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"Marinette I-" "Adrien! Your limo is here!", said Sabine, interrupting Adrien. Marinette blushed. "Well umm I think we..uh did a good job today Adrien. When and where do you want to meet?", Marinette smiled, a tint of pink still on her cheeks. "Well how about tomorrow, same time, at my house.", said Adrien. "Oh ok. See you tomorrow Adrien." "See you tomorrow Marinette", said Adrien, walking down the stairs. Marinette sighed. " Tikki I am so happy. Adrien and me actually talked, and I didn't stutter!", exclaimed Marinette. "Congrats Marinette. I am so happy for you. Now you have patrol so say the magic words.", winked Tikki. "Tikki Spots On!", Marinette shouted. Her regular outfit was replaced with a red ladybug costume and a mask. With her red yoyo she opened her trapdoor and swung off her balcony to the Eiffel Tower to meet Chat.

Ladybug sat waiting for Chat. She looked at the city of Paris. "It's so beautiful.", Ladybug whispered. "So are you.", said a familiar voice. Ladybug jumped to see Chat smirking. "Chat you scared me!". "Sorry M'lady. Ready to go?", Chat said holding out his hand. Ladybug smiled and took his hand. "Yeah", she said and they took off.

They had finished their patrol, and luckily their was no akuma. Ladybug sat down on a roof, exhausted. Patroling wasn't as hard as fighting an akuma, but it wasn't easy either. Ladybug was lost in thought while Chat sat down next to her. "Thinking about me M'lady?", Chat smirked. Ladybug snapped out of her thoughts and blushed. "No. I was just thinking thats all.", she smiled. Chat thought for a minute as Ladybug got up to leave. "I am going to head out Chat. Goodni-" "Ladybug please will you show me the girl under the mask. I promise I won't tell anyone!", Chat pleaded. "Chat I-", she paused, unsure of what to say. She didn't want to hurt her partner or worse, cause an akuma. Ok i will give you a hint. I go to Collège Françoise Dupont.", she said, before she race home and left Chat dumbfounded.


The whole day Adrien looked around the classroom. He was looking for a girl like Ladybug. So far he checked off Chloe, Sabrina, Mylene, Alix, Rose, Juleka, and Alya. That left Marinette. But she was so clumsy. She wasn't checked off but he still had a whole school to go through.


Marinette got into the limo next to Adrien. The car ride was filled with them laughing and giggling. They got out and went upstairs to Adrien's room. "Wow", was all Marinette could say. The room was huge with a rock wall, a tv, a king sized bed, skateboard ramps, a basketball half court, and even a gaming station. Adrien grabbed Marinette a seat and she sat down. They immediately got to work. They talked again still laughing and giggling. Luckily for them they had a small project and they finished most of it the other day so they only had to add a few details before it was finished. "Hey want to play videogames.", asked Adrien, even though he knew he would lose. "Sure! Your on.", she giggled.

After 2 hours of Adrien losing to Marinette, they decided to watch a movie called "Me Before You". "Uhh.. You sure you want to watch a....r-romantic movie?", Adrien blushed. "Yeah Alya said it was a great movie.",  smiled Marinette. They sat down on his couch and played the movie. Marinette was so into the movie she didn't see Adrien move closer. He smiled at her. She is so cute when she is focused. Wait what?!, thought Adrien. Soon the movie ended and Marinette was still crying. (Spoiler Alert)
"Why did he kill himself? He should've stayed with her.", she cried. Adrien comforted her. "Well he wasn't happy, but at least he doesn't have to live with any pain anymore.", Adrien explained. Marinette smiled. "Your right. I hope he is happy.", she said. "Well I should get home. Goodbye Adrien." "Marinette wait! I will walk you out.", Adrien called. He walked her out to the gate. "Thanks Adrien. Goodnight." "Goodnight Marinette.", he called as she walked away. "Hey Plagg want to go to her house before patrol?", he asked Plagg walking into his room. "No I just want camembert.", Plagg whined. "Ugh.. Plagg Claws Out!", Adrien shouted. He jumped out of his window using his baton, and jumped to Marinette's house.

Marinette was working on some designs when she heard a tap on her window. She looked to see a pair of green eyes staring at her. "ACK!", she screamed and fell off her chair. She got up and opened her windows. "Chat what are you doing here?", she asked. "Aren't I allowed to see my Princess?", Chat smirked. "Well what do you want." "Just wanted to see you.", Chat said. "Just sit on the bed. I am working on my designs, and don't touch anything.", Marinette ordered. She sat back to work while Chat walked over to her bed. He sat down and was immediately intrested in what Marinette was doing. He snuck up behind he and watched her work. Marrinette paused as she felt breathing on her neck. She slowly turned to see Chat watching. She smiled and continued to work.

It was about time for patrol so Chat started to leave. "Goodnight my Princess.", said Chat almost out the window. "Wait Chat!", called Marinette holding a black hat with holes cut for his ears. She tripped and fell and Chat caught her. She looked up as he pulled her up. "You have to be more careful Princess.", he said. She pictured Adrien and she blushed. "Here.", she said and she handed him the hat made for him. "It is getting cold and we don't want our hero's getting sick.", she said looking down. He smiled. "Thanks Princess.", he said as he gave her a peck on the cheek. She blushed harder while he put on the hat. "Goodnight.", he said as he jumped out into the night. "Ugh... Why are boys so confusing!!", she whined to Tikki as she transformed and followed Chat.

They had just finished the patrol and she looked at Chat. She wondered if he still liked her. He didn't flirt once on patrol and he seemed to be lost in thought. "Are you ok? You have been very quiet.", she asked. "Yeah its just. I like this girl, but I also like another girl and I don't know what to do.", he said. She looked at him with understanding. "Same here. All I can say is you should try to chose the girl that will treat you right, will make you smile, and will stand by your side.", she said. "I know but sometimes I wish they were the same person.", he sighed. "Me too Chat. Me too.", she said moving closer to him to comfort him. They sat in silence and looked at the stars, just enjoying each other's presence.

Hi I am Ava the created of Unstoppable Team. I wanted to thank you for reading do far. I will try to update about every day to every other day. Also shout out to
xXMiraculousLBXx and

Their stories are awesome you should check them out. Thanks for reading.  Ava

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