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Next Update || April 13, 2014

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| It All Started With Starbucks |

| Chapter Thirteen |

| Sienna's Point of View |

"Oh my gosh! Thanks mommy!" I squealed like a little five year old. It was Christmas and the family was opening presents at the hotel that they decided to stay in. I opened my present to see a new teen fiction book, a new iPhone5 gold, and a gun..

Ever since Chris and I found out they were secret agents, they've been training us. I am currently working on my aim with a gun, so I guess they think I deserve my own gun just in case. I was thinking about becoming a secret agent, but I don't really want to. What if I have kids?

"We have to tell you guys something," my daddy, Matthew, started. He gave my mom a look before she opened her mouth.

"I'm not really pregnant," she said in shame.

Chris and I looked at each other with a straight face before we grinned. "Yes!" we both shouted. Matthew and Lily were dumbfounded about our reaction. Chris and I got up and did a winner dance that people do when they win.

"I am ashame to say I'm related to you," Astrid joked. I stuck out my tongue at her.

"You know you love me," I replied with a playful wink. Astrid rolled her eyes and laughed. We sat back down to finish opening the presents.

This Christmas I got a new book, a new iPhone, a gun, box of condoms, a new dress, three crop tops, and two skater skirts, a new purse, two bracelets, one necklace, and three new pairs of earrings. Chris got a pennyboard, a gun also, an iPod, tuxedo, three new XBOX games. Chris and I got a new yacht, but we have to share it. 

Talk about amazing Christmas!

I got Astrid this dress she really wanted and a box of tampons. For Iris I got her a footie pjs since I got Kyle a matching one and a necklace. I got my mom and dad a box of condoms, it's glow in the dark so they know where they're going, so they don't have another child. They are busy people. I got my aunt and uncle a new baby carriage. I heard my aunt and uncle want another baby.

For the crew, Brent got new Raybans because I kind of broke his a while ago. Kyle footie pjs and a book of tips on how to impress Iris. Sierra got a new iPod. Kristine got a new laptop since I haven't seen her in a long time. Tanner got some new underwear though. 

Hmm I think I didn't forget anyone...maybe.

"Best and most intersting Christmas in my entire life," Chris said laughing. I nodded in agreement.

Who knew this Christmas we would find out our family was full of secret agents? Who knew they were generous enough to give us a yacht? Maybe they only gave us that to make up for not knowing who they really were. I hope they just gave it to us because they love us..

I started drawing my name because I was bored. I did random designs and Chris walked in with popcorn and movies.

"That's fresh," he said looking at my drawing.

"Thanks," I said laughing.

We sat down in comfortable silence watching Frozen while eating popcorn. Has anyone ever been to the Cinemax theaters? Kettlecorn there is beyond amazing. I would buy that over popcorn anyday. I was so into the movie that I didn't know the popcorn was half done.

"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!" Chris and I sang as the Ice queen sang. Favorite song out of the whole movie.

If you haven't watched Frozen yet, you are missing out. I was waiting for an Ice princess movie by Disney. It finally came out, that's what's up.

"What's your favorite Disney movie?" Chris asked me. 

I really like Frozen but it isn't my favorite.

"The classic Little Mermaid, of course, all time favorite," I replied doing a weird face. Chris laughed at my face. "How about you?"

"Frozen," he hollered.

(A/N: Comment your favorite Disney princess movie!)


It was New Years Eve. 

New Years. 

Hmm I need to figure out a New Years resolution. Maybe I could prank Chris every once a month? Yes that's gonna be resolution! Probably not even suppose to be one, but that's mine. Don't judge me people! I am my own person.

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