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"..M.arin...ette! Mar...inette! Marinette get up!!", shouted Tikki. It was a sunny, Tuesday morning and Marinette, was again, late for school. It was their last year before going off to college, so Marinette tried to get a good record, but being Ladybug comes with a catch.

Marinette jumped out of the desk chair and raced into the bathroom, Tikki close behind. Marinette got dressed and brushed her hair, while Tikki put her hair up in the usual pigtails. Marinette grabbed her bag and opened it for Tikki to fly in. She grabbed some cookies off a plate and shoved them in her bag, waved a goodbye to her parents, before racing off to school.

Marinette snuck into her seat. The teacher just ignored her and continued with her lesson. "Marinette! Where have you been?", said a brown haired girl. "Sorry Alya, I-I was..umm..helping my mom! Yes I was helping her! You know how busy the bakery can be, hehe...heh.", stuttered Marinette.Alya gave her a suspicious look, but she accepted the excuse.

Adrien looked back to see Marinette staring at him. She turned crimson red and looked away. Alya just giggled. "Marinette you have to talk to him and tell him how you feel.". "But Alya...he probably doesn't like me cause we barely talk, and also I'm not sure I feel the same way from when I  was 15.", whispered Marinette. "Wait girl, don't tell me there is someone else!", said Alya. Marinette realized her mistake. Alya would keep bothering her until she told, but she couldn't say Chat. "Umm.. W-What!? of course not. W-what are you t-talking about?", Marinette replied nervously. "Girl, chill it was a joke." Alya said, suprised. "Heh..heh. Yeah a joke I get it." Marinette replied embarrassed. "Lets just watch the lesson.", Marinette said turning her attention to the lesson.

Adrien smiled as he thought about Marinette. She was such a nice and just person. She reminded him of Ladybug. "Hey dude, what's with you?", said Nino. " You are smiling like an idiot.", Nino snickered. Adrien blushed. "Sorry just..uh..thinking about Ladybug again", Adrien lied as he turned to look at Marinette again. This time he tried to hide it but failed miserably. "Ooh do you have a crush on Marinette?! Omg Alya is going to flip ou-" Nino was silenced by Adriens hand. "Don't say things like that aloud!", yelled Adrien. "Wait. ITS TRUE?!", asked Nino as Adrien removed his hand. "I was joking cause you were staring at her but i didn't think it was true!",exclaimed Nino. "Honestly I don't know but please DON'T TELL ANYONE!", Adrien begged. "Ok but we need to pay attention if we want to pass.",said Nino turning back to the teacher. Adrien nodded and did the same.

"Ok class. For the project to will all have a partner.",said Ms. Bustier. " Me and Adrikins are partners!",an annoying blonde girl called. "But Chloe...",said Sabrina, Chloe's best and only friend."Sorry Chloe but I will be choosing everyone's partner. Please sit down.",said Ms. Bustier as Chloe sat down in defeat. Ms. Bustier wanted some of her kids to start to date, so she had divised a plan to put them in the pairs she shipped. "First, Ivan and Mylene. Next, Kim and Alix. Then..." Marinette wasn't listening. She was sure Ms. Bustier would put her and Chloe together so she prepared for the worst. "...Nino and Alya, Sabrina and Chloe, and finally, Marinette and Adrien.",said Ms. Bustier as the school bell rang.

Everyone filed out of the class, but Marinette was stopped by Chloe. "You better leave Adrien alone. He is MINE.", said Chloe as she stomped out to join her partner, Nathaniel.

Adrien was by the door when Marinette walked out. She jumped when she saw him. "Oh..h-hi Adrien you scared me. Wha-what's up?",asked Marinette nervously. "Uh we have our project so I was wondering if I should come over after school?",said Adrien, masking his nervousness flawlessly. "Sure. After school.", said Marinette, congratulating herself for not stuttering."Ok see you later", said Adrien. Marinette silently squealed before walking to her next class.


"Hey Marinette wait for me!",called Adrien. Marinette turned to see Adrien running after her. After he caught up they both walked together in awkward silence. Adrien opened the door and let Marinette in first.        " After you M'la-I mean Marinette.",said Adrien cursing his Chat side. When he walked in he was greeted with the sweet smells of the bakery. It was heavenly. Every delicate treat was baked with care."Oh hello dear. Who is this?", asked Marinette's mom Sabine."Mom this is Adrien. Adrien this is my mom.We are working on a project for school together.", said Marinette. "That's nice. Do you want some macaroons for a snack?" Sabine asked. He wanted everything in the store, but before he could answer, Marinette said no and dragged him upstairs.

Marinette closed the trapdoor and grabbed a chair for Adrien before sitting down. They sat in silence for a while. "Uhh...", Marinette said trying to start a conversation. "T-the project umm I-I can do the d-designs..a-and type the r-report and...",she said. "...And I can do the  research and write the draft.",smiled Adrien. They sat in silence for a little more." L-let's get started s-shall we?", said Marinette. Adrien nodded and they got to work.


"So, Marinette what do you like to do normally after school?", asked Adrien." Well I like to work on my sketches. I want to be a famous fashion designer when I grow up.",smiled Marinette. He smiled too. It was the first time she talked to him without stuttering. "That's awesome. I have photo shoots ,Chinese, fencing and all my other activities after school, so I can't really catch a break.", frowned Adrien. "Aww I am so sorry Adrien I had no idea.", said Marinette as she hugged him. He was  surprised, but soon he hugged her back. She backed away after and sat down. "Ok, no more sad faces. Let's talk about other subjects.", she said.


Marinette and Adrien talked for hours. Adrien was so happy she wasn't nervous anymore. Soon Adrien and Marinette were putting the project together. They were way farther then a lot of kids in their class, so they decided to stop. They talked for a little while.  Giggling, joking, and smiling. They stopped talking to look up, ocean bluse looking into emerald green. Adrien couldn't stop. He had to tell her. "Marinette I-"

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