t h i r t e e n .

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Tionne ✨

"Next person that stares at me is getting punched." I mumbled.

Mani laughed and closed her locker. She looked behind me and frowned a little.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I turnt around and saw Kierston starring at us.

I sighed and turnt back around. "I don't fuck with her anymore." I said.

"I know..but you did once upon a time. I could tell she still likes you."

"Well I have that effect on people." I shrugged. She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes.

"I'm only looking at you." I said.

She smiled a little. "Really?" I nodded my head.

"Of course." Her smile widened and she kissed my lips.

"I'll see you at lunch okay?" She said.

I nodded my head then watched her walk off.

I tilted my head to the side watching her switch in those jeans.

"Look at you, already in a relationship." I sighed and recognized whos voice that is.

Kierston had a wide smile plastered on her face.

"You look good." She said pointing at my long hair. I nodded.

"Thanks, but I should go." "Weren't you already with me when you were with her? Does it matter now?"

She asked. I nodded. "Actually it does, cause she's my girl now." I said. She frowned.

"I thought you didn't do relationships" She said taking a step closer to me. I took a step back.

"Don't worry about what I do, keep yo distance." She clenched her teeth and I walked away.

I could've sworn I saw Aubrey walk off somewhere. I knew she was gonna tell Mani what she saw sooner or later.


I sighed taking a educational guess on my next test question. Math was honestly not my worst subject but this test was killing me.

I felt my phone vibrate on my lap.

I looked up at the teacher before I looked down. I opened up a picture from Bre.

I frowned when I saw a picture with Tionne and Kierston talking where I left her.

-"Not gonna say I told you so but...I told you so. She'd flirt with anyone if you aren't around."

I licked my lips and cut my phone off. I looked back up at my test that I was sure to fail.

When lunch rolled around I didn't even bother to talk to her.

When she noticed I wasnt sitting at our table she walked to our little group.

She leaned against the table. "Can we talk?"She asked.

"Not now." I mumbled. She frowned. "Why not?"

"She said no." Bre spoke up. I looked at her wondering why she said anything.

Tionne raised a brow.

"I'm sorry I wasn't talking to you, so mind your own damn buisness and stay out of ours." Tionne spat.

"If your talking to my bestfriend your talking to me."

"No I'm talking to the only hoe at this table." Aubrey frowned.

"Bitch." Tionne finished.

"Okay that's enough." I said standing up. Aubrey clenched her teeth.

I grabbed Tionne's hand and pulled her out the cafeteria. I stopped a couple feet away and folded my arms.

"What the hell did she say to you?"

Tionne asked. I pulled my phone out and showed her the picture. She frowned.

"She also said you were flirting." I said. "And you believe her?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Yea why not? You were fucking this bitch even after I told you not to be with anyone else." I said.

She sighed. "Aight, but that was before we were in a relationship."

"If your not faithful in a talking stage now am I supposed to know you'll be faithful in a relationship?" I asked.

Tionne nodded her head.

"Okay your right." She said. I know. "But I wasn't flirting with that girl." She said.

"So I'm supposed to believe that my bestfriend is lying?" I asked.

"Believe whoever you want. I'm standing on my shit. I wasn't flirting with that girl."

She shrugged. I was silent.

"You don't trust me, I get it. I told you I'm not someone you wanna be with." She said.

I bit down on my bottom lip. She shook her head then turnt back around walking away.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't trust her..like at all.

I don't know how people deal with this shit.


"Thanks." I mumbled stuffing my money in my pocket. I sighed and laid back against the brick wall.

Mani had been texting me all night but I decided to ignore her.

I hadn't been this stressed in a while.

I looked around the block until I noticed a black car at the corner. I licked my lips standing up straight.

I was pretty sure it was some cops. I turnt around not trying to make it obvious that I was about to run.

When I turnt around I noticed them stepping out their car.

I quickened my pace and ran down the street and to an alley. I only had enough drugs for one drop.

I sighed and decided to get rid of it. I threw it in a sewer and continued my run.

I hit a corner when I saw two police cars infront of me.

I swallowed hard and turnt when something pushed me on the ground. "Hands on the ground now!" They yelled.

I sighed and did exactly what they said. They walked me to the car and started to pat me down.

"Why were you running huh?" He asked.

"I don't fuck with the police." I spat. I heard him scoff.

He grabbed a hand full of my hair and slammed my head ontop of the car.

I clenched my teeth feeling blood run down from my nose.

"What was that? I didn't hear you kid can you repeat that for me?" He asked.

"I fucked yo Mama." I said. I heard his fist ball up. He turnt me around and punched me to the ground.

My eyes widened as I tried to fight the pain. He grabbed me again and pinned me against the car.

When he saw my face and hair he raised a brow. "Damn..your a girl?" He asked.

I was silent. He laughed then looked me up and down.

"Aight Owens, that's enough." Someone said. He shook his head.

"Your a dyke huh?" He asked. I was silent looking away from him.

He smirked. "You know what I do to dykes?" He asked. He leaned in against me.

"I kill them." He whispered in my ear. I frowned. He took a step back. "Your going to hell." He said.

I rolled my eyes and he put some handcuffs on my wrists before throwing me in the back of the car.


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