1- Tessa's twin

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Taylor's POV
I am Taylor Brooks. You probably never heard of me. I'm Tessa Brooks' twin sister. Since she became part of Team 10 and all, I have been maybe, sorta, kinda, a LOT jealous. Well, duh, who wouldn't be? Anyway, on with the story. 
Tessa sent me plane tickets to fly to Los Angeles, California to stay with her and the rest of Team 10 for a month or two. It'll be really fun, I thought. So that's what I did. I flew to California from Ohio. When I got there, Tessa ran up to me. "Oh, my gosh, Tay, I missed you so much! The last time I saw you, we were just about to turn 14." "Awe, Tessa, don't cry. I missed you too. I can't believe it has been 4 years." "Come on, Taylor. Let's go to the Team 10 house." Tessa said and I agreed. When we got to the Team 10 house, Tessa immediately yelled for everyone. When everyone was in the room, Tessa introduced me to everyone. "Everyone, this is my twin sister, Taylor. She dances like me, but that is about all we have in common besides our looks." Everyone said hi to me then I got introduced to everyone personally. "You're really pretty." A boy with brown-blond hair and blue eyes said to me. "Oh, back off, Chance." Tessa said "You flirt with literally every girl. She just got here. I'm Erika." Said a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She was super nice. "Whatever." The boy that called me pretty, I guess was Chance, said, and walked away. "Hey." I replied to Erika shyly. "Oh, hey, boys! Tay speaks some Spanish too." Tessa yelled to two boys. I guessed they were twins. Identical Twins. And, oh my gosh they were so cute. And they were Spanish!
"Hey. I am Emilio and he is Ivan." One of the twins said. They had blue eyes and brown hair with natural blond highlights. "Hey." I smiled. I think I just met the boy of my dreams.  Seriously. They were so adorable and sweet! Wait, I'm thinking about things way to early! "Hey, who wants ice cream?" Jake asked, yelling. Everyone yelled "me", accept Emilio, Ivan, Tessa and me. Everyone left. "Hey I am going to go to dance class." Tessa said. "Okay. Goodbye." Ivan said. "Bye, Taylor. Have fun with the twins." Ahe winked at Emilio. She knew somethibg that I didn't. "What do you want to watch, Taylor?" Emilio asked. "Ummm, I don't really care. You can pick." Ivan left to go upstairs and charge his phone, but did not come back down for a while. Emilio and I chose to watch a scary movie. He put his arm around me and for the scary parts; I would always bury my face into his sweatshirt and he would say soothing things such as, "Awe, don't be scared, it is just a movie." or hug me and say "It is okay, Taylor. Don't be scared." He was so sweet to me. Sometime during the middle of the movie, the rest of Team 10 came back and just went upstairs. When the movie was finally over, he leaned close to me and asked, "Are you okay, Tay?" "That was really scary." I replied, shaking. "It's okay." Emilio said. "I got you." He kissed me on the lips and it was the best feeling ever. This was all moving too fast. "I love you, Taylor Brooks, even though we just met. I don't even care." He said. I smiled. He was thinking the same thing; way too fast. "I love you too Emilio Martinez." Then he said good night and he loves me, again. Then we went upstairs to sleep. The next day, I woke up to Emilio talking to Ivan.

"Ella realmente me gusta." Emilio said (I really like her)

"Luego preguntale a ella." Ivan suggested (Then ask her out)

"Y si ella me rechaza?" Emilio asked. (What if she rejects me though)

"Dudo que lo haga. Ella realmente te quiere. Puedo decir."Ivan said truthfully. (I doubt she will. She really likes you. I can tell.)

"Val hombre." Emilio replied. (Okay man)

I got out of bed and walked downstairs– which I probably shouldn't of have done. I looked like crap and Jake was vlogging. "Good morning, Tessa." Jake said to me, enthusiastically. "Oh, um, I am not Tessa." I replied, shyly, looking down at the floor. "Oh, hey, Taylor. Do you want to tell the Jake Paulers good morning?" "Nah, no thanks, Jake. I'm a Loggangster more and I support them more. Your brother is very funny. And cute." I said jokingly. His jawdropped and he playfully started hitting me and saying "STOP!" or "Get out of this house!" 
"I was kidding, Jake. I just look like crap because I just woke up." I laughed. "Taylor, you never look like crap and can never look like crap. You are the most beautiful girl ever and you have beautiful brown-green eyes." Jake said. He leaned in to kiss me but he didn't get the chance because I pulled back. "Sorry, Jake." I said. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked. "Because that can be taken care of. I-" I cut him off. "Sorry, Jake. I don't have a boyfriend, but I really like Emilio. He's cute and sweet and honest and he kinda has a real personality." I replied. Then I turned around to walk away but Emilio was standing there. I walked up to him and he grabbed my hands. "Will you go out with me, Taylor?" "YES!" I replied instantly but stopped. "Wait, you are Emilio, right?" I asked. "No, I am Ivan." he answered, jokingly. "Then I take my yes back." I replied, giggling because I knew it was Emilio already because I know how to tell the difference. He giggled too. "I am Emilio. But you aren't Tessa right?" he asked nervously. "I'm Taylor, but I look like crap right now." I replied "No, you do not." He looked up from my eyes and gave Jake a dirty look.  "Come on, man. Thats my girl." Jake ignored him. "Taylor would you like to join Team 10?" "Yes." Emilio answered for me and I smiled at him. I nodded to Jake then Emilio and I left the room. "Are you a Martinator?" Emilio asked me. "Duh! I had a crush on you both since you started social media, but I always thought you were a little cuter." I laughed. "You want to be in a video with us then?" He asked me, his 'v' sounding like a 'b'. "OFCOURSE!" I screamed "And we can tell them we are together now. What should our ship name be?" "Temilio." Emilio replied. We both smiled and he leaned in closer and kissed me. And I didn't pull away. At that moment I knew that I would love this one, Always and Forever, I would have him in my heart, Always and Forever, and we would be together, Always and Forever.
1183 words

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