17-Why dont we meet Why Dont We?

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Long chapter✌🏼️
Taylor's POV
The new house was absolutely beautiful! Jake and Erika wanted to share a room. Emilio and I were sharing a room, and so was Ivan and Annie. Anthony had his own room. Chad had his own room as well. Since Chessa was over, Chance and Tessa were obviously not sharing a room. Everyone else had their own room too. "The house is gorgeous!" Annie said to Jake. "Well it should be. It was $70,000,000." Jake replied smiling. "Holy sh*t." Ivan exclaimed. Everyone was in the living room relaxing. The babies were napping.
"I'm so excited that I'm finally at Uncle!" Kade said. "You were always an uncle, there were just no kids." Tessa laughed. "Yeah." Alex agreed. I smiled. Everyone was being so supportive about the babies. This is why I love everyone on Team 10 or that come to the house almost everyday. They were basically my family from another family. Except Tessa; she's my twin sister. I am thankful for everything that has happened to me so far. I hate to admit it, but even meeting Mackenzie. But, positive vibes only. Today, Jake was taking us swimming so Logan volunteered to watch the babies. "What time is it?" Jake asked. "1:15." Emilio answered. "It's time." Jake said all evilly with a smirk. I laughed and so did Annie. We went upstairs to get the babies with Emilio and Ivan following close behind as well as Tessa. Emilio and I went to the boys nursery and got Matthew. I picked him up and handed him to Emilio. Annie and Ivan went to the boy nursery to get Maverick and Oliver. Ivan picked up Oliver and Annie picked up Maverick, handing him to Tessa. Then we went across the hall to the girl nursery to get Mariana and Annie got Evangeline. We put them in their car seats and took them downstairs. We put the babies in the team 10 van and then Jake drove Annie, Ivan, Emilio, the babies, Tessa, and I to Logan's.
Skip ride bc I'm lazyyyy
When we arrived at Logan's at last, Tessa grabbed a car seat, Annie grabbed a car seat, Ivan grabbed a car seat, Emilio grabbed a car seat, and so did I. We went inside the apartment building. We went to Logan's room and knocked on the door. "WHO THE F**K IS KNOCKING ON MY DOOR WHEN IM VLOGGING?" Logan yelled and Annie and I giggled. Logan opened the door and gasped. "Oh my gosh, are those my nieces and nephews that I'm an uncle to not by blood but I'm still the uncle of?" He cooed and opened the door wide enough for us to come in. I set the car seat down and saw Ayla on the couch on her phone. "AYLA!" I yelled. "TAYLOR!" She yelled back and she ran to me and hugged me. "Wait, you are Taylor, right?" She asked studying my face to make sure I wasn't Tessa. "Yes." I laughed. I honestly missed Ayla so much. She is one of my best friends. I love her so much. "You had kids, I heard?" She asked, smiling. She always thought I should wait until I was like twenty at least to have kids. "And married." I replied, smiling and showing her my ring. I pointed to the car seats. "Which one is yours, there's five?" She asked. I laughed. "Ones." I corrected. "Twins?" She asked surprised. I laughed. "Who could possibly be the dad?" She looked at Ivan and Emilio. "No really though, is it Ivan of Emilio?" "The one with the pink car seat with elephants is my daughter Mariana, and the one with the blue car seat with shapes is Matthew. And the dad is Emilio." She went over to the babies. "Aww you are so cute. Yes you are." She cooed. Then she looked up at Emilio. "Are you sure these are your babies? They're cuter than you." Then she looked down at Mariana and Matthew again. "Yeah I'm su- Hey!" Emilio said. I laughed. It was funny because he didn't realize what Ayla said at first. Emilio was giving Ayla the death glare. Ayla moved on to Annie and Ivan's babies. "Who are you?" She cooed at Evangeline. "That's Evangeline." Ivan spoke up. After Ayla was done with the babies, she came over and sat down next to Annie and me. "What are their full names? And you didn't name any of them in Spanish." Ayla said sadly. "Actually, their first names are English but their middle names are Spanish for Annie and Ivan's babies, but Emilio and my babies names whole names are in Spanish. Since Emilio and Ivan's last names are Martinez Perez, we were gonna add Perez but we didn't." I explained. "It's Evangeline Ivanna Martínez, Maverick Damián Martínez, and Oliver Alejandro Martínez for my babies." "And it's Mariana Sofía Martínez and Matthew Omar Martínez." I explained. Ayla smiled. "That's so cool." I was wondering were Logan was. He was being so quiet. Then he came into the room. "Hey, Ayla, Annie, Taylor. Watch this!" Logan yelled. "No, don't!" Ayla screamed. He pulled out a plate and threw it on the ground and it shattered into thousands of thousands of pieces. Annie and I jumped. "Why would you do that?" Annie and I yelled in unison. Logan smiled awkwardly. "Because it's fun." She answered but it came out as more of a question. "I don't trust that idiot with the triplets, or the twins." Annie said, shaking her head. "Nope. Bye. See ya later." She picked up Evangeline and handed her to Ayla. "I can trust you, right?" She asked. "Of course!" Ayla responded. Annie was right. Only a crazy person would be able to trust Logan with the babies. Logan had one more chance to prove to me that he could watch the things that I gave birth to called my kids. I was nervous. "Don't worry. I'll have extra people here anyway to help me watch them." Logan said, smiling. "Who?" Ivan and Emilio said in unison. There was a knock at the door. "And it looks like they're here now." He went to the door. He opened it to reveal five boys. They smiled and walked in. "Ivan, Emilio, Annie, Taylor, meet W-" Annie and I cut Logan off. "THE WHY DON'T WE BOYS!" Annie and I screamed at the top of our lungs in unison. At this point, we were jumping up and down on Logan's couch. Oops. The boys looked at us like we were crazy. Ivan and Emilio were giving the boys dirty looks. Oh no.
"Sorry." Annie and I apologized. We sat back down on our butts and whisper-yelled again, "THE WHY DON'T WE BOYS!" Logan raised his eye brows. "Um...i'll be right back." He said. He went into the kitchen. The Why Don't We boys sat down. (If you don't know who they are it's a band Logan and only everyone else on planet Earth knows that have angelic voices.) There's Zach, Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, and Jack. Emilio and Ivan were still giving the WDW boys dirty looks. I gave Emilio and Ivan dirty looks for giving WDW dirty looks so they stopped immediately when they knew we caught them. Logan finally came back into the living room. He had two sheets of paper that had, in sharpie, written, "YOU GUD BRO?" And then it said "CIRCLE ONE: YES OR NO." Logan handed Annie and me a sheet and a sharpie. I circled no and saw that Annie had done the same. He was vlogging everything. Annie and I turned in our sheets to Logan. "WHAT THE F**K?!" He screamed. The WDW boys were laughing. "So." Jack asked. "Since you like us, who do you like the most?" Okay, I know I'm married and have kids. But I'm only eighteen. I can still like music and adore the people who make it. Annie and I blushed. "Daniel." Annie muttered. Corbyn elbowed him and Daniel smiled at her. The other boys went "Ooohh" and Logan said. "ITS DIANNE! COMMENT OF YOU SHIP IT!" Then he said, "Annie answered. Now you, Taylor." I blushed and saw Emilio looking at me. I ignored him. "I don't like any of them." I lied. "Lier!" Annie yelled at me. "You like Zach and Corbyn, but Zach more." Jack looked at Zach who was looking at Corbyn. "Ooohhh." Jonah said. "Shut up, she likes you a little." Annie said to Jonah. I was blushing hard by now. Why did Annie have to do this? Ugh. But this is why we are friends. I love her anyways. Emilio was giving me dirty looks. "Do you really think a girl could resist a boy who sings? I think not!" Ayla said proudly, making the situation less uncomfortable. I hugged her. "I mean, I personally like Jack." She said. She didn't blush at all! Wtf, how? Ayla might be short but there was no stopping her confidence. Jack was blushing, and hard. And I mean hard. Oohh, I think I found my new OTP! I'm gonna try to at them together. But, what about Layla? (Logan and Ayla.) I'm so nervous though. I'm married and have kids with an amazing guy. And my best friend has his brother. But, we have loved Why Don't We since they became a band and I was with Daniel since day one, when he was on American Idol. Ugh. This is gonna be a mess.
Emilio's POV
I can't believe Taylor likes Zach! And Corbyn, and Jonah! What the heck! We are married and have two kids together! What is wrong with her? I know she's still young and can like other people, but I'm just nervous and afraid of loosing her. I have lost other girls in the past that meant a lot to me but they didn't make me feel how Tay makes me feel. I do not want to loose her. She's amazing. I could have liked Tessa, but I don't. I didn't. I never have. Probably never will. She looks like Taylor, but that's all they have in common. I'm not with Taylor because of her looks, either. It's her personality. It just draws me in. I don't know how she does it, but she does.

