Rival Part 2

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Adrien started fuming as he watched Marinette run off with Jason holding hand. He didn't trust Jason one bit.

He fist bumped Nino, before running to catch up to Jason and Marinette.

Adrien ran through the streets of Paris until a bluenette caught his eye. He watched them from a distance as they stared at the Eiffel Tower.

"Becoming a stalker huh Adrien?", Plagg teased. "Shut up Plagg!", Adrien said annoyed. Adrien continued to watch as Jason put his arm around Marinette. She somewhat froze before she put her head on his shoulder. His anger grew. He had to some thing to get his princess back, but what? He thought for a moment. Then he smirked at Plagg. Plagg caught his eye and groaned. "Adrien noooooo. I dont want to.", Plagg cried. "Stop being so lazy.", Adrien rolled his eyes. Adrien went to an alleyway so no one could see them.

"Plagg, Claws Out!", he shouted. His normal outfit became a black leather costume. His hair become more messed up and a mask appeared on his face. After his transformation his raced over to Marinette.

Jason watched Marinette as her eyes twinkled with wonder. He slowly put his arm around her. She froze before carefully leaning on him. They started to walk around before a person in a black leather, cat costume interrupted our conversation.

"C-Chat Noir what are you doing here!", Marinette asked, slightly nervous.

Chat Noir. Thats his name huh? He is probably a holder of the cat Miraculous. Jason thought.

"Sorry but I need to borrow Marinette.", Chat said, picking her up bridal style before she could protest. He used his baton as be jumped through the city. Marinette tightened her grip on his neck, worried she would fall. He finally reached her balcony and set her down carefully.

"Why did you do that Chat? I was hanging out with a friend!", Marinette exclaimed. "W-well....I-I Uhh...", Chat trailed off. "Well!" . Chat couldn't think of an explaination, so he dI'd what he thought was right
Chat leaned in before slowly placing his lips on hers. She froze before she melted into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. After a little while she pushed hims off. "I-I'm sorry b-but I l-like someone e-else!", she stammered. Chat sighed before he started to leave.

"At least tell me who stole your heart. Then I will leave you alone.", he said, his voice cracking. She stared into his emerald eyes before she replied. "A-A-Adrien. A-Adrien Agrest."

He stared at her, dumbfounded. So she likes the other me after all. I thought she didnt like me after she ran away from me. I know she kissed me after the pool party but that was for saving her life. Right? Chat thought. He ran up to her and kissed her again before racing out of the window.

Marinette was in shock. After she told him who she likes, he kissed her. But even so, she admited who she likes to her partner. Maybe she could do the same to Adrien.

"Tikki I think I am going to tell him."

Thanks for reading. Sorry for the short chapters. I will try to make them longer. Until next time

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