18-Loosing two, gaining five

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Zach's POV
The babies were behaving so well! And they are so adorable Ugh! One of the babies starting crying. "Aww, baby, don't cry! It'll be okay." Jonah assured the baby boy he was holding. "Jonah! You idiot! You're making him cry! He doesn't like you!" Logan yelled and we all laughed. "I'd like to see you try it, Mr.I-know-everything-about-babies." Jonah said. Logan took the baby from Jonah. He immediately stopped crying. Logan smiled at the baby he was holding. "Well I can already tell that Maverick is gonna be a Maverick!" He cooed. Logan smirked at Jonah cockily. Jonah rolled his eyes. "I hate you." He said. "What? What was that? You really shouldn't mutter!" Logan yelled, even though Jonah did mutter it. Logan was just being cocky. "Shut up, Logan!" Jack yelled. "What? What was that? You're telling me to shut up in my own house?" Logan fake gasped. I laughed. This situation is hilarious. The boys all rolled their eyes. Taylor's babies were actually quiet. It was Annie's babies that were loud. It was really funny. I know I'm only sixteen, but I hope to have a family of my own one day.
Taylor's POV
I was still arguing with Emilio. Annie and Ivan were still in a fight. They were super mad at us. I was done with those stupid Spanish boys. Annie and I decided to not go swimming with they rest of Team 10 and just go to Logan's. Jake was swimming at the beach so if we wanted to go swimming with Logan, we decided to just not go there. We were in the car on our way to Logan's. Driving, was Jake. In the passenger seat sat Nick. In the middle of the van was Alex on the right, Tessa in the middle, and Tristan on the left. Then it the third row of seats was Chad on the right, Erika in the middle, and Anthony on the left. And finally in the last five seats in the very back, sat Ivan on the right, then Chance beside him, then Emilio beside Chance, then me, then Annie. I didn't like the fact that Emilio was so close to me when we were fighting. It made me angry. He ignored me and I ignored him like Annie ignored Ivan and Ivan ignored Annie. I don't know why they couldn't sit by Chad and Anthony. Annie and I were on our phones, waiting to get to Logan's. Jake was blasting the song, "Logan Sucks", his diss track. He got so many dirty looks from Logangsters when we pulled up. I hated that Jake put, "Why Don't We is the Walmart One Direction." Annie and I were quick to get out of the van. "Bye." Jake yelled out the window. "Bye." Annie and I waved at him. "See you later." Tessa and Erika said in unison. We waved at them. The van pulled away and Annie and I started walking up the stairs to Logan's apartment.
Logan's POV
Taylor and Emilio got in a fight and so did Annie and Ivan. I felt bad. Taylor was like a little sister to me and so was Annie. If they wanted me to kick those Spanish boys' butts, trust me, I'm willing to go to jail over it. Tay and Annie mean a lot to me. I've known them and Tessa since Jake and I lived in Ohio. I would do anything for them.
Anyway, Jake was going swimming with team 10, and Tay and Annie don't wanna go because of the fight, so I offered them to come over. They accepted, just like I knew they would.
