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"Attention everyone!", Chloe called to the class. "My father is making me invite you all to come to a pool party for my birthday. Bring as many gifts for me as you can, and don't bother me.", she stated. Then she turned to Adrien. "But don't worry Adrikins, you can bother me whenever.", she winked. Adrien looked horrified. "Uhh...ok...I guess?", he stuttered. She just laughed. "See you later losers. Adrien.", she smirked, before walking out to her limo.

Adrien sighed a breath of relief. He honestly didn't like Chloe, but she was his childhood friend. He would feel bad if he was mean, so he just put up with her. He started to walk out when he overheard Marinette talking. He peeked over to see her talking. "Tikki I don't know.", Marinette sighed. Tikki? Adrien thought. He just shrugged and continued to listen. "Come on Marinette go to the party. Adrien will be there and you need to be more social.", Tikki said a a low whisper. "A-Adrien! Oh no. No no no no no. I-I can't go! It's Adrien!", she replied. "Come on. You can't avoid him forever. You said to Chat you would talk to him. Do it at the party!" "Ok your right Tikki. I can't avoid him forever. I'll talk to him at the party", Marinette sighed. "Great! Now you have to get hi.e and change into a bathing suit.", Tikki smiled. Marinette giggled as she walked out of school.

Marinette got into a ladybug bikini her mom got her. She doesn't like bikini's, but she wore it to make her mom happy.

 She doesn't like bikini's, but she wore it to make her mom happy

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She grabbed a cover up and ran out to meet up with Alya. "Hey Alya feeling better?", Marinette smiled. "Yeah I just can't miss a party. Even if it is Chloe's", said Alya, rolling her eyes. "Let's go already", Alya yelled, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the mayor's hotel.

Adrien walked into the hotel's pool. He was happy to see the whole class there. He looked around until he spotted Marinette. She was sitting on a chair, watching Alya and Nino in the pool. He walked up to a chair next to her and sat down. "Hey...Marinette.", he smiled. She turned surprised before she smiled back. "H-hey Adrien". "Look about the other day I-", "Don't worry Adrien. It's fine. I just need some time to think ok?", Marinette interrupted. He smiled. "Ok. So why aren't you swiming?", he asked. "Well I don't really like swiming that much.", Marinette replied.

"Hey Adrikins where are you?", Chloe called. Adrien panicked. "Sorry Marinette.", he said. "Why are yo-", Adrien picked up Marinette bridal style and jumped into the water.

Marinette couldn't breathe. Adrien got separated from her when he jumped. Her fight or flight instincts kicked in and she froze. The last thing she saw was blonde hair as she faded into darkness.

Adrien jumped into the water holding Marinette. He let go off her so she could swim up by herself. He reached the top and gasped for air. He soon noticed that Marinette didn't come up. "Marinette?", he called out. He saw her underneath the water. Her eyes closing. "Marinette!" He dived down and grabbed her, pulling her to the surface. He took her out of the pool and Alya ran up to them. "What the heck happened?", she cried, fear in her voice. "I jumped in the water with her and she didn't swim back up so she passed out!", said Adrien. "She can't swim what were you thinking?!" "She didn't tell me!" "Well Adrien we have to help her! She isn't breathing!", Alya yelled. Adrien thought for a second before he started to give her CPR. Everyone was watching now, while Nino called 911. Adrien paused a second before he breathed into her mouth. He repeated this a few more time before she started to cough up water. "She's ok!", Alya cried. Everyone cheered, minus Chloe. "What happened?", Marinette said in a shaky voice. "Marinette why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim?!", Adrien yelled. "I was embarrassed.", she said blushing. She started to sit up but Adrien pushed her back. "An ambulance is coming. You need to stay still", he stated. "Ok.", she smiled.

The ambulance came, checked her vitals and made sure she was ok before they left. Marinette received hugs from everyone at the party. She decided to walk home when a hand grabbed her. "Mind if I join you?", Adrien smiled "Sure.", she responded.

They walked down the street to her house. "Thanks Adrien." "For what?" "For saving me. I might've died.", said Marinette. "If I didn't, someone else would've.", he smiled. "Yeah but you saved me, not anyone else.", she argued. She turned and faced him. "Thank you.", she said. Without thinking she leaned in. Her lips met his. They were soft and gentle. She backed away and blushed before she ran home. "Yess!", he shouted and ran home.


Marinette was walking to the her classroom when she noticed a brown haired boy looking lost. "Need some help?", she smiled. "Yeah do you know where Ms Bustier's classroom is?", he asked. "Oh that's just where I was headed. You call walk with me.", she suggested. "Oh thanks. I am Jason Thomas by the way.", he held out his hand. "Marinette", she smiled as she shook his hand.

They walked down and into the classroom. Hey can I sit next to you for today?", asked Jason. "Umm well....". Marinette looked at Alya for help and Alya sighed. "You can sit in my seat for today.", she said moving up next to Nathaniel. "Thanks.", he waved before taking the seat. He talked with Marinette for a while until Adrien walked in. "Hey Marinette. How are y-?", he paused and looked at Jason. "Who is he?" "Umm Adrien. This is Jason. Jason, this is Adrien.", Marinette replied blushing. She was still embarrassed over how she acted last night. Adrien smiled, though he was jealous. "Hi nice to meet you.", he said before taking his seat.

"So Marinette..", Jason started. "Can we hang out after school. I don't have many friends." "Sure. I am free.", she nodded. Jason looked at Adrien with a smirk, while Adrien glared. Jason is bad news and I know it. I feel like I have heard his name before and I can't let him hurt Marinette. What am I going to do? Adrien sighed as turned to the teacher, determined to stop Jason.

Hey thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

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