Taylor's POV
We left Why Don't We with the babies. There was a baby for each of them. Corbyn had Matthew, Daniel had Evangeline, Zach had Mariana, Jonah had Maverick, and Jack had Oliver. Logan was obsessed that Annie and Ivan's baby had the same name as his bird. It was kinda funny how he was acting over it. Anyway, once we left the babies with WDW and we went back down to the van where Jake was waiting, we left and went back to the Team 10 house. When we went inside, I was in my bedroom getting ready to go swimming, and Emilio came into our room. "Hey." I smiled at him. He looked upset. "Where are you going? To see your boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm married. To you, idiot. And I have kids with you. And I probably wouldn't date Zach. I'm getting ready to go swimming because Jake said we are going swimming. You already know this, Emilio. Chill." Emilio rolled his eyes and grabbed his swimming trucks from out of his dresser. "Whatever." He muttered, and walked out. What's his problem? I put clothes on over my bathing suit and walked out. I saw Annie in the hallway. She was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked, hugging her. "Ivan is mad at me." She managed to say. Now I was mad. I walked into her and Ivan's shared room. He was sitting on the bed. "What the heck, Ivan!" I yelled at him. "What?" He asked, rolling his eyes at me. "Annie didn't do anything to you!" I screamed back. "SHE LIKES DANIEL!" He screamed at me. "So? WE ARE YOUNG. WE CAN STILL LIKE MUSIC AND BANDS! CHILLAX! SHES NOT GONNA LEAVE YOU; YOU ARE MARRIED TO HER AND YOU HAVE KIDS WITH HER!" He rolled his eyes again. "How do you know that for sure?" He yelled at me. "Because she's my best friend, and I know Annie." I replied. "Whatever." What is with these Spanish boys and thinking we are gonna cheat on them? Dang.

2073 words :)

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