t w e n t y - o n e .

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"Tionne, Normani's upstairs." Andrea said. I nodded my head and took a step inside with the stuff I bought her.

"What's all this?" Andrea asked closing the door.

"Uh..Mani's favorite icecream, chocolate, a heating pad and some other stuff." I said. She smiled.

"Thats so sweet." I shrugged. "I do what I can." I said.

"She's upstairs in her bed, this isn't her month." She shook her head. I took a deep breath and walked upstairs.

When I got to her room she was on her bed with her hoodie over her head in a little ball.

"Baby." I said taking my shoes off. She sighed. "Hey." She mumbled. I smiled and sat beside her.

"I bought you some stuff." I said.

"Hm? Like what?" She asked without turning around.

"Ice cream." She slowly turnt around and looked at me. "What kind?" She asked.

"Blue bell." She sat up straight and I laughed taking it out the bag and handing her a plastic spoon.

She ripped the top off and stuffed a spoon full of icecream in her mouth.

"Your the best girlfriend ever." She said with a full mouth. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her.

"I know." She ignored what I said and swallowed another spoon full.

"I got you a heating pad to." I said. She nodded. "Thank you, these cramps are killing me." She said.

"I already got off." I said. She smacked her lips. "Don't rub it in." She said.

I smiled and she laid her head on my shoulder. She scooped some icecream up and held it against my lips.

I took it off the spoon and she smiled.

"So? Does it taste any good?" She asked. "Not better than you."

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Your so nasty." She put the icecream up then reached for the bag I brought over.

She stood up slowly and took the heating pad out. I helped her out by plugging it up and switching the switch.

Mani pulled her shirt up revealing her belly. I kissed it and she smiled running her fingers through my hair.

I placed the pad on her stomach and she took a sigh of relief.

She started to lay back resting her head on me when my phone started to ring.

I slowly pulled my phone out when I noticed it was Stacy calling. "Who's that?" Normani asked.

"Nobody important, I gotta take this." I said standing up.

Normani frowned a little watching me walk out the room. I answered the phone and placed it against my ear.

"What's up?" I asked. "What up? The struggle is up brotha', what the hell you think I'm calling you for?"

He asked. I raised a brow. "Who you talking to like that Stacy?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I didn't call to play games witchu aight? I want my money." I clenched my teeth.

I never got that money back that the police had took when I got arrested.

I forgot alla' bout that to be honest. Stacy obviously didn't.

"The police took it when I got arrested aight? It's outta my hands."

"Well you better get my shit man, you know I don't play about my paper stacks. Get my shit Ti."

"Aight you can calm the fuck down, I'll get yo money."

"I need it by Friday or else." I frowned.

"Or else what?" I asked. "Or I'll have to pay your girl a little visit."

I clenched my teeth. "You touch my girl and your fucking dead do you understand me?"

He laughed. "Remember what I said, this ain't New York...this is a completely different terf."

"Yea? We'll just have to see about that. But remember what I said. Touch my girl and your done for."

"Whatever Tionne, see you on Friday." I opened my mouth to speak but then he hung up.

I sighed and ran a hand down my face. "What the hell did I get myself into?" I mumbled.

I slid my phone back into my pocket. I opened Mani's door and jumped when I saw her standing there with her arms folded.

"Nobody important?" She asked. I sighed stepping in and closing the door.

"It's not-" "So you think I didn't hear you just a second ago? Who was that?"

She asked. I could tell she was pissed, and when she would yell at me I would get pissed then it would be world war three in this bitch.

She had a temper and so did it.

"I owe somebody money okay?" "How much?" She asked. I licked my lips. "Over five hundred."

She nodded slowly. "Look ion want you to get involved, that's why I never told you about any of this."

"But now I am, so how are we gonna get the money?" She asked. I raised a brow.

"Uh no, it's ain't no we shit. I'm taking care of this alone."

"No your not, we're a team and we do this together." I scoffed.

"You don't understand what I'm trying to tell you baby...I don't want you to get involved period.

Cause if anything happens to you ion know how imma forgive myself."

"Then make sure nothing happens then." I shook my head. "No, stay out of this."

She frowned. "I wanna help." "And I understand that but don't worry about it okay? I mean it." She sighed.

"Stay as far away from this as you can." She turnt around and climbed on her bed without saying a word.

"So you mad at me now?" I asked. She was silent grabbing her ice cream. I licked my lips and sighed.

"Imma leave, give you some time to cool off." She ignored me still cutting the tv on. I shook my head.

"I love you." I said. She was silent for a while before I she said-

"I love you more." I smiled a little and walked up to her kissing her forehead.

She grabbed my neck before smashing our lips together. I smiled and kissed back. She pulled away. "Don't go."

"I have to, I'll come back over later on tonight alright?" She paused for a second before nodding her head.

I kissed the tip of her nose making her smile. I stood up straight and walked out her room and down the stairs.

"Leaving already?" Andrea asked looking up at me from her magazine. I nodded.

"Yea but I'll be back if it's okay with you." I said. She nodded waving me off.

"It's fine."

I nodded and walked towards the door. I could tell she was about to say something else but decided against it.

I took that opportunity to walk out the door silently.


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