Doctors Office {9}

193 9 2

Louis' PoV.


ugh. I untangle myself from the bedsheets, and Niall so I can make my way to the bathroom.

I use the toilet, and go to wash my hands. As I'm washing my hands, I start to cough. Ugh. This stupid cough. I've had it for what? a couple of weeks now? I feel mucus in my mouth, to I move my hand away from my mouth, and spit it out in the sink.

It's not mucus though. It's red. Mucus isn't red. No. But blood is.

I look down to see a little splatters of blood on my hand. I wash off the blood, and turn the tap off.

Looking in the mirror, I examine myself. I brush it off, and decide to just get it checked out later.

-later, after breakfast-

I'm sitting in the living room with the lads when I can feel another coughing fit. I excuse myself and head towards the bathroom near the rooms.

I lock the door, and instantly start to cough. It freaks me out as more blood exits my mouth and hits the tissue I'm holding.

"Babe? Are you ok?" i panic as i hear Niall on the other of the door. "Can you open the door please?" I spit out the blood in my mouth, and I unlock the door putting Down my bloody tissue.

"Are you ok? I came to check on you and I heard you coughing- Shit Louis! Is that blood?!" Niall panics as he sees my tissue. "Why is there blood on your lip?!"

Niall pulls my face closer to his and nearly faints as he sees some blood on my lip.

"Niall calm down." I think off a lie, and I use it. "I got a bloody nose, and I have a cough. Some blood got in my mouth and it tasted really bad, so it made me cough more." I fake a smile.

Niall looks at me skeptically, and before he can say anything I say, "I'm going to go to the doctor though. See if I can get something for my cough."

"Ok. I'll come with you." He says pulling me out of the bathroom.

"No no no." I panic a bit. He can't know I'm coughing up blood. I'll tell him later, when I know I'm ok. For now he doesn't need to know. "I'll go. It could take a while. You stay. Relax. I'll be back later." I kiss him before we are in view of the other boys.

"I'll be back later lads." Before I leave i can hear Niall explain where I'm going. I sign as soon as I'm outside. I'm fine. I'll be fine. right?

-@ the hospital-

I'm in the emergency room. They got someone to look at me almost as soon as I got there. Probably because I've been coughing up blood.

It's been a few hours. They ran a test or 2, and I got an x-ray.

-Flash back-

"Ok Mr. Tomlinson I need you to lay down, and then not to move." The nurse tells me. I nod and lay down, resting my head on that small little pillow.

Them machine takes me in, and it starts. The nurse said it could take awhile to finish. The machine starts to make weird noises. I was told that it's normal so I'm not freaked out.

Finally the machine stopped, and it pulled me out. I was escorted to an office and told to wait.

-end of flashback-

They've had me waiting in this office for a while, and it's really boring.


A text from Niall

'You've been gone a while. Are you ok? when do you think you'll be home?
-Niall x'

'Yeah. Slow waiting time. I'm fine. I'll see you soon probably. Love you!
-Louis x'

i hate lying to Niall. I'll tell him when I get home though.

'Love you too Lou
-Niall x'

Just as i turn my phone off, the doctor walk a in with my X-Ray. He puts my x-rays up on a bored.

"Mr. Tomlinson my name is Dr. John and I have some news." He says sitting down. He points towards the bored, and when his words leave his mouth, everything blurs out. I can barely hear what he is saying.

"-Specialist-...-Appointments-...-Treatment-..." I just nod along even though I can't hear him. He hands me a paper with lots of writing. I start to pay attention now.

"There is a phone number and address there to a specialist that will be taking care of you now." I nod stiffly.

As soon as I can I bolt out of the hospital and into the car. I start my drive to the house, and I'm surprised I haven't crashed by the time I get there, because my tears blur my vision.

I sit in the car for a bit, and I dry my eyes. I walk from the car to the house in the bitter night air. When I step through the door, I hear Liam first. "Hey Lou your back. how was It-" he stops talking, Niall and Harry behind him.

They all notice my red eyes, and instantly they know something is wrong. Niall steps closer a bit. "Louis. What's wrong?"

I'm not sure exactly what i told them, but i do i know i told them what the doctor told me. Everything around me is blurred, and distant. I can only know i told them, from the way they reacted.

Niall ran towards me like lightning, hugging me with such a force that knocks me over. I sit on the ground by the door, still holding Niall. I can feel my shirt getting wet from Niall's tears. Soon Liam and Harry join us, tears streaming down their own faces.

We sit there for god knows how long, sobbing.

I could care less that I'm bawling my eyes out here. All I can think about is what the doctor told me. His words on repeat inside of my head.

Lung Cancer.....


Word Count:


So..... Did you guys like it? I bet you didn't see that coming did you?

Well if you did... good paying attention. I was trying to drop small Easter eggs leading up to this.

What are your thoughts?

If you liked it, let me know!

and share the story!

- Laylania xxx

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