting point to see Harry and Liam setting up a bonfire.

"Where did the chairs come from?" I ask the couple.

"The side of the deck had like 10 of these." Liam explains. I nod and sit of one next to Niall.

"oh!!" Harry stands up and pulls Niall to the house. I watch as they run in through the back door.

I give Liam a questioning look, he shrugs not knowing what they are up to either.

2 minutes later, the run back towards us.

Niall is holding 2 bags of marshmallows and 1 pack of hotdog. Harry is holding a bag of sticks, and hotdog buns.

"Where did those come from?" Liam asks as they both sit.

"We brought them." Niall answer.

We roast the hotdog first. Laughing about old stories.

Liam rips open one of the marshmallow bags. I look around to see stars littering the night sky.

"It's amazing away from the city." I say out loud without meaning too.

"That it is." Harry agrees.

We all slide a few marshmallows on a stick, and hold them over the fire.

"You know that time when you guys asked me if i was gay 2 months after we met?" Niall speaks up. We all nod, the fire creating a glow 5 feet around us.

"I lied when I said I was straight. Liam was the only that knew I was gay."

"You lied to us?" Harry says acting offended. We all laugh.

"That reminds me." Harry starts, setting his stick down for a moment. "You guys know That picture I have of myself in my room with that prom kind crown?"

A Chorus of 'yes' is heard before Harry starts again.

"I never won prom king. The actually prom king, for some reason, took it off when he went to the washroom. My friends took it, and gave it to me. I keep that picture as a reminder." We all laugh at Harry's ridiculous story.

So that's how we spent the rest of the night.

Roasting marshmallows, and telling each other lies we've said to one another at some point in our friendship.


Word Count:


What do you think of of the chapter??

I just wanted to have a small thing of all 4 of the Boys.

I'm not a huge fan of this chapter, but maybe you guys will like it?

How is everyone anyway?

Good I hope! 💙

Well that's really all I have to say.

Have a graceful (I'm running out of words...) day!!

- Laylania xxx

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