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Ladybug and Chat Noir made their way to the Effiel Tower once more, looking for any sign of trouble. Fortunately, their was no akumas in sight.

Ladybug landed gently on her feet and took in the view of the city below. Chat glanced at the beautiful girl in front of him. Everything about her was perfect in his eyes. He took a seat next to her, but she seemed not to notice. Chat decided to cup her cheeks, pulling her from her thoughts as he slowly leaned in.

Then a cough was heard. Chat and Ladybug turned to the noise to find someone in a boy in a white dog costume, with dog ears and a white  mask hiding his identity.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?", Chat asked, angry the moment was ruined.

The stranger smirked. "I am Chien Blanc, and I am a holder of the dog miraculous."

Ladybug gave Chien Blanc an unsure look before standing up and shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you. I am Ladybug...", she glanced at Chat. "..and this is my partner, Chat Noir."

Chat gave an unenthusiastic wave. "So what were you doing back there?" Chien Blanc asked. Ladybug blushed a deep shade of red. "Uh...uh...well...", she tried to make an excuse but nothing came out. "That doesn't concern you.", Chat replied putting his arm around her.

Chien Blanc smirked and thought for a moment. So they are dating. Her seems protective. This is just too good. I have Marinette and now Ladybug. This will be a breeze.

Ladybug looked at Chat who was glaring at Chien and Chien who was smirking at Chat. "Uhh well I think we should start the patrol. So I am going north, Chat go east and Chien go west. Ok? Ok I am gonna go.", she said, quickly running away before anyone could stop her.

"Ok listen buddy, I don't know what you are doing but Ladybug is mine. So whatever your thinking just stop.", Chat growled. "Trust me by the time I'm through with her she will forget you were even there.", Chien teased and with that he used his super jump to run across the roof tops


After 5 minutes of awkwardness Chien went home and Ladybug let out a long sigh. "Can you believe that guy. I can't believe he has a miraculous. He is like the complete opposite of me. He is a...", Chat made gagging noises. "...a dog and he has the ugliest costume.", Chat goaned at the thought. He was about to complain more but Ladybug shut him up with a kiss. "Goodbye Chaton.", and with that she left to go to her home.


Marinette was walking to school when she felt an arm link with hers. She jerked her head to see Adrien smiling. "Hello M'lady."  "Hello kitty." They walked in silence to the school.

Alya looked up from her phone to see Marinette and Adrien walking together, and she wasn't blushing, stuttering, not doing anything other then smiling. "W-what did you do with Marinette. Who is this person?", Alya teased. Marinette laughed. "It's me Alya. Nino walked up and patted Adrien on the back. "Nice job dude. It's about time you confessed her. I didn't think it would take so long though.", Nino chuckled. Adrien and Marinette blushed. Alya was taking photos giggling with Nino when Chloe pushed them out of the way to get to Adrien. "Adrinkins why are you with these low life's again? You are so not on their level.", Chloe sneered. Alya glared at Chloe. "What kind of person says things like that. You must have some nerve. You have no idea what someone is going through and you say things like that. You are an awful person.", Alya yelled. Chloe stood there shocked. Some of the kids around them laughed. "Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!", Chloe fumed before stomping over to Sabrina.

Nino highfived Alya before the whole class came to the 4 students. They thanked Alya for standing up to Chloe before Alex asked the question everyone was thinking.

  "Marinette are you dating Adrien?"

Marinette froze up as she tried to answer but Adrien just smiled. "Yep.", was all he said. Marinette blushed. Feeling all eyes on her before the whole class congratulated them.


Marinette walked out of the school. with Adrien. She was about to say goodbye but Adrien gave her a quick kiss, and they parted ways.

The class walked out to see Marinette and Adrien kiss. They awwed as Alya took many pictures. "They are just perfect for each other", Rose was the first to speak up. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "If only LadyNoir would happen.", Alya whined. The class once again nodded their heads.

Thanks for reading. I decided to make an extra chapter to make up for the short chapter and for Friday since I will have a short on
Jason/ Chien Blanc.

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