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| Note To Self | Make this book at least one hundred pages |

That moment when you are laughing because you read something funny... And you just look stupid.

Book Suggestion: Tame by EmilytheReader

Music Suggestion: Dark Horse by Katy Perry

"Knowledge cannot replace friendship,

I'd rather be an idiot than lose you"

- Patrick to Spongebob

It All Started With Starbucks

Chapter Seventeen

Sienna's Point of View

"No you have to wear this outfit, it's perfect," Sierra demanded throwing an outfit at my chest. I heard Brent told Sierra what he was doing and where he was taking me. I had no choice of what to wear since I don't even know how to dress for this secret event.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the clothes off the floor. I changed into it in my walk in closet. I walked out to see Sierra ready with makeup and the curling iron was plugged in. Is she serious? It was just a date, I don't think I should go full out. Make the most of life before it ends, Sierra's motto. I sat on the chair and wanted for her to do something.

"I'm gonna do hair, then makeup, so I blindfold your eyes," she said holding up a piece of black cloth. She put it on my eyes and tied it before my head under my hair.

She did my hair and makeup while I called Kristine.

"Hey Kristine," I said into the phone when she picked up.

"What's up?" she asked shuffling through something on the other side. Should I bring up Tanner or not yet? Ehh she's gonna have to tell us eventually.

"What's up with you and Tanner? He's been such a downer lately," I told her closing my eyelids as Sierra puts eyeshadow on me, with mascara and eyeliner. I wonder what guys do while girls get ready for their date.

"Tanner and I kind of had a fall out before he left," she said slowly not telling us the whole story. A fall out? The cute ass couple had a fall out? What did he do this time? Sierra looked pissed when I opened my eyes, but she finished up my makeup.

"Are you serious? What did he do? What happened?" Sierra and I asked at the same time. This is why we are best friends.

"It's hard to explain, but I kind of realized that he isn't the one for me, I mean I feel like it's better just to be friends with him," Kristine explained with a sigh. I know how she feels. I once went out with a guy named Tyler, but it didn't work out at all. It was just awkward and it feels like we were just best friends. We never even kissed.

"We understand," Sierra stated simply. We showed no pity because she doesn't like it when people feel sorry for her.

There's nothing to feel sorry about anyways, if she doesn't like him that way you can't force her to. Kristine was probably the one who broke it off with Tanner. Tanner must really like her, but a relationship doesn't work unless both of them are commited to it.

"I gotta go, the mother is making me run errands," Kristine stated.

"Bye," Sierra and I said.

Kristine hung up and Sierra just finished my makeup. It was a casual outfit, so she did a natural look. The eyeshadow was natural, but she put in some gold to add color. The eyeliner was thin with a little wing and the mascara was just two coats. I didn't have any foundation, bb cream, concealer, bronzer, or blue on my face. I put on my baby lips cherry me, which was like a hot pink color, but more on the red side.

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