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Marinette walked up to the school and saw Nino working on his music.  "Hey!", Marinette called. "Hey dudette what's up", Nino waved, taking off his headphones. "Hey Nino where's Alya?", she asked. "Oh she is sick today", responded Nino. " Oh ok thanks.", she sighed." I'll walk you if you want.", Nino smiled. "Sure!"

The bell rang, ending the class. After Marinette packed up her books she turned and saw Chloe stroll up to Adrien. "Hey Adrikins! You want to go on a date with me? Well I mean who wouldn't want to, I am the mayor's daughter.", she bragged. "Umm.. I....I can't I....", he stuttered as he looked for an excuse as Marinette walked up to them. "He has plans with me today.", Adrien turned and smiled a thanks to her. "Yeah I have plans with Marinette. Sorry Chloe, maybe another time.", he called as he walked with Marinette out of the school. "Thanks for saving me back there." "No problem Adrien.", she smiled. "So, where do you want to go?", he asked. "Huh?". Marinette looked at him with questioning eyes. "We have plans don't we?", he said, holding out his arm. "I have the perfect place I think you'll love.", he winked. "S-sure", Marinette blushed as she took his arm.

They walked for a while, talking and smiling. "Hey Marinette I'm gonna get us some ice cream", Adrien called as he raced to the booth. She giggled as she watched him run back like a kid. "Thanks Adrien", she said as she took a cone from his hand. "No problem", Adrien smiled as he took a huge bite of ice cream. "Umm you got something right there", she said as she wiped the ice cream off his cheek. He blushed.

They walked into the park and sat on a bench. Adrien looked over to Marinette. Marinette looked back, unable to resist his emerald eyes. She couldn't help but get lost in them. They were filled with happiness and caring, but also sadness and hurt. "Marinette..I...I really like you.", he blurted out. Her face turned bright red. "A-Adrien w-what are you talking a-about?!", she stuttered. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blurt that out. It's just you're so beautiful and I just couldn't help myself.", he blushed. "Umm I-I have to think about this ok? I had a great time b-but I need to think this over.", she said standing up and backing away. "I will see you soon.", she called running away.

"Marinette why are you running away? Your biggest crush said he liked you.", Tikki exclaimed. "I'm sorry but I need time!", Marinette replied, racing home not daring to look back.

Adrien stood at the bench.  "What have I done?", he said disappointed. "Honestly I don't know", Plagg said with a frown. "Why don't you see her as Chat?", he suggested. "That's a great idea! Plagg Claws Out!", Adrien exclaimed.

Marintte was in her bed when she heard a tap on her window. "Come in Chat.", she called. Chat jumped in and sat on her desk chair. "What's wrong Pur-rincess", he asked. "N-nothing happened!", she exclaimed. "W-why would you think a-anything happened? I was just here doing bakery things. Why would y-", she stopped as Chat looked at here with disbelieving eyes. She sighed. "I was out with Adrien today. I really had fun..but then he blurted out that he likes me!". "Do you like him back?", Chat asked. "W-well...kinda", she blushed. "Why was that so bad then?". "I-I don't know I panicked and ran and now I feel terrible.", she cried. "Don't worry. He probably will forgive you. Just talk to him tomorrow, ok?", he said. "Yeah you're right. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Thanks Chat.", she smiled and kissed his cheek. He blushed. "Goodnight Princess.", he called, heading back to his house. His heart was beating a million times a minute.

Little do he know her's was doing the exact same thing.

Sorry for the short charter it was kinda rushed. Until tomorrow!

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