Hello There {28}

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Niall's PoV.

What the hell is happening?! All I can see is.... well nothing. It's dark, and I'm terrified!!!

"It's alright to say that death's the only thing you haven't tried
But just for today, hold on"

What is that? Is someone singing? Hey it sounds like Ed Sheeran's song....

"So live life like you're giving up
'Cause you act like you are
Go ahead and just live it up
Go on and tear me apart, hold on"

I focus on the beautiful singing, and use all the power i can muster, to slowly wiggle my toes.

"Live life like you're g-giving up
'Cause y-you act like you a-are
Go ahead and j-just live it up-up"

I frown slightly as the singing stops. A pressure I didn't even know was on my hand, is now gone. The singing is replaced by crying.

"Go on and tear me apart" I Sing quietly as I open my eyes slowly.

I look down to see a head of soft brown hair. I'm tempted to run my fingers through it, and I give in, making the person jump up, revealing it's Louis.

I get attacked in a hug. I take a deep breath in, indulging in Louis' scent. Louis grips my shoulders tightly and I wrap my arms around his waist.

I hear Louis sob harder when I complete one of my favorite songs.

"Hold on"

I slip hand under his sweater, and drawn small circles on his back with my finger. Louis pulls away from the hug, and looks me in the eyes. I feel his lips on mine in what seems to be a desperate kiss

"I'm so sorry!" Louis cries when he pulls back.

I look around the room I'm in, and I realize I'm in a hospital. Machines crowd around me. "What happened?" I asks quietly, I notice the slight scratch in my voice, which sparks my curiosity.

"Uh Niall, there was an accident..." Instantly it all comes back to me.

Liam being gay...

Louis and Harry....

The car....

I turn to Louis horrified as I remember what happened with Harry and him.

"Y-You...H-Harry..." I whisper. Louis seems to understand, he grabs my hand, but I pull it back quickly.

"Please let me explain!" I nod slowly.

"Harry, He kissed me, and.... I kissed back. But please understand that as soon as I realized what i was doing, I pushed him away!! I'm so sorry Niall! I didn't know what I was doing! And when I did, I-it was too late!" Louis starts pleading, looking ready to burst into tears again 

"I'm so sorry!! Please!! Forgive me...?" I kiss Louis' nose, surprising him.

"I forgive you. I love you Louis. No matter what. Harry made a move, but you didn't stop him. You have to prove to me, you want this. work for us. Show me you love me. Ok?" He sighs relieved.

"So will you take me back?" I give him a quizzical look. "Louis, who said I ever broke up with you?"

I smile warmly as Louis kisses me again.

"Thank you so much!! I love you Niall! More than life." I giggle at how cute he is being.

"I love you too baby-" My breath hitches in my throat. "Baby!" My hands fly to my stomach. Flat.....

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