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"Miraculous Ladybug!", shouted Ladybug. The city of Paris was saved once again."Ladybug!", called Chat. "Great job today M'lady!". "Uhh...well it w-was no problem" Ladybug stuttered as a blush spread across her cheeks.

After fighting by Chat's side for so long, she noticed the small details that made reminded her of Adrien. No matter how hard she tried, Adrien only seemed to think of her as a friend. But Chat wanted some thing more and he was always there for her. Always listening to her problems, making her smile, giving her advice, and always having her back. She soon realized she had started to fall for Chat. She pushed it down for so long, but she just couldn't help falling for the pun telling, cat boy she could call a partner. She knew she could trust him with anything. Anything but her identity, the thing that separated her and Chat.

"Ladybug I promise on my 9 lives I won't tell anyone who you are. Please M'lady." Chat begged. "Chat we've been over this multiple times. I-I can't tell you who I am. It could put you in more danger then you are already in.", said Ladybug. Her miraculous beeped, showing she only had 2 minutes left. Chat sighed,"Alright M'lady, but one of these days you will tell me.", Chat said with a flicker of sadness in his eyes. He moved in and kissed her forehead before sprinting off into the night, leaving her blushing on a roof top.

At Adriens House

Adrien face planted onto my bed." I kissed Ladybug! I swear I saw her blushing as I ran off! Wait I should be reasonable, she probably was red with anger", he said to himself. "Plagg what was I thinking?". "You were thinking of getting me cheese" smirked Plagg. "Plagg!", Adrien glared.

Plagg sighed, "You probably weren't thinking. When you are in love you don't think, and I should know. When I eat camembert I lose my mind.". Adrien smiled, but immediately stopped. "Thanks Plagg, but I don't think she liked it. I don't think she even likes me! She has never shown any interest."

Plagg thought for a moment. Then a wide grin spread across his face. "So..." , Plagg started. "What do you think of Marinette?" Adrien paused for a moment and thought of the sweet innocent girl who sat behind him in class. He smiled, "Well... I think she is nice, brave, and a great person who stands up for others no matter what.". "Well I kinda heard she had a crush on you. A huge one.", Plagg added as Adrien blushed. "Maybe try to get to know her better. You two barely talk to each other.", said Plagg. Adrien nodded as he grabbed a wheel of camembert and held it out to Plagg. "Thanks Plagg. I never really tell you this, but you are one of my dearest friend's.". "You too kid.", said Plagg as he gladly accepted the cheese. Adrien nodded a goodnight to Plagg as he got under the covers and drifted off into sleep.

At Marinettes House

Marinette de-transformed and sat down at her desk. She replayed everything that just happened before blushing once again. She couldn't believe Chat kissed her. "Tikki what am I going to do?! I like Adrien but Chat too. Adrien is my major crush and a friend, but I dont think he likes me that way, and Chat is my partner and he is sweet ,but sometimes annoying with all those terrible puns. UGH WHY ARE BOYS SO COMPLICATED?!".Tikki giggled.

"Marinette, calm down. I know it is hard but you need to choose someone who will be there for you and someone you can depend on. Adrien and Chat are both nice,caring, trustworthy people. I know whoever you choose will love you, and if they don't they are missing out."

"You know, you're right Tikki.",Tikki smiled, "Of course I am! Now, you need to finish your homework. Grades first, boys later." Marinette handed Tikki some toasty cookies and finished up her homework. She curled up in her bed and as soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep. 

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