f i f t e e n .

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Tionne ✨

"This isn't her first time getting in trouble with the law, she had been arrested more than once in Atlanta and in New York."

The Assistant DA said. I slightly rolled my eyes.

"She was a minor, so technically those arrests should be destroyed." My Lawyer said.

I smirked. The judge sighed and took her glasses off.

"Ms. Garcia I am tired of seeing you in my court room."

She said. I was silent. "But we have no evidence that you had any drugs, we found none on you and I see you were assaulted pretty bad." She said.

I nodded. "So, your getting off on a warning. I don't wanna see you in my court room again. Ever."


"No parties, no nothing. You come straight home after school and you can't have company either." Mama said.

I slightly rolled my eyes.

"Yo Mama and I paid money we don't have to that lawyer of yours.

You better be lucky your not in prison." Ronnie said.

"Your one to talk." I spat. He huffed. "Tionne!" Mama yelled.

"Yea yea." I mumbled. I looked out the window.

"You have one more time and I swear." She started.

"Your gonna have to leave." I frowned. "So you'd kick me out?" I asked.

She licked her lips. "Only if you don't get your shit together, your gonna get a job and finish school." She said.

"I already have a job." I said. "That music shit isn't working Ti! You need a real job that actually pays well." She said.

I was silent sitting back in my seat. "Whatever." I mumbled.


"I'm telling you...she was flirting with her." Aubrey said. I nodded closing my locker.

"That's not what she said." I mumbled.

"Well who are you gonna believe? Your hoe of a girlfriend..or your bestfriend?" She asked.

"I wish y'all would stop calling eachother hoes." I said.

She was silent. She then looked up and scoffed.

"Look at this, we broke up not even a week ago and he's already talking to some bitch." She said shaking her head.

"Y'all broke up?" I asked. She nodded. "Yea he broke up with me, ain't that some shit?" She asked.

"Awe, you okay?" I asked. "Yea I'm fine, I already got my eyes on someone." I raised a brow.

"Really..who?" I asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to..not know." I slightly rolled my eyes.

"This girl and her secrets." I mumbled.

When the hell rung I saw someone walk through the double doors, I was about to walk away when I noticed who it was.

A wide smile spread across my face. "Hey." I said. Tionne looked around at everyone who was walking to class.

She then gave me a headnod. "Hey.." I held my books against my chest.

"So I thought about what you said." She started. I raised a brow. "Okay.." She sighed.

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