Rival Part 1

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"OMG! Sabrina do you know who that is? It's the famous Jason Thomas!!!", squealed Chloe. Sabrina was opening her mouth to talk when Chloe cut her off. "Wait. What his he doing with Maritrash? She is a low life! He shouldn't have to even look at her, let alone sit next to her.", Chloe growled.


Chloe stomped over to Marinette and Jason. "Oh hey Chloe what's u-", Chloe pushed Marinette down before she could finish. Then Chloe yelled to the class "OMG YOUR JASON THOMAS, THE FAMOUS MODEL IN AMERICA!!" She grabbed his arm and clung to him like she normally did to Adrien.

Jason was in shock. He wasn't prepared to be covered in paperizi. He did his best with his hoodie. He looked at Marinette with apologizing eyes before all the class ran up to him, asking for photos and autographs. He sighed as he complied to their wishes.

Marinette got off the floor and made her way out of the classroom and to the next one.

She slumped into her seat next to Alya when Jason came into the classroom. "Hey sorry about that you ok?", he asked. "Yeah I am fine.", Marinette replied. "Well I will talk to you later. See ya Marinette!", he waved as he sat next to Nathaniel.

Marinette sighed as she went into learning mode.


Marinette put in some ear puds and pushed play. She closed her eyes and started to hum to the song, before she started to sing
(A/N Song at the top)

Yeah you really tried boy I was blind to all the lies you told me

All the sh*t you've done you can't outrun the way you understand me hey.

You-- acted like you bought me at a bargain sale, you don't even care

You-- focused you frustration on a small detail, blew it out of scale, like my ponytail

Well you don't want to see the girl I want to be they why-- then why should I listen

If you don't want to do the things I need you goodbye-- goodbye--

Cause I gave it away-----
I gave it away----
I gave it away---- oh and I'm taking it right back

She continued to sing until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned to see Jason.

He pulled an ear pud out. "You know I have been calling you for five minutes. You sang really good though.", Jason smiled. She blushed. She didn't think anyone was around. "Uh thanks.".

"So princess, ready to go?"  "Where to exactly?"  "Well, how about you choose. I don't know Paris very well.", he smiled again.

Then Jason though for a moment. "Hey you never asked me for anything!", he exclaimed. "What are you talking about?", Marinette questioned. "Don't you want an autograph or something?"

Marinette burst out laughing. Jason stared at her, confused.When she finally controlled herself she replied, "Your ego is way to big. Plus I am not a huge fangirl.", she giggled again. (Lies Marinette. You fangirl over Adrien everyday)

"Oh ok", Jason smiled. "So how about we go to the Effiel Tower?", Marinette asked.  Jason's eyes lit up. "Ok let's go!", he said. She grabbed his hand, catching him by surprise. He looked over and saw Adrien fuming. He smirked and ran off with her.

Sorry if this chapter is short. I am also sorry for almost canceling this story. I love it too much so I had to continue it. Shout out to Girl_sun093. She was super encouraging. Her stories are awesome so go check her out. I will continue this story and finish it

Thus is my new schedule

Monday- Write

Tuesday- Publish

Wednesday- Day off/ Maybe write if I feel like it I am lazy 😜

Thursday-Write more

Friday- Publish

Saturday- Write

Sunday Publish

That is my plan. I will not be publishing  this weekend however cause I am going to see my grandfather for his birthday 🎂. I will hopefully publish 2 chapters on Tuesday. Thanks until Tuesday.

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