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Dammnnn, chapter 68😭. This is officially the longest book I've ever written y'all ♡.




I laid back watching Normani go to work in between my legs. I bit down on my bottom lip moaning out loud since the baby wasn't here.

"Damn bae." I mumbled closing my eyes.

It was no lie, she's the best I've ever had. I couldn't get enough of this girl.

This was what we've been doing for hours and it was great. Mani wiped her mouth and crawled up to me kissing my breasts and neck.

I knew what she was doing.

"You trying to draw blood or what?" I asked. She smiled. "Just want these hoes to know your mine."

I smiled. "Cute, but I don't have any hoes." Mani smacked her lips. "Right." She mumbled.

It was true. I didn't have any hoes on the side.

I was looking at Monica's fine ass but she wasn't worth fucking up my relationship and family I'm trying to build.

"Nah I'm only looking at you." I said honestly. She smiled laying on my chest. "Really?"

"Mhm. I swear." I said. Her smile grew wide. "I love you." "I love you more."

I switched positions and kissed her nose making her laugh. "Yo birthday coming up, what you wanna do?" I asked.

She started playing with my hair.

"I don't know..im not really thinking about that though. I'm worried about my baby and winning this case."

"Aight I understand and I won't let Bitch Ass Tobias take our baby away."

Mani laughed. "Bitch Ass Tobias."

"That's his name, he got some nerve to. I'll beat his ass again. You would think he learned the first time."

"Yea..but you can't be doing that if your helping me raise Tionna." Normani said.

I sighed. I know she's right. Shit, I barely smoke anymore.

I look at Tionna like a daughter- scratch that as my daughter. No matter how she got here she's innocent.

"Yea I know." I mumbled. She smiled. "I noticed you barely smoke to, I'm impressed." I smirked.

"That's what I do baebaeh." I said. Mani shook her head and playfully pushed me off of her before getting up.

"Come take me to get my baby." She said walking in the bathroom. Since she had the master bedroom she had a bathroom and a walk in closet.

She needed all this space since it was her and Tionna. Dinah didn't mind the extra bed though since she's barely here.

After we showered together I drove to my Moms house to get Titi.

"Hey Ma." I said watching my Mama play with Tionna.

When she saw me she screamed out loud holding her arms up. "This girl is spoiled..and you spoil her Tionne."

Mama said shaking her head. I smiled and picked my baby up.

"She wouldn't let me sit down at all, all she wanted to do is stand up and look around when she's not even walking yet."

"She's trying okay? Don't do my love bug." Mani said reaching out for Tionna but she wouldn't let me go.

I laughed and Normani smacked her lips. "Forget you to then bighead."

Tionna laid her head on my chest making me smile. "How's that case going?" Mama asked us.

We both sighed and I took a seat on the single sofa. Tionna gripped my shirt while closing her eyes.

"I don't know yet, we have to go up there tomorrow." Normani said.

Mama nodded her head and looked at me. "Ion think you should go." She said.

I frowned. "Why not?"

"Because of what you did to that boy, all he has to say is that your too dangerous to be around her anyway."

Normani nodded her head. "She does have a point." I smacked my lips.

"So he's gonna make it seem like I'll hurt her?" I asked. They both nodded.

"Man that's some bull, he can't use that." "If he testifys that in court it in court yes." Mama said.

Mani sighed. "Baby just..hold off for a second okay?" "And don't do anything stupid..and I mean it." Mama said.

I was beyond pissed.

"I know what your thinking and hurting that boy again isn't gonna get you anywhere. It'll get worse Tionne." Mama said pointing her finger at me.

"Think about that baby, you wanna raise her..you gotta do right by her and stop getting into trouble. Do you understand me?"

Mama asked with a serious tone. I nodded my head. "Yea." "Well I think she's doing a pretty good job." Mani spoke up.

I smiled. "She even stopped smoking." I nodded. She was half right.

"That girl ain't stop smoking, she might stop around the baby but not at work." I smacked my lips.

"Always gotta burst my bubble." I said. "It's the truth."

"I had weed medication but I stopped when I found out I was pregnant...it helped alot." Mani said.

It felt like she was having those hallucinations forever ago. I'm glad they stopped.

"Wait so we can still smoke together right?" I asked. Mama shook her head.

"No cause I'm breast feeding." Mani said raising a brow. I sucked my teeth.

"I tried." I mumbled. "Weed head." Mani shook her head and my Mama agreed.

"Since when did y'all start ganging up on me?" I asked. They laughed and the front door opened.

"Oh she's here, Tionne I really wanted you to meet her." Mama said.

I looked up at the door to see Mateo step inside with a girl.

"Tionne, Normani this is Stella...Stella this is my daughter and her girlfriend I was telling you about."

I frowned when I heard that name. Stella and I locked eyes and she frowned along with me.

"Ain't this some shit?" I mumbled.


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