f i f t y - e i g h t .

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"You can stay in the dorms until the child is born. We don't allow children in the dorm rooms."

Ms. Montgomery said. I sighed a little and nodded. School will definitely have to wait.

I can't do this by myself and my mother is already moving, I don't trust Tobias' family and the only real family I have is my Mom.

I'm really considering moving to Texas after the baby is born if not adoption.

"Alright, thank you." I stood up and walked out her office. This is gonna be tough...im stressed out and I don't know how to take care of a damn baby. Not by myself.

I threw my bag on my bed and sat down running my fingers through my hair. I started to cry..something I've been doing a lot lately.

I was completely alone..and I couldn't help but think how my life would've been if I never made that one mistake.

Tionne and I probably would've been planning our wedding by now, happily engaged in California.

But I just had to mess all that up. I'm so damn stupid.

I heard the door open making me wipe my eyes quickly. I didn't want anyone to see me cry.

"Hey! So I got us some food." Dinah said sitting a bag on the small table.

"That's great thanks." I mumbled. She frowned. "You alright?"

"Yea I'm fine..just hungry." I lied. I took my hands away from my face and folded my arms.

Dinah sighed. "Normani... you're my bestfriend.. I've never had a true friend like you."

I looked up at her. "I know we have our disagreements sometimes but that's what besties do, we fight

Actually your more like a sister to me... I just wish you'd open up to me more because it's like since you got preganant you've became more distant and going through this by yourself.

I'm here whenever you need me and I want you to know that. I'll even help you raise the baby...you not alone girl."

I smiled wiping away another tear. "Really?" She smiled and sat beside me.

"Of course."

I pulled her into a hug and held her tightly.


"Could you hurry the fuck up? I wanna call somebody to aight?" I fussed at some white chick.

Bitches in here was pissing me off. She hung up and rolled her eyes at me.

"Thot ass." I said out loud. "Garcia." I looked up and saw one of the correctional officers I knew.

Most of they ass was dirty anyway. Wouldn't dare get on my bad side or ill sing like a fucking canary.

"Nunez." I said back. He clenched his teeth. "Mhm...I get extra time right?" I asked.

"Yea." He mumbled. I smiled. "Cool." Enough to make two phone calls. My Mama and Normani.

I called my Mama first and she answered instantly.

"Hey Ma." "Hey Baby..you okay? Ain't nobody trying to fight you right?"

I laughed. "Nah ion got beef wit nobody. You good?" "Yea I'm fine, owe there's something I wanted to tell you."

I raised a brow. "What?" I asked. "Your gonna be an Auntie." My eyes widened.

"Mateo got somebody preganant?" I asked.

"Mhm, and she's a sweet girl Tionne you'll like her...well I talked to her over the phone but she seems nice."

"Dang..why he ain't tell me nothing about her?"

"That's what I said but they've been low-key for a while." I nodded. "That's wassup."

"So speaking of babies! Have you talked to Normani?" Mama asked.

"I was about to call her after you, why?" I asked. "Oh I was just asking. You know you get out around the time she gives birth."

I nodded. "What are you implying?" I asked. Mama sighed.

"Well.. I saw you with that Jenifer girl-" "Ion like her like that." I said.

"Well she seems to really like you, I couldn't help but think about Normani. I know I wasn't really... supportive with y'alls relationship and you both did some things to each other-"

"You want us to get back together." I said. She was always trying to sugarcoat shit.

"Yea." I sighed. "Ion know Ma..she had a baby on me."

"But you still love her. Usually a mother in this situation would tell you the girl is no good but she does love you Ti."

I was silent. "I'm getting too damn old, and I don't want you or Mateo to hold grudges. God says you have to forgive."

"I did forgive her, but that doesn't mean take her back just because I did so. I do love her but all that relationship stuff will have to wait."

Mama sighed. "I guess your right." I nodded. "Yea.
Well I'm gonna go call her now Ma. I'll call tomorrow."

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you." I hung up and dialed Normani's number.

I started thinking about what Mama told me. She barely liked her now she want us to get back together.

Wow. "Hello?" "Hey Mani." I could hear her smiling through the phone.

"Hey you. How you been?" She asked. "I'm good, how are y'all?" I asked mentioning her and the baby.

"We're fine, I have an appointment in a couple days so." "Awe okay....is dude coming?"

I asked. She sighed. "No he isn't, his family wants to help but I don't trust them."

I nodded. "Okay I understand that." "Yea so Dinah's coming with me."

"Right." I licked my lips. "Look..imma make sure your taken care of.

I know you cant stay in the dorms with a baby and I had Chris make some calls to get you a apartment."

She was silent. "You didn't." "I did, so you and Dinah are gonna stay there.

Don't worry about the bills and shit. It's already covered. I just don't want you to feel like your alone in this. I got you."

"Thanks so much really. I'll pay you back and everything." "You don't gotta do that. Don't be stressing either."

"I won't." I smiled.


💎Do you think Tionne did the right thing? Yes or No? 🤔

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