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| It All Started With Starbucks |

| Chapter 4 |

| Sienna's Point of View |

I can't believe we are stuck on top of the drop tower! I only went on because I know it will go down, but I am scared of heights. I was freaking out to say the least. I was holding on to Kristine for my dear life and she was holding on to Sierra who loved heights. Every month she goes skydiving, so it's crazy. She loves having that feeling of being dropped or being in the air. I hate it, I honestly do. 

I texted Chris. 

Me: I'm stuck on top of the drop tower in the amusement park.

Chris: Nice knowing you little sis

Me: Your girlfriend is here too.

Chris: She's not my girlfriend yet! OH NO MY BABE!

Me: Nice knowing you care about me.

He worries about Sierra more than his own sisters. I shook my head in disappointment. Chris you are so damn whipped, it's kind of scary sometimes. Christopher Blake I am gonna give you a lecture about family always coming first. No offense Sierra even though I consider you family, I mean blood family.

"We are gonna die," someone on the end yelled into the air. I saw people at the bottom just looking at us like we are crazy. I saw Sierra have some popcorn, so we smirked. 

"Let's play a game," I told the girls. We were gonna throw popcorns down, we are all winners except for the people at the bottom. We started throwing popcorn one by one, hearing some complaints and etc. The people on the ride watched us in amusement. 

"Everyone grabb a handful of popcorn and throw it together," Sierra said passing the popcorn to her left than her right. "1...2...3 Go!" she shouted and we all threw the popcorn to the bottom. Haha sucks to be you people who I don't know who happen to be sitting down there.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Hold onto your chairs, the ride is now ressuming," the announcer said. We all cheered in happiness that we can get down now. 

They dropped us...three times. I am so done. I am done. I am done. Just kidding.

"I have a surprise for all of you," Sierra said with a cute little smile on her face. I wonder what it was, it was pretty rare for Sierra to have a surprise for us, since we would always find out before she tells us. Hm like the fact she liked Chris, I always knew that, but she told me like a while after I found out about her little crush.

"What is it?" Kristine asked buying a smoothie at one of the Jamba Juice stands that they had here. Oh yeah they had random stands you could find in a food court of a mall.

"We are going to go to the meet and greet that Jeremy Sumpter is having tomorrow," Sierra said cheering. Her mom, Melody, had a slight obsession over Peter Pan, and let's just say it rubbed off on Sierra a little bit. It's quite hilarious sometimes.

"I'm in," I announced. Oh come on, who would pass an oppurtunity like this? The guy is hot and an amazing actor. 

"Same," Kristine said shrugging as she sipped on her Mango A Go Go smoothie. I would buy a smoothie, but I didn't feel like it. I felt a vibration on my phone, I took it out of my pocket, and looked at it. Oh a message from mommy! I mumbled it to myself. Oh yeah she's coming back to visit me since Kristine's mom is in town along with Sierra's mom. 

My mom's name is Lily. She's a shy outgoing person. Only outgoing when she gets to really meet you and become your friend or something. She was in the business area, that's why I live in such a nice house along with a few maids. My mother of course being in the business area was pretty busy most of the time, but I got to see at least once or twice a month which was pretty good, considering other families their parents visit like once every six months or so.

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