part 20

228 17 2

hello well im back with a new chapter and i have a great idea for this one omg okay now i will shush so you can read.


Luke's POV

i cant believe that just happened, i wish it didnt but im glad it did. i know he is hurt that i got that girl pregnant, he said he it is okay but i bet it isnt i mean SHE IS PREGNANT AT 16 OMG SHE IS GONNA BE ON 16 AND PREGNANT WHAT.

okay ill just text her, she is "girl at the bar" because i seriously dont know her name yet. 

hey, how are you doing? how's the baby?

i text her, after a few minutes she texts back.

what baby?

OH that baby oh um it's okay

that was weird. 

is everything alright?

yes everything is okay..

yup there is something fishy going on her, im gonna ask her even if i dont know her lmao. 

is there something going on? or there is no baby, you just said that didnt you? 


i knew it, yeah thanks you made me get into a fight with my boyfr- my friend. 

your boyfriend alright i dont care, but at least i made you think i was actually pregnant lmao

i read the text and put the phone back into my pocket. 

i like today, its  chilly yet sunny, i like it like this to be honest. i wonder what im gonna do about this, i mean of course im gonna tell the guys especially ashton but i will tell them whenever i can i guess. 

Ashton's POV

i still cant believe that luke got that girl at the bar pregnant like it was just drunk sex but still it hurts. i do wish that it is just a joke or something because i dont want him to be a father at 17 i bet he doesnt want to be a father yet at all. 

but there has to be some proof that the baby isnt his, it cant be hi- alright ashton just calm down dont freak out again like you did freak out on luke. 



i hear my phone ring as it snapped me back into reality. 

"hello?" i answer the phone, "uh yes ashton irwin?" "yes, that;s me" i reply. "yes, we wonder if you wanted a record deal?" what?! omg this is amazing but like i have to say no of course i mean i love my band i would never ever EVER leave them at all. "uhm..." i say then pause, but then i hear laughing in the back ground. oh gosh i bet it's calum and michael, "you cocks!" i yell into the phone and hear them laugh their asses off. i chuckle and hang up, "rude asses." i say to myself, but then i check the house and see if anyone heard me because well i cant curse in front of my younger siblings. 


hey sorry i havent updated so long, i will probably be updating about every week because writers block sucks like seriously and im so sorry for making this chapter so short, my apologies.


Love ya xx


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