Right There

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Marinette decided to walk around before going to her bakery, so she wondered around the many shops, untill she saw Ladybug and Chat Noir themed hoodies. These will be perfect for me and Adrien, Marinette smiled to herself as she went into the store.

She walked out with the hoodies with small black cat plushie gift wrapped ,and a small card with Adriens name on it. Marinette was making her way, when she saw Jason walking alone. She was about to go walk up to him, but someone grabbed her and put a dirty rag over her mouth. Marinette dropped the bag and tried her hardest to escape the persons grasp, but instead she slowly faded into darkness.

Chat waited at the Effiel Tower for Ladybug. He was starting to get worried cause she was never late for patrol. Chat heard a thump behind him. "M'Lady its about time you got here. I was starting to get wor-", instead of seeing Ladybug, Chat was staring at Chien Blanc. "Oh. It's you", Chat spat. "Who else would I be", Chien replied. Chat sighed. He was starting to get really worried. She was now half an hour late. "Where is Ladybug?", Chien asked. "Isn't she normally here by now?" "Yeah normally. Something's not right. I think we should look for her.", Chat said, trying to hide his panic. Chien nodded and immediately raced off to try to find Ladybug. Chat was thankful he wasn't being such a jerk, unlike last night as he did the same.

Chat detransformed and walked into the Dupian-Cheng bakery. "Hello Mrs. Dupian-Chen. Is Marinette here?", Adrien asked. Sabine looked at him nervous. "No dear I thought she was with you or Alya." "Ok. I will go ask Alya then.", he faked a smile as he race out of the door, rushing to Alya's.

Alya opened the door to see Adrien. "Adrien what's up?". "Is Marinette here?!", he asked. "No didn't she go home?", Alya now becoming worried. "No I asked her parents. They thought she was with me or you. I think she is missing.", Adrien said frantic. "Ok I will call the class and ask if they have seen her or if they can help find her. You keep looking around. Try her favorite places in Paris.", Alya commanded as she started to dial Nino. She waved her hand in signal to get a move on. Adrien nodded as he ran out the door in search of Marinette.

Chien looked throughout Paris, but there was no sign of her. He was running across the rooftops, when he noticed a bag lying on the ground. He jumped down and examined the bag. There was a small gift wrapped box and a card labeled Adrien. He grabbed the bag and ran across the streets, looking for Adrien. Chien found him looking frantic. "Hey what are you doing?", he asked. Adrien wasn't sure how to respond. If he said Marinette was missing, Chien might connect the dots. If he said Ladybug was missing, Chien could figure out who he was. Instead he looked at the bag Chien was carrying. "What's that?", Adrien asked. "Oh I found this. It was labeled Adrien, so I thought you lost this.", Chien said, handing Adrien the bag. Adrien opened the card and it read:

Dear Adrien,
I saw these in a store and I couldn't resist. I am not sure who you would want to be, Ladybug or Chat, so I got 2 of each. I hope you like it.

                                  All my love
                                        🐞Marinette ❤

Adrien looked at Chien. "Where did you find this?", Adrien asked in a hurry. "Umm back there why?", Chien asked as he pointed to an alleyway. Adrien pushed Chien out of the way as he investigated the alleyway. He looked around until he saw a dirty rag on the ground. He sniffed it and fell unconscious.

Adrien work up at Marinette's house Alya and Nino watching over. He slowly sat up and rubbed his head.  "Huh? What am I doing here?", Adrien asked. "Chien Blanc brought you here after you fainted. He thinks you sniffed a sleeping drug. That was all he said before he left.", Alya explained, as Adrien was thankful she wasn't freaking out over the new hero.

"So why did you smell the rag in the first place?", Nino asked. "Well I think I found where Marinette last was before she went missing.", Adrien said showing them the bag next to him. "If she dropped the bag and there was a rag with a sleeping drug, she most likely was kidnapped.". "Come on guys. We should all get home.", Alya said, thanking the Dupian-Cheng's. Adrien, Alya, and Nino went home, careful of anything that moved. Adrien sighed as he went to bed, worried for Marinette.

Thanks for reading 📚. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter.

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