prologue ✾

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✾ s t a r b u c k s • m i s h a p ✾

d e s c r i p t i o n ~

Sienna Blake wants to be best known as a photographer. She's the eyes behind the camera that captures moments to remember. However, Sienna goes to a stereotypical high school where she is at the bottom of the social ladder. Sienna and her best friend, Sierra, attempt to survive another year in high school being under the radar. All of a sudden a guy by the name of Blake Anderson decides to take notice of Sienna.

p r o l o g u e ~

"I dare you to just go over there to that guy and ask for his number," my best friend, Sierra, decided. Sienna and Sierra. Our names are the reason why we are best friends. To begin with, our dear dads are business partners. Next, you have our moms who been best friends since forever. Finally, our similar yet different characteristics just connected us. You can say that we are rich, but I prefer not to use my parent's money. I didn't want to become a spoiled child.

"Fine," I said rolling my eyes. A dare is a dare, you just cannot back down. My eyes darted to the guy she was pointing at, which was pretty rude might I add, and of course it had to be Brent's best friend, Kyle. Kyle thinks he's a gift to women, but to be honest that's just his excuse of saying he's a player. Brent is just a cocky boy with a big ego, but he doesn't play girls in a hump and dump manner, he just flirts with them.

I walked over to their table and they stopped their conversation when they saw me. Brent raised an eyebrow at me and Kyle had a smirk on his face. At school I wear glasses, but outside of school I wear contacts. You can say I live a double life, but not really. I doubt they know who I am because I'm not that known in our school, but I don't really want to.

"Hey cutie, can I get your number?" I asked in a girly high fake voice in the inside I was practically barfing. I looked back casually at Sierra who was turning red from holding in her laughter. Brent looked amused while Kyle wrote his number on a napkin and gave it to me.

"Call me any day sweet thang," Kyle said with a wink. It took a whole lot for me not to roll my eyes at his pathetic flirting manner. I winked before walking off back to Sierra who I glared at.

"Oh my gosh like you totally just got a hot guy's number," Sierra said using the voice I was using on them earlier. We bursted out laughing, if I sounded like that, then I sounded like a complete idiot. I drank my Double Chocolaty Chip Frap which happens to be my favorite drink from Starbucks.

"He better not be thinking that I will actually call him," I stated. Insert the princess emoji because the princess just slayed. Okay I'm just joking, but I have been watching Tyler Oakley way too much. I started to tear up, so I slowly stopped laughing while Sierra had no shame and kept laughing.

Someone bumped into our tables causing both our drinks to spill in our laps. Starbucks is like five dollars for a cup! I can't just waste money like that and it happened to go waste. I glared at the person who bumped into the table, who was none other than the famous Brent Anderson. Why am I not surprised? Of course, faith is not on my side today.

"You better buy us new drinks" I demanded. He smirked and shrugged.

"That is not my problem," he said gesturing to our shorts that were currently soaked because of the drink. It's so cold, my legs are like numb now.

"Brent Anderson, if you do not get us a new drink, I will kick your ass to Asia and back," I said with a threatening glare. Brent sighed and gestured us to the counter. He shoved ten bucks at the cashier before stalking off.

"What can I get you girls again?" the guy asked letting out a soft laugh.

"The same thing as last time and a first aid kit because boy will he need it," I answer bluntly. He laughed and nodded before putting our names on new fresh cups. Sierra and I went into the girl's bathroom to clean up. Luckily we were wearing jean shorts, so it didn't do much, since they're black.

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