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If I dedicated this to you *cough* Matthew *cough* go straight to the end of this chapter to find out why c'x

| It All Started With Starbucks |

| Chapter Eight |

| Sierra's Point of View |

"Chris! Put me down right now!" I yelled. When I was done getting ready, I fell asleep on the couch. Now I am hanging off of Chris's shoulder with his ass in my face. Remind me to get revenge on him later on. My stomach hurts because he's shoulders that are hard, that sounds wrong, so moving on.

"No we are going to McDonald's," he said slapping my ass. I slapped his back really hard scowling at it.

My mother was standing at the front door watching us in amusement. My father was glaring at Chris, but of course Melody calms him down. You gonna watch, but ain't gonna help me? Such a loving family that I have. I shook my head in disapproval as Chris put me on my feet opening the car door for me. I glared at him before getting in. I'm gonna do what every boyfriend hates their girlfriend doing. Yes it's time for...the silent treatment.

"Babe you have a good sleep?" he asked focusing on the road. I turned my head and looked out the window not bothering to answer his question.



"Are you ignoring me?"

"Don't give me the silent treatment!"

Chris kept talking and talking trying to get me to talk to him. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. He thought he won but I just glared at him and averted me view out the door. Maybe I should have just got a ride with Sienna and Kristine.

"If you don't talk to me, I am not buying you food," Chris threatened. Oh no food! You do not come in between a woman and her food unless you wanna die.

"Fine, happy?" I asked still scowling at him. Chris gave me a grin before pulling into McDonald's parking lot. I got out before he could open the door for me and we walked into the fast food resturant together. I yawned and patted my mouth still feeling tired because I didn't get any sleep last night. I think my mom and dad were getting it on because I kept hearing moaning.

Chris ordered for me before returning to the table. He studied my face for a while. It was kind of creepy, but it's funny how his nose was all scrunched up like he couldn't figure out something. I waved my hand in front of his face laughing.

"It's creepy to stare you now," I told him before looking back at the workers to see if they were done with our order yet.

"I know," Chris admitted. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" he asked looking at the workers before looking back at me. I nodded and grinned.

Chris was being so sweet lately it's kind of crazy. I should have listened to Sienna and just told him I liked him from the start, but I didn't. Chris confessed that he liked me the same time I started liking him, that's weird but sweet. Chris hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, but he said he was making the time right before that happens.

Aww he's so cute. He thinks about everything very hard before doing something. At least he wasn't one of those clueless boys who don't know what to do. He's lucky to have Sienna because then she knows everything about me and she could help him if we were fighting or something.

"Order number 124," the worker said. Chris got up and retrieved the tray. He put my breakfast in front of me and his in front of him. Automatically we started putting in our syrup and started eating in a comfortable silence.

| Sienna's Point of View |


"It's friday, friday, gotta get down on friday," Kristine sang even though she didn't like the song much. We were driving to the school with gifts in Sierra and my hands. Kristine isn't doing secret santa but she had a gift for Tanner.

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