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Alya sat at their lunch table, speechless. Nino just chuckled. "I had a feeling." "W-Wha? How did I miss this? You aren't here when Chat is and when Chat isn't here you are. It was so obvious. So what's it like being a super hero? Is it hard? What about keeping your identity? Do you like Ladybug? Wait!! Do you know Ladybug's identity?", Alya asked, her mouth running miles a minute. Adrien cupped her mouth, begging her to be quiet. "With the way you talking everyone will know my identity." "Sorry.", Alya mumbled.

Adrien sighed. "I guess I should tell you. Marinette is Ladybug. That's also why we started dating. We learned our identity's in a weird way though.". Alya starting tearing up with joy. "OMG MY OTP IS CANON!!!". Nino rubbed her back, silently fangirling to himself. "I am not 100% sure, but I think our enemy, Hawkmoth, kidnapped her. I have to find his HQ, and save M'Lady.


Marinette was thrown into the room once more. Her body was covered in brusies and cuts, and she was pretty sure she had a fractured rib. Hawkmoth's minions would beat her everyday.

She pulled herself into a corner and pulled her knees to her face. She felt a tear fall down her cheek. Marinette wanted to see her family and friends. She wanted to see Adrien. Out of nowhere, she her yelling and muffled shouts.

Marinette held herself closer in the corner as she heard the door creak open. She hid her face in her knees, afraid of who it was. Out of nowhere, Marinette heard a gentle voice. She looked up to see a woman in a police uniform. "Hello Miss. I am Officer Valerie Martin . Can I ask your name?", she asked carefully. "M-Marinette. My name is Marinette Dupian-Cheng.", Marinette replied. The officer nodded. "She's in here. I found her!", Valerie called out the door. Marinette was confused, before she saw Chat run into the room. He embraced her in a bear hug. "C-Chat?" "Marinette! Thank goodness your alright. I was so so so worried.", Chat hugged her even tighter. Marinette hugged back and cried on his shoulder. "Chat how did you find me?", Marinette asked. "Well. I worked with the police department and we used the evidence we found at the place you last were. We found the fingerprint of the kidnapper and went to his house.", Chat said coldly. "Chat what's wrong. Why are you mad." "I-i-it was m-my father", Chat whispered in her ear. "Wha-?", Marinette stopped as she processed the information. Chat, no Adrien's dad....Is Hawkmoth? Marinette thought horrified. Poor Chat. I can't imagine what he is going through. Your dad is your worst enemy?

Marinette rubbed his back as he held her tight. They stayed like that for a minute before Chat picked up Marinette bridal style and took her to the ambulance so they could treat her. Chat placed Marinette on the stretcher, but before they wheeled her out, Chat kissed her. Marinette smiled at him as they took her away.

Officer Valerie walked up to Chat. "Hawkmoth, or should I say Gabriel Agrest and his followers are being arrested as we speak.". Chat nodded. "Thank you guys for everything.", he smiled. She returned his smile. "I should say that to you. You are the superhero. By the way, where is Ladybug?", she asked. "Umm..uhh well, she was very very sick. I believe she will be better soon.", Chat lied. "Ok well you take care. Goodbye.", Valerie nodded her head as she walked to her car. Chat used his baton as he jumped on the rooftops, heading towards the hospital.

Marinette rested on the bed. All of her wounds were being treated, and thanks to her Ladybug powers, she would heal in no time. Though she tried to get rest, like the doctors told her, her mind wondered. She was worried about Chat. He was such a nice person. He never derserved what happened to his parents.

"Marinette you have a visitor.", Marinette's nurse called, pulling her from her thoughts. Marinette smiled as Adrien walked in. "Hey how are you feeling?", he asked sitting on a chair next to her bed. "Better now thanks kitty.", Marinette responded happily. He leaned in and kissed her, before pulling her into another hug. "I am so sorry for what happened. I promise I will protect you for the rest of my life." Marinette smiled. "Thanks Adrien." "I am serious though. I promise I will take care of you for the rest of my life. I will make sure you are always happy, and never cry. But Marinette I have to ask...", he said getting something from his jacket. He pulled out a box. "After you went missing I realized something. I couldn't live without you. So will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me after graduation?"

Marinette started to cry. "Yes yes of course I will. I cant believe you asked me though.", she laughed through her tears. Adrien kissed her again as he slipped on the ring. He was about to say something, but her was cut off by Marinette's parents, Alya, and Nino all barging into the room. "Marinette!", they all cried and ran to hug her. "We're so glad you're ok.", Sabine smiled. "You gave us a real scare", Tom said. "I am just glad to be with my family and friends again.", Marinette smiled.

After Marinette's parents went to get food, Alya notices something. "Girl that ring is so beautiful! Where did you get it?", she gushed. Marinette went red. "Well..umm Adrien he...umm proposed.", she stuttered. "O....M......G... THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!! GIRL THIS IS AMAZING!", Alya hugged Marinette. Then she turned to Adrien and pointed at him. "I swear to god if you hurt her, I will kill you." Adrien nodded quickly. Nino patted him on the back. "Congrats dude. I am happy for you both." "Thanks Nino." Adrien smiled. "Oh and we have news too. Me and Nino are dating!", Alya announced. "That's great guys. You two are the perfect couple.", Marinette smiled. "You too.", Alya replied.


Jason sighed as he watched Marinette walk hand in hand with Adrien. He couldn't believe they were getting married. Marinette talked to him and told him she loved him like a brother, though she only just met him a little while ago. He was happy as long as she was happy though.

Ms. Bustier walked into the class. "Hello class. Today we have a new student. Her name is Estelle Martin." She had blonde hair and brown eyes covered by glasses. She was wearing a gray shirt that said Take It Easy, with teal colered pants. She had a gray beanie to top it off.

Estelle nervously stood in front of the class

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Estelle nervously stood in front of the class. "Estelle, you can sit next to Jason. Class I will be right back. You can talk for a minute", Ms. Bustier said walked out of the classroom. Estelle nodded as she made her way to her seat. "Umm....hi.", she said nervous. "Hi I'm Jason. Nice to meet you Estelle. Your name is really beautiful.". Estelle smiled. "Thank you.", she replied as she took out a random book to read. "I guess you like to read ", Jason asked. "Yeah. I think it helps me to relax. There are so many stories, characters, problems, solutions. I could go days without doing anything but reading. ",Estelle smiled. "So what are you reading now?", he asked. Estelle started to explain her story.

Marinette smiled as she saw Jason and Estelle getting along. They were both somewhat blushing. It was so cute how they didn't even realize it yet. They probably will eventually, she smiled. Marinette caught Jason's eye and gave him a 'you like her' look. Jason glared at her, blushing. She giggled and turned to Nino,Alya,and Adrien, talking about graduation. "Finally we can leave the school. I am so happy." Alya smiled. "Does anyone know what collage they are going to?", Nino asked. "University of Paris.", Marinette smiled. "Me too!", Nino exclaimed. "Same girl!", Alya cheered. They all looked expectantly at Adrien. "Me too.", Adrien smiled. "AHH! We are all going to be togther for college!", Alya celebrated. They all cheered as Ms. Bustier walked into the classroom and motioned for everyone to quiet down. Marinette smiled looking at her ring. Things couldn't be better, Marinette thought happily.

Thanks for reading 📚. Sorry for the wait. I had school work over the summer that I had to finish. Sadly this story is coming to an end. There is one chapter left. I am not sure if I want to make a sequel yet. Thanks for the support everyone.

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