Chapter Two: New Faces

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Arya spun, knocking the unfamiliar arm off her shoulders. Years of training had kicked in almost instinctually and her eyes narrowed on the person standing behind them, feet spread apart – her stance low and wide, just like she'd been taught. She looked at the girl now in front of her, glancing from head to toe.

She was wiry and tall, her hair a shade lighter than Jake's own and tied back in a neat braid. Shorter strands of hair framed her face, revealing a set of green eyes which soon crinkled up as she smiled. "Hey, little minion," she said, ignoring the wheezing blonde by Arya's side for a few moments until he regained the ability to breathe. "How's it going, Jakey?" she asked a breath later. "Break any rules yet?"

"Lydia," Jake breathed, grabbing his chest. "Don't scare me like that."

"But your reactions are adorable." She prodded his cheek. "Besides, you should really get used to jump scares... They're not all that scary."

"Says the girl who's been watching horror movies since she was three."

Lydia brushed the remark off, turning to Arya instead. "Hey there, little First Year."

"I'm not little." She folded her arms.

"You are," Jake said.

"I'm exactly five and half centimetres taller than the average fifteen-year-old – stop calling me little!"

Jake patted her head. "You're still smaller than me, which makes you little in my book."

"Tell me where that book is, and I'll burn it."

Lydia poked her nose. "There, there, little pyro."

"Whatcha doing here, Lyd?" Jake asked, cutting off Arya's retort before she could even open her mouth. He relaxed almost immediately and she followed suit. Her arms fell back to her sides and Arya stared curiously at the newcomer.

Lydia smiled. "Chill, I just came to say hi... Oh, and to warn you that everyone on the Disciplinary Committee has an eye out for you and your lazy little backside."


"Um, who are you?" Arya finally asked.

"Oh, how rude of me," Lydia said. "I'm Lydia Jones, one of the Four Underground Kings here at Riverdale." She folded her arms, pride written across her face as her chest puffed out. "One of the most important people you'll probably have the pleasure of meeting throughout your time here."

She stared at her blankly. "Are you trying to show off?"

Jake laughed. "She's got you there, Lyd."

"Pfft." Lydia pouted.

Arya stared between the pair. "Anyway, sorry to interrupt your riveting conversation, but what the hell is an Underground King?"

"You don't know?"

"She's a First Year, Lyd. She's clueless."

"You flatter me," Arya responded.

"I think you'll fit right in with us." Lydia chuckled, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "Good job scouting this one out, Jakey."

She tilted her head, staring up at her senior, struggling to keep herself from shying away at the sudden closeness. "No complements for my awesomeness?"

Lydia sniggered. "Can we keep her?"

Jake shook his head, his lips curling up into a small smile. "Of course."

"Could you at least answer my question before you decide to adopt me?"

"Oh. Of course," Lydia said, slamming her hand over Jake's mouth before he could get another word out. "The Underground Kings are sorta the opposite of the Disciplinary Committee – they enforce order, we encourage chaos. In other words, we're the fun part of the school."

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