one ✾

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"We're gonna be late, get up Sienna!" The words were coming out of my annoying twin brother.I flung my blankets off of me and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see the horrifying reflection looking back at me.

"Chris! I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. First, I have to wash my face. I washed my face with soap and other face stuff I have until it was off. Luckily it wasn't permanent. I went to my closet and changed into one of my school outfits. I was wearing skinny jeans, white button down well like a dress shirt for girls, a cardigan, and to top it off I put a bow on my shirt. I already had my glasses on which were Raybans. I have sunglasses the same brand but I don't use it unless I have contacts on.

"Sienna! Hurry up before I drive to school without you!" Chris yelled from downstairs. I quickly grabbed my Jansports backpack which was solid gray and ran down the stairs.

Chris and I were twins as people think, but we're not really twins. We were just born in the same year because our mother could not wait a year but she got pregnant a week after she gave birth to Chris. I was seventeen, but Chris was eighteen. He's legal, I'm not. His birthday was last month so I had to wait for nine months until it's mine.

"I hate you," I muttered at him while he was standing there swinging his keys on his finger and had a big grin on his face. I slapped his shoulder on my way out to the car.

"Now Sienna honey, hate is a very strong word," he said in a fail attempt of a British accent. I shook my head and let out a giggle. He chuckled and we drove off to school. I had my own car, but I don't really drive it to school, so I just get a ride with Chris.

Chris was not a nerd like me, but he was the captain of the basketball team. He was good friends with Brent, Kyle, and Tanner. Chris was labeled as a jock of course and he is kind of a player with the ladies. He has one girl each week maybe even two, but they're never the same girls.

I quickly got out of the car before his fan club starts surrounding it. Girls were glaring daggers at me seeing that I got a ride from Chris. Oh yeah usually I ride with Sierra but she was gonna be late to first period today.

"Ew Chris, why are you hanging out with the nerd?" Alyssa hissed at me. Alyssa was the Queen Bitch of the school also the girl who opens her legs the most. I rolled my eyes at her attempt to scare me.

"Alyssa don't you ever call my sister a nerd," Chris said putting a protective arm on my shoulders. I gave him a reassuring smile saying that I was fine. He nodded before letting me go to my locker.

"I'm sorry Chris, I didn't know, you're just so you and she's so that," Alyssa said as I walked into the school building. I rolled my eyes. That ain't gonna help your situation girl.

I felt three pairs of eyes starring at me as I opened my locker. My locker in the inside was pretty cool, I painted it silver, but the paint can be washed off with water. I have a little bulletin board on the door with pictures attached to them. I looked to my left and right slightly. I realized Brent and his friends were starring at me from the right. Okay then. The dare was not even that great, why were they starring at me?

"Sienna right?" a voice said from my right as I took my English textbook out for my first period.

"May I help you?" I asked slowly turning to my right. I came face to face with Kyle.

"Are you the same girl from Starbucks?" Brent asked this time. I thought for a minute, should I tell them the truth?

"I was at home with my best friend watching a movie, so I have no idea what you're talking about," I answered shrugging. I am a very good actress. It was half true.

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