Jason's Story

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Jason woke up to the sound his alarm clock. He dragged himself out of bed and got ready for school. Checking his schedule for the last time he walked to school.

Jason sighed as he looked up at the prison they call a school. It was his last day before he moved to France. "I bet no one will notice I'm gone", he said to himself.

Out of nowhere 3 seniors surrounded him. This was a usual day. The boys were so mean at his school. He couldn't walk down a hallway without someone making a rude comment, or someone pushing him down. They all made fun of him for being a model. The girls all fawned over him. Imagine everyday your locker is filled with love letters and when you go to your seat every girl begs you to let them sit next to you. It as fine at first, but it has gotten a little annoying.

After he gave the 3 boys his money, he walked into his classroom and sat down. Girls surrounded him again like usual. They were all devastated he was leaving.

After the girls finally sat down, A bluenette came up to him. His crush Bridgette walked up to him. "Hi Jason. I wanted to say goodbye. You were very nice to me when I first got here and you always helped me with homework and all, so I got you something.", she smiled as she placed down a box covered with Chinese writing.

", she smiled as she placed down a box covered with Chinese writing

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"My grandpa in Paris told me to give it to you. He says he thinks your up to the task, whatever that means.". "Oh. T-thanks Bridgette. It means a lot.", Jason blushed, a little confused of why her grandpa gave it to him. He was about to open it when Bridgette grabbed his hands. "You have to wait till your alone to open it. He said it was a secret.". He nodded, unable to speak. She gave him a hug and sat down just as Felix walked in. Jason knew Bridgette had a crush on him. He thought maybe she would change her mind if she met the real me, but there was no use. She was head over heels for him. Felix seemed to be unaware. Then again he was emotionless towards everyone. Maybe he just didn't care.

Jason sighed as the teacher walked in and began the class.

Jason walked into his room and shut the door to finish packing for France, when he remembered Bridgette's gift. He took the box out of his backpack and slowly opened it.

A ball of light and a white creature appeared. "Hello Jason.", the creature said. "AHHHHHH!!! What the heck are you?!", Jason panicked. "I am a kwami. My name is Azzo and I grant powers to the ones chosen.", Azzo explained. "Wait so now I have superpowers. Awesome!", Jason exclaimed. " Just wait until Lila hears about this!" " No no no no! You can't tell anyone I exist. Please!", Azzo begged. "O-ok. So what do I do?", Jason asked, taking out the gold ring. "Put the ring on and say Fluff On. Then you will transform. Your personal power is bark. All you have to say is Dominate Bark. After you use dominate bark, you only have 5 minutes before you transform back to your civilian form. You will have to defeat Akuma's created by Hawkmoth. The only person who can cleanse an Akuma is Ladybug. You will meet her in Paris. That should be everything. Now just say Fluff On.". Jason hesitated.
                    "O-ok Fluff On?!"

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