Never been hurt

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The day I was put back in a cell, I know very well how it works for rogues, there mates will never want them, well only if they magically happened to be a rogue like them.

Being a rogue comes with a price, I knew it, we all did. "I don't care about your plans, I said, let her go now. I know you won't hurt her, but there is nothing holding me back from killing you, so you chose but I'll tell you this, my time is gold and my patience is not that long."

I pressed my eyes closed as I held onto Frank's arm, "Frank please, I'll be fine just leave." I yelped as he stepped back with me, "Don't you dare come any close."

"Frank! Please, you'll make this worse." He turned me around and kissed me, responding to the kiss to give him that, our closure, our dreams, our plans, they were are faded and when he pulled away, they were gone. "It was beautiful while it lasted, I'll take with me our first time together, because I love you."

I pressed my eyes closed at that as tears coated my eyes, "Take her away." I popped my eyes open at that, staring where Frank had left off as they grabbed my arms. I didn't put up a fight, too hurt by Frank's words. I can't believe that stepping into this territory would change the course of things.

Maybe we weren't meant to be, like he said. It was beautiful while it last, he was my first but by the moon, Sloan will be my last. I looked down as they pushed me past Sloan, I who had walked head held high past the pack members now had to walk past them head down.

I already know what the were thinking, at last this filthy rogue was put in her place, she's going back where she belongs, where she was never supposed to come out.

They took me to the same cell I was in when I first came, a bed, a toilet and a sink. "Welcome back, the Alpha should have never took you out." I ignored their mocks, sitting on the bed with my back to them, my knees against my chest as I looked around the cell.

Hours past and no one came, I was expecting Sloan, asking me what had happened but sadly he didn't come. I rested on the bed, my eyes open the whole night. 

I was woke up early in the morning, "Come on, it's your shower turn." I stood up, following after the guard who showed me the shower. I looked at my face in the mirror, I looked like a mess. I opened the tap and leaned my head down, washing my face.

I brushed my teeth and removed my clothes, stepping into the shower, "Three minutes left!" The guard barked out and I soaped my body quickly, "What did you thought? Because you're the Alpha's favorite you'll get special treatments? This isn't a five start hotel."

I washed off the soap and closed the tap, walking out, "Seconds left." I dried off my body and put on the clean clothes they had for me. I made my way toward the door and ignored the guard's look, following him back to my cell.

I made my way back to bed, lying down. Soon they brought me food but I stayed on the bed, "Oh, now you're thinking you're too good for our food? Eat!" I ignored him, closing my eyes as if not to bother me and I sure as hell didn't want to be bothered.

He took the food with him expecting me to ask him for it but I didn't. The night soon came, and I like an idiot still hoped to see Sloan but he didn't come.

I was rudely awaken in the morning, I was able to shower and get ready. Like yesterday, the guard couldn't leave his mocks and taunts to himself but I ignored him, doing my thing to go back to my cell.

I sat on the bed, staring at nothing, and no, it wasn't the gaze I had when I was having a vision. I was thinking, thinking about the reasons why Sloan hasn't come.

I snapped my head toward the door and sighed when it was just the guard coming with the food, "What? Thought I was the Alpha? Keep waiting, he'll never come." He placed the food down and left, lying down, I ignored the food.

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