"What do you mean?" Jack asked me, confused. "I mean Taylor and Emilio got into a fight. And so did Annie and Ivan." I explained to them. "About what?" Daniel asked with a frown. "Emilio and Ivan are mad because Tay and Annie like you guys." I replied. "Um...why, exactly? We are a band, of course some people are going to like us and our music. Especially girls. If Emilio and Ivan can't except that fact and that their wives are allowed to like bands, then they are really stupid and don't deserve the amazing girls that they are married to. They should trust Tay and Annie. I trust Christina enough to be in a long distance relationship." Corbyn said. I smiled at him. This is why he's the only one in a relationship. He's so sweet and he sticks up for girls. There was a knock on the door. "Who's that?" Jonah asked. I went over to the door and opened it to reveal two familiar girls to them- Taylor and Annie. "Hey." I said, embracing them in a tight hug. "Hey." Annie replied. "Do you got any food?" Taylor asked, looking at me. "No. I live in an apartment and I'm in it for more then eight hours a day and I don't have food." I replied sarcastically, trying to make them laugh. They didn't budge. "But I do have this." I said, pulling out a white plate from my cabinet I took when I found out they were coming. I smashed it on the ground. They still didn't move. They usually jump or laugh, what the heck? "Logan, you're not gonna make them happy. They want food." Ayla told me. I rolled my eyes. "No, honey, no." "Yes, honey, yes." Annie mimicked me, switching no with yes. A sarcastic smirk spread across her face. Her and Taylor went over to Ayla and sat down. Ayla got up and went into the kitchen. "So, what happened?" I asked them. "Um, I'm pretty sure Ivan and I are over." Annie said, looking down at her hands. "Same with Emilio and I." Taylor said, looking down. I sighed. "Hey!" Zach said. "Don't be sad! It's okay. If something is meant to be, it'll be." Tessa girls smiled at him. The WDW boys laughed. "I said boom boom, now let me here you say WAYHOO!" Jack yelled at the girls. "WAYHOO!" They yelled back. We all laughed. Ayla came back into the living room with bowls of ice cream. "Me! Me! Mine!" Corbyn yelled, reaching for a bowl. "No. The first bowls go to Annie and Tay." Ayla smacked Corbyn's hands away. "Ow! You're strong for being teeny tiny." Corbyn winced in fake pain. We all laughed. "No! I want it!" I yelled. "No!" Ayla slapped my hands. "Ow!" I yelled. Taylor and Annie smiled. I was happy to see them smiling again.
Annie's POV (yaaas it's back!)
It was funny to see WDW and Logan and Ayla trying to make Tay and me smile. This is why I loved Logan so much. He cared about our feelings, unlike Jake. Through all of the years I have known the Paul brothers, Logan has been the one who cared more about us, the one who was more like a big brother to us, ect. Jake was just a butt head. He didn't care at all. He was rude. Ugh! Anyway, off that topic before I get mad at Jake.
"Hey!" Jonah yelled. "What?" Tay and I yelled back. "Wanna go swimming?" He yelled. "Where?" Logan asked. "We have a house, Logan. We have our own pool there." Daniel said sarcastically. "Sure!" Taylor and I agreed. So did Ayla and Logan. This was gonna be more fun then swimming with Team 10!
Taylor's POV
We got (Logan's manager) Jeff to watch the babies. Annie, Ayla, Logan, Zach, Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, Jack, and I were at the WDW house swimming in the WDW pool. Well, the boys all were. Ayla, Annie, and I were sitting on the edge, with our feet in the water, talking. "I don't know how I feel about that." I told Ayla laughing. We were
talking about what it would be like to eat bugs if the world ran out of food. "Same." Annie replied. "I would eat Cat and dog fo-" I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence. I got pulled into the pool. I came back up to see Logan and four WDW boys laughing. Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, Jack...who's missing? Oh, Zach! I turn around to see him laughing. "What the heck, why would you do that?" I scream at him, slapping him playfully. "Because." He laughed. "That's not an answer!" I yelled again. Of course, I was just messing around. I wasn't actually mad at him. "Fine. Because it's funny." He responded, smirking. "Ugh!" I shrieked. Annie and Ayla were giggling. "It's funny!" Corbyn yelled at me. "Help me out." I told him. "Nope." He said, not falling for my trick. "I'll help." Jonah offered. I smiled at him. "Thanks." "Yep." He responded. I already had my evil plan mastered. He grabbed my hand to help me out, but instead of helping me out, he ended up in the pool with me. I laughed. "What was that for?" He shrieked. "How was I stupid enough to fall for that?" "It's funny!" I mimicked Zach. Zach laughed. "It is kinda funny, Jonah." "Corbean is smart." I smiled at Corbyn, laughing at what I called him. "He didn't fall for it." "You're having fun without Martinez!" Logan yelled excitedly. "You loose some, you gain some, you eat some....that's my motto." Jack said, the jumped into the pool. We all laughed. I guess Jack was right. Annie and I lost two, but gained five.
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