Let Them {13}

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Liam's PoV.

I open my eyes, but close them right away. The lights around me are too intense. My head is killing me, and I feel like I'm dying. I take time to a just, then I open my eyes.

Am I... in a bathroom stall?

I realize I'm kneeling/leaning against a toilet bowl. I look in to find nothing, well nothing yet until I empty out whatever I had in my stomach.

Hangover's are great aren't they?

It hurts and it makes me eyes water i repeat that once more. I stand up after flushing the toilet to find myself naked.

To my surprise and gratitude, my clothes are on the back of the toilet. I dress slowly, my head still killing me. I step out of my stall and look at my refection in the mirror.

I try to remember last night, but I can only pick out bits and pieces.

I think there was... a girl maybe..?

I know i thought they were beautiful..

I remember we made out... and she gave me a blow job.. I don't even remember her name.

OMG... Harry!! I left him somewhere at the bar last night! I hope he didn't go home with some stranger.

I left the bathroom, to go looking for him. Finally I find him in a room that seems oddly familiar. He is laying stomach down.

Oh yeah... he's also naked.

I find his clothes and walk over to him.

"Harry." I say as I shake him. "Wake up."

"Hmmm" he mumbles.

"Harry!" he shots up looking at me  then he hold his head.

"God I think I died!" he says then laughs.

"Liam I had the best night last night. I hardly remember it though! I was with this really hot gu- Person!"

"Tell me about it later. Put your clothes on and let's go home." I say turning around to give harry some dignity.

"Ok let's go." I turn to see a fully dressed Harry. We make our way through the bar, and to the outside world.

"It's day time?" Harry asks in disbelief as I hail a cab. The ride home is long, but I'm grateful when we get home.

"Where are they?" I ask referring to Louis and Niall, as we step into a seemingly empty flat.

"It's still pretty early in the morning. I bet they'll be asleep." Harry says heading to the kitchen and garbs 2 cups.

"I'll get us painkillers." I head to the bathroom, and search for the little pill bottle. Once i find it, I take the painkillers, and leave the bathroom. Before I head back to the kitchen, I check Louis' room.


Niall's room?

I slowly open the door, to see Niall cuddled up to Louis. They both appear shirt me so, but judging by the fact that their clothes are on the floor, I'd say they are more than Naked.

I close the door slowly, and make my way back to the kitchen. I give harry his pain killers, and we both swallow 2 tablets.

"You were right." I say as a silence falls over us.

"About?" Harry asks laughing lightly.

"Niall and Louis." I say as if it's obvious, because it is. Apparently not obvious enough because harry just raises an eyebrow at me.

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